Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 85 I am a tool man


"Where is Dongting City?"

"Did the fugitives do it?"

Of the nine pursuers, eight asked different questions, but Asa was still busy working and wandering around the town, unable to respond.

"Dongting is about seventy kilometers away from Miss Asa, in the opposite direction to you."

Wei Cheng was stunned: "Why did you run to the back?"

Niu Dali explained.

“It must have been when we exited the highway that we split into two roads.

We just received a video.

In Dongting City, the vehicle driven by Ning Zhou was rear-ended by Chen Moumou, and then there was a verbal friction. After he got out of the car, he directly shot the other person to death and hid in the vehicle.

Later, the cleaner at work discovered blood stains on the ground and immediately reported the crime.”

The so-called video is a temporary reenactment of a case made by the program team.

Although the facts have been changed, when the live broadcast is played back, the audience will see the original version, which will not have much impact on the pursuers.

"Now it seems that the whereabouts of our pursuit team should have been discovered by the opponent on the highway.

Do you still remember that Ning Zhou dropped his money when he got off the highway? It must have been intentional, delaying time so that the vehicle in front could leave first.

The car in front was going in the opposite direction.

The people behind took advantage of their speed and mission to widen the distance. After stopping somewhere on the national highway, they expected our team members to leave and return to join the car in front. "

It can only be said that the pursuer was not particularly surprised. During the chase, he had guessed this possibility.

"So it is certain that the escapees have communication tools in their hands."

"Why are they killing people?"

The great teacher raised a question.

"Shouldn't we keep a low profile? It's just a chase. Are we afraid of calling the police?

That would be too cruel. "

The communication with the headquarters is not interrupted, and at the same time, we are also on our way.

Just as Zhao Lushi had guessed, the chasing team members were also exhausted physically and mentally, but with the exact news, they could not stop, so they could only drink Black Bull and drive slower.

Asa's seventy kilometers is still close, and Fan Chengcheng's distance is the farthest, about one hundred and forty kilometers, and he didn't stop halfway.

What Niu Dali meant was to let a few people rest on the spot.

After several days of dealing with each other, I had a good idea of ​​how difficult it was to catch the fugitives.

Even if you can get on the highway now, it still takes about an hour to reach Dongting City. Plus the time difference in between, these two and a half hours, whether the fugitive chooses to hide or leave, if you go there now, it will be difficult to get results.

Not to mention that everyone is tired, and even tons of black cattle can’t be used as water to drink.

However, as a member of the Chasers, I have been led by the nose, and I am holding back my encouragement.

If you don't go there after knowing the approximate location, you won't be able to sleep well.

Since the team members insisted, Niu Dali couldn't say anything.

In fact, the staff at the headquarters are not idle. They are doing various monitoring and analysis tasks without taking a break.

A little after eight o'clock in the morning, the nine pursuers finally met in Dongting City.

After the entire shooting incident, the program team decided to inform them after a meeting, otherwise there would be no information gap.

Because part of the video provided is what actually happened.

For example, being rear-ended, the other party gets out of the car, Ning Zhou shoots, etc.

The subsequent content will be informed by the program team through descriptions.

After killing someone, the fugitive put the victim back into the other person's car and ran away.

Otherwise the timeline won't match up.

"I can only say that we are lucky."

After eight o'clock, there were already many pedestrians on the road, and the pursuers did not dare to get out of the car.

Good luck indeed.

Even with a clear license plate, it is not that easy to obtain relevant clues again.

The fugitive was probably furious and tried every means to escape, only to encounter such a scoundrel.

"The hotel room has been opened. You can go and rest first."

At this time, the pursuit team members no longer persisted, and the car would not be able to drive if they did not rest. This was just a show, and there was no need to risk one's life.

"Are the escapees still in the city?"

The headquarters did not give a clear answer and they are still investigating.

Li Tong woke up. He was older and had slept less. Although he only slept for a few hours, he was in good spirits.

I got up slowly and went to the bathroom to wash up.

There is no need to deliberately inquire about the situation. No one must have been arrested. Otherwise, the good news would have been announced long ago.

After washing up, he smoked a cigarette and carried a tea cup to the command room.

Niu Dali was very conscious. When he saw the old man coming, he got out of the way, and then reported what happened last night and the work currently being carried out one by one.

