Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 84 You want to blackmail me?

Ning Zhou braked, shifted to P, and pressed the electronic handbrake.

"what's going on?"

The three people behind didn't know what was going on, but Yang Mi's head appeared in the middle of the front row. Due to the impact, she knelt down.

"We were rear-ended."

Ning Zhou sighed, "Why are you driving? You can drive up to such a wide road at a speed of only twenty yards."

Glancing at the rearview mirror, I saw that the driver behind the accident had already gotten out of the car, clasped his hands together, and trotted forward.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

Ning Zhou turned around and saw a man in his thirties, with a smile on his face and his head lowered. He also knew that he was fully responsible for the rear-end collision.

"I was distracted just now and didn't pay attention. I'm really sorry."

Ning Zhou didn't get out of the car, he just left the window open a crack. He might not be recognized, but the same could be said for several people in the car.

"Brother, I'm really sorry. How about we call the traffic police? Don't worry, I have insurance here."

"Forget it, forget it, you didn't mean it." Ning Zhou shook his head slightly: "I don't think it's a big deal. It's so late at night, so forget it."

With so many celebrities in the car, their secrets would be revealed when they got off. Moreover, several people analyzed that the reason for being chased might be the incident in front of the temple.

If you call the traffic police again, won't you cause more trouble for yourself?

Not far ahead, Huang Lei also stopped the car. He also didn't get out of the car and looked through the rearview mirror.

"It's all dented, are you sure you don't need it?"

"You didn't mean it, forget it!" Ning Zhou waved his hand.

I thought that the matter would just go away, but I never thought that the other party would change the subject.

"Twenty thousand."

"It's just a chase. Why do we need so much money?" Ning Zhou hadn't reacted yet: "There's no need to pay for it. We'll handle it ourselves. Be careful next time."

As a result, the middle-aged man continued to have a good time.

"Friend, on the contrary, I mean, you give me 20,000, just in cash."

Ning Zhou turned his head and looked at him for a few seconds.

"Are you kidding?"

"What do you think?" The other party looked confident: "Drink, my friend, 20,000, I will let you go.

You should know that drunk driving is subject to criminal liability, and you will not be able to take the driver's license test again within five years.

Twenty thousand is very cheap. "

The expressions of the people in the car changed from horror to surprise at such a shameless person.

"Brother, you've gone too far. Besides, do you smell alcohol?"

The man shook his head: "I have rhinitis and can't smell anything. If you don't, we'll call the police."

"You're extorting."

"Hey, I didn't. It was just a negotiation. You also reminded me. I won't repeat what I said before."

I couldn't be happier after saying that.

"Oh, no wonder my left eye keeps twitching tonight, it's really a happy event.

My friend, I advise you to be wiser and save money and eliminate disasters.

Oh, there are three beauties being slaughtered. Are you preparing for a party of five?

You're so lucky, hurry up and pay, I won't waste your time, if you do"

Privately speaking, it is normal behavior when it comes to traffic accidents. As long as the accident is not serious, no one is injured, and both parties are happy, there is no problem at all.

After all, you have signed up for insurance, and although there will be compensation, next year’s premium will be higher.


The other party's attitude is wrong.

Even if you don't care, just get out of the car and take a look at what the crash was like, and ask me to pay a few hundred yuan for it to be a normal operation.

There was only a crack left, his eyes were evasive, and he kept trying to get me to leave. There was definitely something wrong.

Occasionally I come across similar jokes on short videos, and I’m so happy that I came across them today.

While he was still teasing, Ning Zhou moved.

Open the door, raise the gun, and shoot.

The three movements were smooth and smooth, but before the man could react, there was a mass of red on his chest.

"Hey, it really hurts. No. What do you mean, you're still trying to scare me."

The middle-aged man took a few steps back and realized it was a toy gun.

"Xiaobai, come here and help!"

Ning Zhou shouted, and Bai Jingting, Hou Minghao, and Wang Jiaxuan came out of the car directly.

When he saw so many young men appearing, the middle-aged man immediately panicked.

"What are you going to do? I'm calling the police!"

"Teacher Huang, call the police, this person is extorting money." Ning Zhou shouted.

"Are you sure?" Huang Lei asked.

"Sure." Ning Zhou nodded: "Brothers, lock him in the car."

Hou Minghao was in the car. When he heard what he said about the five-person party, he felt angry in his heart. He grabbed his arm and twisted it hard, and the other party yelled.

"You are dead. I will definitely call the police. I have memorized the license plate. You drove drunk and beat people."

Huang Lei handed over the phone: "It's connected."

"Hello, I'm calling the police. Someone is extorting money and we have it under control." Ning Zhou looked around and found the street sign: "On Hebin West Road."

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Xiaobai.

