Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 203 The legendary py transaction

What is the White Clothes Alliance?

The previous Longguo Music Network certainly had no idea about a book fan organization that had nothing to do with it.

But after experiencing this new song charting in June, everyone on the Longguo Music Network has a very deep understanding of the three words "White Clothes League".

This is a rhythmic and organized fan organization. It is also through this organization that everyone on the Longguo Music Network knows that there is a supreme god in the online novel world. His name is Baiyi Qingcheng - the spiritual idol of millions of people in the Baiyi League. .

If such a fan organization helps vote for "Meet", is this considered vote-shopping?

The answer is, of course, no, because these people are not so-called trolls, and every vote they give is real.

Therefore, the sudden surge in the popularity index of "Meet" was recognized by Longguo Music Network. There was nothing they could do if they refused to acknowledge it. The White Clothes League's vote did not violate any rules.

And this is the influence of the White Clothes Alliance.

It is like a cold front passing through, destroying everything!

The power it unleashed was even more overbearing.

I had almost lost hope. "Meet", which was struggling in fifth place, suddenly felt like it was on a rocket. The rhythm was so high that it easily defeated Sun Feifei's "My Heart Beats for You" and took back the top spot. The number one hit in June!

In the room of Dingsheng Entertainment Company, Amber's surprised voice sounded: "It's Bai Da! Bai Da has taken action!"

After venting their excitement, Amber and Liu Qin slowly came to their senses. After coming back to his senses, the first thing he saw was the three characters "White Clothes Alliance" written all over the place in the song comment section of "Meet"!

The flag of the White Clothes Alliance is waving, and who else but that one can command the White Clothes League to fight for it.

As Luoyang's former assistant, Amber certainly knew what this meant, which meant that Bai Da, who had been silent before, finally took action.

And looking at the entire Internet literary world, only the four words "White Clothes Allure" can have such a terrifying appeal, allowing the White Clothes Alliance to light up the beacon and charge into battle!

"This soul is... quite powerful."

The corners of Liu Qin's mouth couldn't help but turn up slightly. At this moment, she was past the initial excitement.

When she saw Bai Yimeng, she immediately guessed the reason for the soaring popularity of her song.

It was obviously that guy who helped her canvass votes, but Liu Qin did not show any gratitude, and her pretty face tried to look indifferent, but it was a pity that the crimson moonlight on both sides easily exposed her current situation. The mood fluctuates violently.

Amber's eyebrows were curved but she didn't give it away, she had clearly figured out Master Qin's arrogant nature.

It was obvious that my heart was moved to pieces, but on the surface, I was still unwilling to admit it even to death.

In fact, looking at the comments section of "Meet", which were all praised by the White League, Amber's eyes were inexplicably moist: "Sure enough... Bai Da will not watch Sister Qin being bullied."

At the same moment, the two girls' hearts were ups and downs.


On the Internet, countless people naturally noticed the scene that happened on Longguo Music Network for the first time.

On the June Golden Melody Chart, the song "Meet", originally ranked fifth, returned to the top spot on the Golden Melody Chart.

When this scene happened, Liu Qin's fans were stunned at first, and then they were hit by this huge surprise falling from the sky.

Everyone is happy and excited, but while they are excited, these fans also have countless doubts in their hearts.

"Why did "Meet" suddenly soar in popularity and hit the number one spot soon!?"

"Could it be that our people have exerted their strength? It shouldn't be! Everyone's votes have been almost cast..."

"Could it be that Mr. Qin also swiped votes? That would be unwise. Mr. Qin's image will also be affected."

"Don't make random guesses upstairs. Master Qin doesn't know how to swipe tickets. She has a straight temper and doesn't like such despicable methods!"

"Yes, I never believe that Mr. Qin cheated on votes. There must be a reason for this. I firmly believe in Mr. Qin's character."

With Liu Qin's meager efforts, countless fans speculated, and they were extremely surprised that "Meet" suddenly surged in popularity and landed at number one. However, it didn't take long for someone to answer these fans' questions.

"Didn't you see, they are from the White Clothes Alliance! Countless fans of Bai Yi Qingcheng voted for our Lord Qin's "Meeting"!"

Most of the fans were unfamiliar with the word "White Clothes League" and curiously asked: "What is the White Clothes League? Please help me get some knowledge."

"I've heard of this organization. The White Clothes Alliance is an organization of book lovers who are alluring in white clothes!"

"Yes, I am also a fan of Bai Da. The Baiyi Alliance is an organization composed of core fans of Bai Da. There are many people in it, and the cohesion of the organization is super strong. It is definitely not to be underestimated!"

"So that's the case, but why would Qingcheng in Baiyi help our Master Qin?"

"The two have interacted several times, and Mr. Qin once publicly declared that he was a big fan of Bai Da's books."

"As expected of Bai Da, a book fan organization is so powerful that it can even interfere in the popularity competition between celebrities..."

"I saw it. At a glance, Master Qin's comment section is full of people from the White Alliance. It's really amazing!"

"Master Qin is a fan of Baiyi Qingcheng. Everyone knows this. In my opinion, Master Bai is obviously trying to protect his little fans!"

"Protect your shortcomings, haha, but Bai Da really used his strength to protect his shortcomings this time. The influence of the White Clothes Alliance is indeed a bit scary..."

Liu Qin's fans began to learn about the White League on their own, while those who had heard of the White League saw the power of the White League for the first time.

At this moment, under Luoyang's meagerness, there was even more joking, a group of book fans were shouting excitedly, various jokes emerged in an endless stream, and there were countless speculations that were also very exciting.

"What is Bai Da's motive for helping Mr. Qin to canvass for votes? For Mr. Qin, he has released fifty chapters in a row. Even if he likes the fans' songs, is it too exaggerated?"

"Is there a relationship between the two that we don't know yet?"

"The entertainment industry and the Internet literature industry are obviously incompatible with each other. Don't be too imaginative."

"Anyway, I successfully helped Bai Da to flirt with girls. Is Bai Da trying to protect his fans, or is he confessing to Master Qin?"

"It sounds like a confession to me. I saw the legendary domineering president, is there any real one?"

"I'm not interested in celebrities or anything like that, and I don't have much interest in listening to music. I voted purely because Bai Da Bao updated Chapter 50. Now that the voting is over, I'm going to read a book!"

"I agree upstairs, fifty updates, hahaha, you can watch it all at once!"

"Baida will always give you instructions if anything like this happens in the future. We don't need fifty updates. We will be satisfied with five updates."

"There is no conscience upstairs. It's not easy to write in big white letters. You have to pay attention to your health. In fact, as long as I keep updating, I will be very satisfied..."

"There must be some unknown py transaction behind this, otherwise why would I suddenly have a series of updates and issue single chapters to canvass for Mr. Qin's votes!"

"Plus one upstairs, I also smell the smell of dirty py transactions..."

"Pfft... There's humor upstairs. Master Qin is a girl. Can you be more elegant? Don't be so dirty. It's even dirtier than the book review section..."

The book fans on both sides joked with each other and talked about everything. Liu Qin and Luoyang had already had several interactions, but now that something like this happened, the two sides became even more like a family and united.

The Baiyi League, a book fan organization, also surprised some singers who were paying attention to the new song charts in June.

No one expected that things would end in such a dramatic way. Feifei Sun's "I Love You" failed to replicate last year's experience of defeating its opponents by swiping votes, and was defeated by a sudden white-clad alliance.

The latter's mood is really not difficult to imagine.

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