"So wonderful!"

After listening to this, Li Tong was also happy.

"Is it possible that we are wandering around aimlessly now?"


Niu Dali didn't defend anything. The facts were the facts. There were so many videos and it was impossible to check them.

"Based on the experience accumulated in the past few days and the profiles of the escapees.

We feel that the escapees, or Ning Zhou, are extremely dangerous people who like to take risks. "

"Oh, tell me more." Li Tong drank tea.

“On the first day of the competition, in order to complete the task, he stayed alone in Aurous Hill and provoked him in various ways.

When faced with the encirclement and suppression by team members, not only did they not panic, they even pretended to be a couple and deceived the search.

When we went to the temple, he also punched the little gangster on his face."

Niu Dali explained what happened in the past few days one by one. Several people listened and sighed.

This is only the sixth day, but it feels like a long time has passed. There have been many frontal and side confrontations, and all of them have been defeated.

"It is basically certain that Ning Zhou is the leader of the escapees.

To a certain extent, he will influence the remaining players.

In many situations where normal people would choose to flee or avoid, the escapees chose to stay put.

This shows that either Ning Zhou is bold, or he feels that he is using a rebellious mentality.

At the same time, we also discovered one of our shortcomings.

There are too few field personnel. If there is no accurate location, the thirteen people released will not even be able to make a splash. "

"So, your thinking is that it is very possible that the escapees are still in Dongting City?"


However, after Niu Dali finished speaking, he sighed again.

"Even if we know, we are quite passive now.

I have checked and it seems that there is no one here who is related to the escapees. Of course, there may be some friends who are not in regular contact and it will take some time to get to know them.

Our team members are all tired, so we will go to rest first, and we plan to work overtime here to try to lock in the approximate position."


While the two were chatting, the tool man put the video on the big screen.

"At 5:20 in the morning, the suspect vehicle left the city."

"Report, at 5:25, another suspect vehicle also left the city."

For a moment, Niu Dali was stunned.

Am I being slapped in the face?

"What happened?"


"Look at the reward order, how did Ning Zhou become an S-class fugitive?"

"Did I miss something?"

"Something must have happened, but we don't know yet."

"Wow, that's too much!"

The program team was indeed a bit mean, and they quietly changed Ning Zhou's reward order in the live broadcast room.

Ning Zhou,

S-level bounty (dangerous)

Robbery, murder,

The reward amount is 400 yuan.

When some sharp-eyed viewers discovered it, they shouted in the live broadcast room, and everyone knew.

It couldn't be a mistake by the program team. In the current content, Ning Zhou didn't do anything special.

There is only one explanation: something happened in the unbroadcast content.

"What exactly happened? Can you give me a preview?"

The audience scratched their heads and many reporters were happy.

"Shock! Ning Zhou becomes an S-class wanted criminal, and the bounty is doubled."

"Foreseeing, it will be another wonderful day"


A reward order solved a report, and the click rate was not low.

The escapees didn't know what was happening outside, and were wondering where the tool man would appear from.

Could it be that the program team has been following and filming, but they haven't seen it yet.

"Hello, I'm the tool man."

A familiar voice came from behind, and everyone looked back, doubting their own eyes.

Isn't this Officer Zhang, the one who just took the flying stick?

At this point, he had changed into casual clothes, but he was still easily identifiable.

"Are you our tool?" Zhao Lushi clicked her tongue in surprise.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it at all.

"I just found out."

Faced with many celebrities and taking off his police uniform, Officer Zhang touched his neck shyly.

"It's the bureau's arrangement."

"But," everyone naturally had no objection to the police officer being a tool: "Wouldn't it affect your work?"

Officer Zhang called Zhang Liang and he waved his hands.

"I'm taking leave, marriage leave."


Several people were surprised.

"I plan to pack my things today, then go home and get busy with other things. It doesn't matter if I'm delayed for a day."

"Then what?" Huang Lei dug into his pocket: "Forget it if you don't know. Since we know you are getting married, we will join in."

But when he took out the money, he still looked at Ning Zhou.

"Yes, but we don't have much money. One hundred per person, it's interesting."

"No, no, no, no!"

Zhang Liang shook his head and waved his hands, but he couldn't shirk it and thanked him repeatedly.