"Program team, please see how to deal with this."

In fact, at the time of the rear-end collision, the assistant director and others came over and kept paying attention. When they heard that this person actually planned to blackmail, they were very angry.

Of course, Ning Zhou's action of shooting directly was completely unexpected.

“Fugitive, after discussion with the program team, the following decision has been made.

Ordinary citizens were shot and killed, no doubt about it.

After the police arrive, we will pass on the video just now and assist you in handling the matter.

According to the normal plot, when a gun is fired, the sound of gunfire may attract the attention of surrounding residents and discover the body.

Therefore, after the police deal with it, you have one hour to escape. After that, the news that someone was killed here will be conveyed to the pursuers. "


Ning Zhou didn't have any objections to this handling. After Zhao Lusi's explanation, the people in the car in front also understood what happened, and their eyes became quite unfriendly when they looked into the car.

"No, you are."

The middle-aged man who had been cursing for a while in the car wiped his eyes. The fat guy looked familiar. He seemed to be Huang Lei.

That girl with a very good figure seems to be Yang Mi.

"Could it be."

The middle-aged man's face was dripping with sweat and he kept tapping on the window.

However, a few people outside turned a blind eye.

"Celebrities are amazing!"

He gritted his teeth and took out his cell phone.

"Hey, 110? I'm calling the police. Someone is driving under the influence. He might be a celebrity. You must handle the matter impartially. I will videotape it and post it online."

About ten minutes later, two police cars came over with their lights flashing.

Click, the middle-aged man heard his car door open and rushed out.

"Comrade police, I am reporting that these celebrities are driving drunk and attacking me."

Apparently, the local public security bureau had received the notice and ten people came.

"Who's the driver?"

"Me." Ning Zhou took a step forward.

"Blow it."


Under the hopeful gaze of the middle-aged man, Bangzi showed no reaction.

"There's definitely something wrong, he's definitely been drinking."

The policeman glanced at him and took out another small flying stick.


Still the same result.

"This is not allowed," the middle-aged man kept shouting: "Use another kind, put it directly in your mouth."

"Okay!" The policeman looked at him again.

"Blow blow blow blow blow"

"Come and see for yourself!"

The middle-aged man rubbed his eyes hard, and the number displayed on it was very clear, 0.00.

"It's impossible. There's definitely something wrong with you. You saw there's a star among them, so you protected them."

"Please watch your words." One of the policemen warned.

"Why should I pay attention? If he hadn't been drinking, why did he choose not to call the police or claim insurance when he was rear-ended by me?

There must be something wrong.

Have you received a call and are afraid to deal with it?

Let me tell you, I have recorded and videotaped the entire process, and I will post it online to report you. "

"Audio and videotaping are your rights. As long as you don't cut them off, there's no problem."

After saying that, the police uncle walked up to him and raised the small flying stick in his hand.

"Here, blow it."


In the surprised eyes of everyone, the small flying stick began to flicker.

The middle-aged man who was still clamoring was stunned, and the police comrades were stunned. Even Ning Zhou did not expect such a development.

Still the same uncle,

"Hey, don't worry, I'll give you a stick and give it a blow."

The lights continued to flash, and the panic in the middle-aged man's eyes could not be concealed at all.

"Hey, it's okay. Let's try the alcohol detector. Blow, blow, blow, blow. Read the number."


The middle-aged man's voice was trembling. He changed the stick. It was impossible. He was recording it. It was the one Ning Zhou used for testing before.

The policeman uncle who had been answering the phone came over, looked at the alcohol tester, nodded, and patted him on the shoulder again, his face full of fun.

"This is the first time I see someone who wants to bully me online. I must tell you. Tell me, how much did you drink?"

"I drank last night, so I should have woken up a long time ago." The middle-aged man swallowed hard: "Could the test be wrong?"

"What do you think? This is the result measured by the instrument. If you feel dissatisfied, you can apply for a blood draw."

"I" he hesitated.

A friend of mine was caught drunk driving before, and the test result was 19. He was dissatisfied with the result, so he insisted on taking blood to get a 26. I understand everything.

"Stop talking nonsense, get your driver's license." Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, a certain uncle became impatient.

The middle-aged man was panicked.

"Comrade police, 21 milligrams, will the punishment be severe?"

"If the alcohol content in the perpetrator's blood reaches 21mg/100ml, it is considered drunk driving, and the motor vehicle driving license may be suspended for six months and a fine of not less than 1,000 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan may be imposed.

Is this your first time? "

"Yes, yes, it's the first time, it's really the first time." The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, that's okay."

