Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 77 A bright future

Wei Cheng laughed, you still want to get our information.

Li Tong was a little helpless. Interrogating prisoners is actually an art and requires a lot of experience.

Chasing team members is still a bit too young.

And, at the end of the day, this is a show, and many of the tricks and methods don't work.

"No, he's stalling for time."

After listening for a while, Niu Dali looked at Lao Zhao, who was still talking incessantly in the camera, but what he said was completely nutritious, and instinctively felt that something was wrong.

I looked at the time and saw that there was only one hour left.

"Does he have other properties or something?"

Jin Dazhou from Bangzi Country was facing the computer: "Her daughter also has a house in her name, but would she really hide people in her own home?"

“The most dangerous place is the safest place.

To them our arrival was distinctly unexpected, and I suspect.

The fugitives knew that the chasing team had been in Fengcheng before, so they deliberately moved the vehicle to Wuyuan.

Whether we know it or not,

Fugitives should think that they are safe, so there is no need to take risks and hide in hotels or other places. "

Li Tong thought for a while: "Wei Cheng, now I say something and you repeat it with the same tone. Don't ask why yet."

"What, we have a clue, right? Everyone is ready."


"Zhao Ya's home, right?"

Bang, Li Tong slapped the table.

"Everyone, go to Zhao Ya's house immediately."

As I said before, people's instinctive reactions will betray their inner thoughts.

When Wei Cheng mentioned Zhao Ya's family in front of Lao Zhao, the panic on his face already explained the problem.

Moreover, after the pursuit team took away his mobile phone and left one person to guard it, he seemed to have lost his soul.

“Attention team members, weapons checked.

There are still fifty-five minutes left before the end of the mission. They may leave. They may not be asleep. They have weapons in their hands, so be careful."

"I'm sorry for you"

After hearing the pursuer's complete conversation and decision, Lao Zhao lowered his head and grabbed his hair.

He meant to help, but he never thought about it.

Li Yitong, who was responsible for guarding Lao Zhao, saw him like this and secretly sent a message, which must be right.

Chen Weiting was wandering around outside. After receiving the order, he immediately went to Miss Zhao.

Time is tight, don't dare to neglect.

The advantage of being a small county town is that it is close to everything, and you can reach your destination in about ten minutes.

On the way, I had contacted the property department and stood at the gate to greet him.

After pointing the direction, the seven people drove the car directly downstairs.

Miss Zhao's home is on the fifth floor. Five people took the elevator, two people blocked the stairs, and arrived at the door smoothly.

"Hello, I'm from the real estate department. Is anyone home?"

The accompanying staff knocked on the door.

"Hello, there was a leak in the bathroom downstairs, so I came to take a look. This is my work badge."

Isn't it gone?

After knocking several times and getting no response, Chen Weiting frowned. Before he could speak, click, the lights inside could be seen from the window.


"Hello, I'm from the property management department, Wudengcao. I just received a call from the owner."

Click, the door opened.

Hurrah, several people immediately rushed in with guns raised.

"do not move."

"Put your hands up."

"Be honest."

The scene in Lu Han's imagination was that after everyone rushed in, the escapees looked at each other, high-fived and celebrated, and the game was over.

Or, some of the people are here, continuing to pursue the remaining few.

But when the members entered the house holding guns and shouting to embolden themselves, no one was seen at all.

"Probably in the bedroom,"

"The bedroom is empty."

"Maybe in the second bedroom,"

"There is no one in the second bedroom."

"may be at"

Why is it so familiar? I’ve seen it all in a house of over a hundred square meters, including a wardrobe under the bed, a balcony, and a bathroom.

All I can say is that people were once there.

Because there are obviously traces in the house, and they are traces of multiple people.

The floor in the living room was not tidied, the trash cans were piled up, and there were several disposable cups on the table.

"Where did they go?"

Miss Zhao shook her head: "I don't know, I'm not going to lie to you, I don't know where I went."

"What time did you leave?"

"We can't talk about this." Miss Zhao was very firm.

Yes, father and daughter are the same.

"Brother Wei Ting, look."

The young lady's cell phone was opened, and it was full of photos.

"Look at the call history and WeChat."

The pursuers were disappointed and came up empty.

"what to do?"

Asking, asking can't give any clues, people, people don't know where they are?

"It shouldn't be.

Our coming here was a temporary decision, how could the escapees know?

Unless the program team reveals the news. "

"Not the show team!"

Instructions from headquarters.

"The fugitive was too alert. He took her mobile phone and there might be call records.

Also, you guys head to the highway intersection immediately. "

To be honest, the pursuers had a headache when they heard the word "high speed".

It's only been a few days, and I've already gone up and down a lot, and followed it a lot, but every time I failed.

"How can we be sure that they will leave immediately? Maybe they are still hiding in Fengcheng County."

Although they had doubts, a few people did not dare to waste time.


Li Tong knew that there might be a big action tonight, so he rested for a few hours in the afternoon, and he could still withstand it.

“As a fugitive, I chose to leave even though my current place of residence was known to be safe.

Either be cautious or make a decision in advance.

No matter which option they chose, it meant one thing. If they planned to leave Fengcheng County, they would naturally not go out on the spot and prepare for a rainy day.

I even have some doubts that our traces have been exposed.

There are still ten people leaving so late at night, which means there must be transportation.

Regardless of how they got here, I have also made arrangements for Wei Cheng to guard both sides of the national highway. If there is a suspect vehicle, follow immediately. "

“If they knew we were here, they would probably guess that the vehicle was exposed and captured by the high-speed probe, and they might choose to take the national highway, which is safer.

Are there fewer staff? "

"What you said makes sense. If you're on the highway, you won't lose it no matter how you turn.

In this way, Chen Weiting, Asa, Lu Han, the three of you go to the expressway, and I will arrange two more cars here immediately. "


Click, get in the car, Chen Weiting drives Hei Niu first, and kills it in a few mouthfuls.

I might have to stay up late again tonight, but fortunately, I can rest during the day.

Follow the navigation and the vehicle starts.

It can only be said that the pursuers will look at everyone as suspicious, even if they are facing the vehicles passing by, they will take a look with wide eyes.

"Attention all members, we have obtained the model and license plate of the vehicle used by the escapees."

"Fuck you, cow!"

"Teacher Li, how did you do it?"

"It's too awesome."

"It's clear that the willows are dark and the flowers are dark, aren't they?"

Having a license plate means you have a clear goal and you are instantly motivated.

"It's very simple. I asked Li Yitong to check Lao Zhao's mobile phone, which contains consumption records.

At around eight o'clock this morning, he rented two cars."

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