They were always under pressure, worried that pursuers would rush out from behind at any time, and the escapees were highly stressed.

After arriving at Zhao Lushi's house, they were in a closed environment and there was no crisis. The escapees relaxed a little and the expressions on their faces became more relaxed.

But when the young lady picked up her mobile phone and showed it to everyone, the living room became quiet for an instant, and several people immediately got up and were ready to escape.

"Gotta pick it up,"

Ning Zhou said immediately.

"Let's deal with it."

Zhao Lushi nodded slightly and turned on the speaker.

"Hello, Teacher He, what's going on?"

The fugitives around him didn't dare to express their anger and just stared at their mobile phones blankly.

"Hi, what are you doing?"

Zhao Lushi was very calm: "I'm thinking about what to eat tonight. What about you, have you caught anyone?"

"Hey, stop talking," Teacher He sighed, "I came too late, I just saw them running away, and finally lost them."

Huang Lei was stunned and exchanged glances with the members. He was actually cheating.

Ning Zhou immediately took out his cell phone, typed out a few words, and placed them in front of Zhao Lushi.

He's talking.

The young lady made an OK gesture and did not stop chatting.

"Aren't there cameras on the streets? You should be able to see them."

"Well, we are watching the surveillance, and we have a general direction. The results will be available soon. We don't need to worry about these things."

After hearing this, Hou Minghao and others showed embarrassment on their faces.


It is possible that Teacher He is committing fraud, but with so many surveillance cameras, it is not impossible to be caught on camera.

"Then I wish you good luck."

"Thank you," Teacher He changed the subject: "I'm going to wait for clues from the headquarters now. It happens to be fine. Wherever you live, I'll come and make a meal."

Zhao Lushi kept looking at Ning Zhou, and when she saw him nodding, she didn't hesitate.

"Okay, my home is in 1903, Building 4, XXX Community, XX Road. I don't know what to eat. Do you have anything you want to eat? Make sure you agree in advance. I don't know how to cook. I just order takeout."

"It will take a while for me to get over here. Wait, there are only two of you. I didn't remember it just now. Send me the address on WeChat."

"Okay, see you later!"

Beep beep. The phone hangs up.

"Damn it, why did Teacher He come?"

Ning Zhou also stood up: "Come on, tidy up the room immediately, and then take all the things you bought to the car.

Our cups also need to be washed, and by the way, garbage bags. Miss Zhao can't eat so many pieces of watermelon by herself. "

With many people and quick hands, in two minutes, the living room was restored to its original state.

The other people took their things and went downstairs first, leaving Huang Lei and Ning Zhou to see if they had missed anything.

"Just calm down later and act like usual."

"But, I'm a little nervous."

Although the young lady was very calm when talking on the phone just now, this will be a bit confusing.

Ning Zhou pointed to the corner.

"You can change your clothes and go do yoga, it won't be too out of the ordinary."

"What if, what if they want to watch the surveillance?"

Zhao Lushi was still attentive.

“Only when I have doubts do I go to see it, because it takes too much time.

If they take any action during this period, you can send me a WeChat message and we will leave immediately. "


The fugitives were discussing, and so were the pursuers.

Teacher He was not the only one calling, other members were also in contact.

From their perspective, the escapee going to the home of a celebrity they met in the afternoon was only one possibility, and it was not high.

But I am currently in a clueless state, and I am idle. I must do something, just in case.

"Seems pretty calm."

Teacher He nodded: "She should be fine."

After saying a few words, the phone vibrated and the address was sent.

“Actually, if the fugitives go over, we can’t think of it as a warning.

What to do if you don’t know the address? If you find someone to contact her agent or assistant, the information will also be leaked layer by layer.

Let's go take a look first, it's not far from us. "

He said hello to the others.

"We mainly observed in the past. Your sudden attack was okay. Some of you said hello, looked at the bathroom, the coffee table, the sink and so on.

Artists almost always live by themselves. If something suddenly happens, there must be a problem, so it’s time to leave. "

Since it is just a guess, there is no need for nine people to set off together and visit separately, which is more efficient.

Even if there is an emergency, it's okay as long as one or two can be caught.

Teacher He is still with his old partner Yang Rong. This time he adds Lu Han, a young man who can chase him if he encounters a situation.

The navigation showed 6.8 kilometers, but it was the real evening rush hour at this time. It was considered good to pass a red light twice, but the driving speed was not fast.

Lu Han was lamenting that if he saw a fugitive 200 meters ahead, he might not be able to catch up with him.

You can hear the subtext, Zhao Lushi's trip there must be in vain.

It took at least half an hour to arrive, and the day lilies were cold.

Teacher He stepped on the brake and let a few pedestrians pass: "It's okay, our main purpose is not to arrest people, but to eliminate a wrong answer. If we look back and find that they are really in someone's home, we will regret it in our intestines." "

"Blame me."

Yang Rong blamed himself very much.

"If I had gone directly there, I would have caught at least one of them."

The members of Chasing had regrets, but no one blamed him, but as a person involved, he naturally felt uncomfortable.

I thought a lot about what if,

If Ning Zhou is really caught, it will at least be of great help to morale, not to mention whether we can get more clues.

"You don't have to blame yourself. Anyone else would normally not go up and ask."

Lu Han comforted.

"The one who is really angry is Chen Weiting. He was molested by Ning Zhou twice. When he mentioned his name, he gritted his teeth. If there is a chance for a head-on confrontation, Wei Ting will definitely use his full strength."

"Hahaha," Teacher He continued: "Yes, no one would have thought that Ning Zhou would be so bold and pass by directly.

That is to say, he is quite nervous. If it were us, we should be able to detect it. "

The audience laughed even more happily when they saw this scene.

"Teacher He, Ning Zhou is really here."

"He also took a frontal photo of you, only two meters away."

"Oh, that's why I don't dare to talk nonsense, it's easy to get slapped in the face."

Yang Rong hid his negative emotions: "I feel like fugitives are harder to catch than I thought. So, is Ning Zhou a highly intelligent person?"


Lu Han was unsure, so he took out his phone and looked at it.

"The data shows it is 118, which seems to be within the normal range."

"But," Teacher He tilted his head: "Does high IQ really help in escape? I remember that they all have achievements in academic fields. Of course, those in film and television works do not count."

"Then I don't know. Anyway, this man is at least very courageous. He was also responsible for the robbery."

Just chatting and chatting, we arrived at our destination.

Teacher He did not call Zhao Lushi again, but directly followed the tenant into the elevator.

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