"Why is everything okay?" The policeman who answered the phone stepped forward: "There is also extortion. If the perpetrator is involved in extortion and the amount is relatively large, reaching two thousand yuan, it can constitute a criminal case. According to our country's Criminal Law 》Relevant provisions of "Extortion of public or private property, the amount is relatively large or there are repeated extortions, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or surveillance, and shall also or solely be fined; if the amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances, shall be sentenced to three years The offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined.

By the way, you just wanted 20,000 yuan, right? It's a relatively large amount. Hey, it's also insulting, right? You should be punished for several crimes and be sentenced to two and a half years. "


The middle-aged man's legs weakened and he collapsed on the ground.

"I, I didn't"

"You usually watch more TV." The policeman glanced at him with disgust: "Do you think you have no evidence?

The whole process is audio and video, waiting for the defendant! "

He was so arrogant just now, but now he is so embarrassed. It's true that he couldn't even stand up. Two uncles helped him into the police car.

The policeman who answered the phone smiled and stepped forward to explain to everyone that the incident was clear and he only needed Ning Zhou to go over and chat for a few words, sign a signature, and then leave.

As for the shooting incident, everyone was sitting quietly in the car and it had nothing to do with them.

After coming out of the police station, everyone was in no mood to comment on what would happen to the driver. It was certain that he would be dealt with severely.

There were basically no people on the road at this time. After walking for a while, I stopped at the edge and called out to everyone.

"I didn't shoot on a whim."

Although no one asked, Ning Zhou took the initiative to explain.

"In the situation just now, the opponent will definitely not be willing to give up. No matter how we deal with it, in the end, we will be at a disadvantage, of course, referring to the competition.

If it is delayed for too long, it can easily lead to unintended consequences. "

No need to explain much, everyone can understand.

The police were called and a statement had to be taken. Time was delayed and the pursuer might be able to get to the door.

It’s not like he’s really dead anyway.

The most important thing is that this guy went too far. He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to extort money. He deserved it. In the bureau just now, the other party burst into tears, but no one chose to forgive him.

Adults should pay the price for their actions.

And from a certain perspective, the escapees have already entered their roles. After all, they have spent the past few days in fear.

Sometimes if you are not decisive, you will harm yourself.

"As long as you live, you can encounter anything."

Huang Lei concluded it in one sentence, decided not to discuss the matter anymore and let it go.

"What's next?"

After coming out of the police station, the clock starts. In an hour, the pursuer will know what happened here.

"If we do the math, we should have at least two hours before the other party wants to turn back, so we have to make a plan first."

Ning Zhou looked at the members, his face was full of fatigue, he probably couldn't drive anymore, and he himself wasn't much better.

"I have an idea."

Zhao Lusi stood up.

“Don’t think about it, the pursuers will definitely catch up if they know where we are.

Next, they were equally tired and had only one choice, to check the surveillance.

We also have a reward, you can use the tool to deceive people by letting them drive away from the surveillance camera accidentally.

This is also in line with the current mentality of fugitives. If they are discovered, they must leave the place of right and wrong first. You may not have guessed that we have not left.


"One more driver left."

You guys look at me, I look at him, they all know that this is bait, and the final result is very likely to be eaten.


"You can not!"

Before Ning Zhou could finish his words, he was interrupted by Huang Lei.

"If you leave, dragons. We are not considered dragons. We are leaderless anyway. Even if we draw away the firepower, how we can stay here will be a problem."

"I'll do it."

Listening to the voice, you knew it was Wang Jiaxuan.

"No need to persuade me, I am more suitable to drive than any of you, and it is also the scene that the audience wants to see the most.

However, there is one request, don’t give up on me. "

Wang Jiaxuan is very serious,

"Give me a mobile phone. If you successfully escape, I will contact you. If you fail, it doesn't matter. I will not let the pursuers get the mobile phone."

Some people opened their mouths, but they couldn't say the words I wanted to say.

"Don't waste time, just decide."

Ning Zhou asked Zhao Lusi to contact the program team and immediately found a tool man. Then he turned around and patted Wang Jiaxuan on the shoulder.

"Don't go to a small town, you'll be easily discovered. Bring some clothes later. Your destination is QY City.

Let the tool work with you to find a place without surveillance and hide the car.

Then, you let him continue wandering around outside and see if he can get a chance to take the shuttle bus back.

Remember, don’t go to the bus station. ID cards are required there. Many buses will circle around the city looking for individual passengers. You can ask around.”

Wang Jiaxuan listened very seriously, and his mentality gradually changed.

He also knew that being a bait alone was extremely dangerous, but after hearing the arrangements given to him by Ning Zhou, he regained hope.

"Everyone, I will try my best."

"The program team said that the tool man will be here in five minutes."

"five minutes?"

"So fast?"

After some anticipation, a voice came from behind a few people.

"Hello, I'm a tool man!"

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