Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 204 Angry Feifei

Sun Feifei was in a bad mood.

Rather, she was screaming hysterically.

"What is the White Clothes Alliance? I didn't expect Liu Qin to be so despicable and hire so many navy troops. It's simply shameful! Report it, Dabao, go and report it immediately. Report Liu Qin's hiring of navy troops to brush the rankings! Malicious competition!"

Dabao's eardrums were about to be pierced by this aunt's screams, and he complained ten thousand times in his heart——

Damn it, you obviously asked me to find someone to clean up the list first, okay? How can you be so confident and call a thief to catch the thief? It's really... shameless.

However, even though he was thinking this, Dabao did not dare to show any dissatisfaction on his face, and said with a trembling fat body: "Feifei, I have investigated it. The White Clothes Alliance is not a navy army, it is a fan organization, so there is no need to report it." use……"

"Whose fan!"

"The city is alluring in white..."

"Who is Qingcheng in Baiyi?"

"An online writer..."

"Haha, you mean the online writer?"

"That's right, he is not an ordinary Internet writer..."

"It's really ridiculous, Dabao, you think I'm so fooled, don't you?"

Sun Feifei's face was livid, and she gritted her teeth and said, "You mean that a fan organization of online writers can burst out with such terrifying energy, causing the popularity of "Meeting" to soar to the top of the list in a short period of time? A fan group of online writers? , can it be compared to the influence of my Sun Feifei’s fans?”

"Although I didn't expect it, this might be true."

Dabao's face was tangled, and he shook his head and said: "This allure in white is really special, and his appeal is particularly strong. In order to completely mobilize his fans, he serialized a novel online and wrote fifty chapters in one breath..."

Dabao doesn't pay attention to things in the Internet literary world.

Generally speaking, except for the group of Internet article authors, not many people really pay attention to things in the Internet article industry.

But in the comment section of "Meet" yesterday, the countless mentions of the three words "White Clothes Alliance" were really hard to ignore.

So Dabao went to Qiandu to search for the words "White Clothes League". As a result, there was actually a Qiandu Encyclopedia about the White Clothes League in Qiandu.

Qiandu Encyclopedia mentions that the White Clothes Alliance is a group formed spontaneously by book fans. The spiritual leader is Bai Yi Qingcheng, the number one writer on the Internet, while the actual leader is Xiao Feifei, Bai Yi Qingcheng's number one wealthy fan. This mysterious Xiao Feifei is definitely a big fan of Bai Yi Qingcheng, and he is very good at managing the fan base. In addition, Bai Yi Qingcheng's works have always been extremely popular, so the cohesion of Bai Yi Alliance is getting stronger and more popular. The higher.

This phenomenon can already be seen from the fact that Qingcheng Bai Yi, as an online writer, has the attention of 70 million fans.

However, the frequency of the White Clothes Alliance's attacks was even less high. What really made them famous was a meager dispute between Bai Yi Qingcheng and the famous martial arts master of the Dragon Kingdom, True Lord Life and Death. The screen was swiping, and the huge pressure even forced the Lord of Life and Death to close his meager account and never dare to provoke him again.

It was also during that battle that the White Clothes Alliance began to emerge and show its influence.

In the past, Dabao had disdain for so-called book fan organizations. No matter how popular you are as a writer of novels, can you compare to a star who is carefully packaged?

But unfortunately, this allure in white seems to be a special case in the Internet literary world. One person can drive traffic to the website. Rich fans are everywhere. Now, fans can influence the new song rankings on Longguo Music Network.

Sun Feifei still didn't believe it, her disdainful voice was cold.

"According to you, a small online writer is more powerful than a real star?"

"Of course not, but..."

"Stop talking nonsense." Sun Feifei interrupted Dabao: "If you continue to brush tonight, I won't believe it!"

Dabao shook his head and said helplessly: "Feifei, we have swiped twice, and the navy account has almost been used up. In March last year, we only swiped once and we firmly won the first place. This time we have swiped twice. No more, we can’t do it anymore, it’s not worth it anymore…”

Now ranked No. 1, the popularity index of "Meet" has reached 84,000.

On the other hand, "Moving for You" now only has 42,000, which is twice the difference. It is not easy to catch up if they continue to buy tickets, let alone they are now in a state of running out of tickets.

"Then let me lose to a newcomer like this!?"

Sun Feifei suddenly raised her head, with deep hatred in her eyes.

She really never thought that she would be defeated by a singer who debuted in the talent show in June.

"It's just a false reputation. We don't have to fight too much." Dabao tried his best to persuade her, but she couldn't explain the temper of her little diva.

"Damn it!" Sun Feifei was extremely angry, but she had nowhere to vent her anger.

This time she really stole the chicken but lost the rice. Not only did she hate Liu Qin, she also hated Baiyi Qingcheng.

In her opinion, it's not that the organization called the White Clothes League is powerful. The so-called White Clothes League is just a cover. There are definitely shadows of the navy in it. It was Liu Qin who hired countless navy troops to use the disguise of the White Clothes League to Vote for "Meet".

It was Liu Qin who was too cunning. He was trying to swipe tickets in the middle of the night, but she found a layer of disguise to swipe tickets.

If someone else could continue to pester and cause trouble, Sun Feifei saw that her own background was not clean. If she really wanted to continue to pester, she might not get much benefit, so she could only give up for the time being and look for opportunities to win back the victory in the future.

Otherwise, it would be a fantasy for a so-called book fan organization by an online writer to have such great energy!

Sun Feifei thought with disdain, and even more scorned Dabao's judgment. How could she simply think that the cause of this phenomenon was really a fan organization of online writers?



Luoyang smiled when he saw the ranking of "Meet" regaining the top spot on the hit list.

It seems that my explosive updates are still effective. I have accumulated fifty chapters... Damn it, fifty chapters!

The labor pains that I realized later came so unexpectedly, and Luoyang was so heartbroken. There were fifty chapters of manuscripts, all of which were put in just to help this little bitch Liu Qin canvass for votes!

His coding speed is very fast. He can write two or even three chapters in one hour, which makes his hand mesmerized.

But even so, fifty chapters still feel like a big sum. If you change any code word, you will be extremely distressed. And because of this, the plot rhythm of "Coiling Dragon" also progresses very quickly, and it can be fast-forwarded in an instant. A lot.

"That's all, it depends on whether you still brush it or not."

Luoyang stared at the second-ranked song "My Heart Beats for You" and muttered to himself.

There is definitely no way to take back the chapters that exploded, so it would be better to let the book fans enjoy it once and for all.

If the little diva Sun Feifei dares to do it again, she can definitely give a try to the "Nirvana in Fire" that is being serialized on Weibo. Give the currently serialized "Nirvana in Fire" a ten-consecutive, bigger explosion or something, and call on all pure love fans who haven't voted yet to lead a wave of rhythm...

But Luoyang is just thinking about it casually.

Under such circumstances, there is no point in continuing. Even if Sun Feifei is not smart enough, someone will stop her.

Besides, Longguo Music Network will not continue to let Sun Feifei do what she wants. No matter how tempting the py deal is, you have to be careful to guard against Youyou's mouth.

(Thanks to Li Bai for being a classmate. Bai will only update in the middle of the night when preventing and stealing. Therefore, if there is no reminder to prevent and steal, there will be no updates at night...)

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