After the brief greetings, Ning Zhou took him and Wang Jiaxuan and explained the plan in detail again, giving final instructions.

“Whether you are escaping or arriving at your destination, you must have an escape mentality to avoid cameras.

If you expose yourself too deliberately, the other party may become suspicious. "

"Believe it or not," Zhao Lushi had a different opinion: "If they see the clue, they will definitely pursue it. Now that there are fewer people, we still have some space."

"That's the reason. That's why I have to work hard for Officer Zhang and run around for a few hours!"

Yes, the plan has changed. The vehicles do not have to be put together. The effect he wants most is to mix the water.

Think about it, in the sight of the pursuer, the fugitive may stay in Dongting City, there may be smoke bombs next door, and there is also a car running wildly without knowing the destination.

For the pursuit team with only nine people left, it must be quite tricky.

"Okay, let's go."

After taking away all the items in the car, everyone said nothing and watched the two people drive away.

"Now, what should we do?"

Although plans for follow-up confusion were made, there were no smiles on the members' faces.

This was not how I expected tonight to go.

When we set out, our plan was to find a small village and spend the night.

As a result, it was discovered and completely disrupted.

They were quite tired at this time, each had a bag on their back, and the car was gone.

And time is still passing by slowly. It won't be long before the sky breaks out and the number of pedestrians increases.

"I have an idea!"

Ning Zhou had actually already thought of where to go.

"You guys hide here for a while and wait for my call. Miss Zhao, come with me."

"Ning Zhou, you must come back!" Xiaobai acted like a resentful woman.

It was around four o'clock in the morning, and apart from taxis, there were basically no other vehicles on the road.

After walking about a hundred meters, I stretched out my hand to stop the taxi. The taxi stopped steadily on the edge.

"Where are you going, handsome guy?"

"Hey, Master, we have a community here. We just handed over the apartment about three or two months ago. It's called... called."

"Yuyuan, Linjiang, or Dongfu?"

"Yes, yes, Dongfu Community."


Zhao Lushi is quite smart, but she still doesn't understand what Ning Zhou means.

What's Dongfu Community? That's right. Didn't you say it's your first time in Dongting City?

"Teacher Huang, take a taxi and get off Zhushan Road. Then walk to Dongfu Community. Don't crowd together. Go in groups. Talk to them and find a spot nearby."

Ning Zhou lowered his head and sent Huang Lei a message.

It was indeed not far away. After driving for less than twenty minutes, the vehicle stopped.

"thank you!"

Ning Zhou relied on his appearance as a passerby, and it was late at night. He didn't hide anything at all and gave the money generously.

Obviously, this community is not particularly perfect. There is a fence at the door, but it has not been put down, and there is no one on duty at the gate.

"Where are we going?"

There was no one around at this moment, so Zhao Lushi could ask questions at will.

“I read a piece of news online, I don’t know whether it’s true or not, but just listen.

It is said that in the beautiful country, if you knock on the door outside the house and no one answers, you can record a video with your mobile phone to confirm that no one lives in the house, and then you can move in. At first, this behavior is considered to be a trespassing, but when you move in, you can After a certain period of time, this house can belong to you.

Dear viewers, I just saw it online, and I cannot guarantee its authenticity. This is illegal, so don’t learn from it. "

"What do you mean?" Zhao Lushi ignored the previous paragraph.

After saying this, the two of them entered the elevator of a building with a total of twenty-sixth floors. He pressed down on the thirteenth floor at will.

"Let's find a place where no one is around and settle down first?"


Ning Zhou likes to talk to smart people more and more. After completing the task, his IQ has improved again, reaching 132.5. By the way, is there an IQ of 0.5?

“At the beginning of this year, the house I bought was handed over.

Although it hasn't been renovated yet, I have this plan, but unfortunately I don't know anyone, so I thought of a solution. "

The thirteenth floor arrived and the two stepped out of the elevator.

“Just go upstairs and downstairs, look around the neighbors, ask the owner about the decoration style, cost budget, and see the workers’ construction process, materials, etc.

After running for a month, I learned some things, such as "

Ning Zhou went straight to the fire hydrant hanging on the wall, opened the cover on the outside, reached in and touched it, and smiled.


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