Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 78 Goodbye Fengcheng

For Miss Zhao, this day was quite a dream.

Bai Jingting and Hou Minghao mopped the floor, Huang Lei Zhouxun cooked in the kitchen, Yang Mi helped choose vegetables, and Zhang Jingyi wiped the table.

Everyone who sees her smiles and chats a few words, without any of the airs expected of a star.

So much so that Ning Zhou said that he couldn't go out and was under house arrest at this time. Instead of being unhappy, he was secretly grateful, thinking that he would be driven to live with his father.

There are as many as two to three hundred selfies and candid photos, and the image of my father has reached a record high.

During the meal, Huang Lei and the others were extremely polite to Comrade Lao Zhao and thanked him in various ways, awesome.

When she went to bed at night, the members initially refused her invitation. Later, they found that it was really difficult to rest outside, so they decided to play rock-paper-scissors.

Don't get me wrong, it's just girls.

In the end, sister Zhou Xun won. Miss Zhao didn't know how she slept, but she didn't fall asleep anyway.

A little after nine o'clock the next morning, Lao Zhao came.

I can only say it was grand. In addition to breakfast, I also got two car keys.

Yesterday, we originally said three cars, but Ning Zhou felt that more cars was not necessarily a good thing, and the goal was also big.

I was told not to buy a luxury car, so I chose a domestic SUV with a larger interior space and a different brand.

What disappoints Xiao Zhao is that the forty-eight hours will not end until two o'clock tomorrow morning.

But after nine o'clock in the evening, ten people began to go downstairs one after another, preparing to leave early.

No one said clearly why he left so early, but Miss Zhao could also understand that although she would not be exposed here, it was always right to be careful.

I can only go one way and say goodbye.

When all ten people left, I was confused for a while. What should I do?

Leaving early was not a temporary decision of the escapees.

From their point of view, no place is absolutely safe, and staying mobile will provide you with greater peace of mind.

After the little girl returned to her room last night, everyone in the living room discussed it and still felt that she should leave.

It doesn't matter where you go, as long as you are stuck in the room with no place to run when something unexpected happens.

"Where are we going now?"

Ning Zhou was the first to go downstairs, and the five of them immediately drove out of the community. The co-pilot Zhao Lushi closed the window and asked.

“Let’s find a place with few people first.

A large parking lot, park or something.

If you can sleep, just take a nap. You will definitely have to drive at night. "

Several people in the car said good things to each other, but they were still chatting.

Where can I sleep?

I was so tired last night that I fell asleep not long after dinner. It was only a little after ten o'clock.

No one shouted in the morning, and I got some sleep at noon, feeling full of energy.

After driving for about ten minutes, Huang Lei called. Zhao Lushi found a local villa and sent her location.

Another ten minutes and we arrived.

A two-way four-lane road, with mountains on both sides, and what looks like a villa in the middle.

It is estimated that due to local planning, although cars are allowed to pass at night, the speed is restricted.

On the grassland on both sides of the road are various small tea stalls.

On the inside, there are various small games, gadgets, and snacks laid out in a long row. There are many people, including families with children and elderly people.

The parking lot scans the license plate directly, and there is no one guarding it. In addition, the lights are dim and the lively spots are inside, so it is relatively safe for ten people to stay here.

"Suddenly I felt that peace is also happiness."

Zhao Lushi looked through the window at the lively scene in the distance and expressed feelings that were beyond her age.

Zhou Xun laughed from behind: "It's good that you can figure it out now.

When I was scrolling through Douyin, some celebrities, such as Xiaobai,

Bai Jingting turned around, what about me?

“Do your video comment areas often get swiped?

1. Pay taxes normally.

2. It’s pretty good now, no need for plastic surgery.

3. You can fall in love

Something like this. "

Hahahaha, after Zhou Xun finished speaking, everyone in the car laughed, and Xiaobai even clapped his hands.

"Sister Xun, I thought you were using 2G to access the Internet, but I didn't expect it."

"My mobile phone is 5G, not 2G."

As soon as he finished speaking, the car fell into silence briefly, followed by another burst of laughter, leaving Zhou Xun confused.

She had forgotten about the last time we talked about it.

"My sister Xun is a contradictory person. On the one hand, she can receive the latest information, but she is limited to information. She doesn't care about netizens' jokes and doesn't understand them."

Ning Zhou's summary was recognized by everyone. Only Zhou Xun looked confused, and it was Zhao Lushi who once again explained the meaning of 2G and 5G to her.

After chatting like this for a while, the car gradually became quiet.

Since I couldn't get off the car, I would naturally feel sleepy after staying there for a long time.

Ning Zhou closed his eyes here and prepared to squint for a while.

There was a lot of food and water in the trunk, and Lao Zhao said that he could use the vehicle as he pleased. He paid for a week in advance and would renew the lease as long as there was no special news later.

When it came to vehicles, Ning Zhou kept his mouth shut and didn't discuss it deliberately, for fear of being confused.

In fact, you can't blame him.

It’s just that today’s technology is so advanced that you can encounter several or even a dozen cameras even if you walk a few hundred meters.

Vehicle targets are large, and license plates are particularly easy to identify.

Maybe this time it will be different!

Just like that, the time came to half past one in the night.

Ning Zhou woke up from his sleep.

I slept very poorly, and I was peeing. The pursuer was coming from a distance, but the more anxious I became, the more I couldn't finish peeing.

When I opened my eyes, I felt like my bladder was about to explode.

Turning his head, Zhao Lushi was looking at his mobile phone. He didn't have time to say hello, so he got out of the car and went straight to the toilet not far away.

After I came out feeling relaxed, I found that the parking lot was empty, with only a few cars left.

Huang Leina watched him get out of the car and came over to chat for a few words.

The task will be completed soon, and I am in a good mood.

"It only takes five minutes to get on the highway from here, and we can almost set off."

Zhao Lushi, who was behind, rolled down the window.

Ning Zhou made an OK gesture.

"Get everyone up, go to the bathroom, and move around."

Ning and Huang, who were about to drive here, also drove ahead to listen to Heiniu.

"Teacher Huang, you will be in front later and I will follow behind."

Huang Lei nodded, he really had to arrange it this way, otherwise he would not be able to find anyone.

The ten people were ready and the vehicle started.

Xiaobai opened the car window and "shouted" in a very calm voice outside.

"Goodbye Fengcheng, I'll come again next time!"

The journey to the highway intersection went smoothly.

"Congratulations to the escapees, the mission was successful."

Upon hearing this, cheers erupted from both cars.

"It's not easy."

"Isn't it easy? I think this time it can be said to be quite smooth."

"That's because of Ning Zhou. If he hadn't found Lao Zhao, nothing would have happened to us."

"Ouch, don't say that, I'll blush."

Zhao Lushi shook her shoulders, very happy.

"Hey, do you want to start extracting now?"

"Effective within twenty-four hours." The program team responded.

"Then don't worry."

"Yes, look at Teacher Huang," Yang Mi in the back seat glanced at the dashboard: "It's only ninety yards."

"Safety first."

The happy members chatted for about ten minutes, and Ning Zhou glanced at the rearview mirror.

"No, we might be being followed."

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