Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 205 Subsequent Impact

As expected, Sun Feifei finally gave up when she saw that the results on the rankings were now too far behind.

Liu Qin no longer has any rivals in June's new song chart, firmly occupying the first place. As a result, the sales of her new album "Meet" have increased.

However, this time Bai Yi Qingcheng's online novel "Coiling Dragon" has released fifty chapters. The impact behind the White Yi Alliance's outburst is far from over.

Several well-known singers in the entertainment industry contacted Hua Qi through various searches by their agents.

They all wanted to reach some consensus with Luoyang through Hua Qi - obviously, the power displayed by the White Clothes Alliance had a stronger effect than that of the Navy Army, and these singers were tempted.

They also want to have powerful reinforcements like the White Alliance to support them when they are besieged on all sides in the future.

And these singers firmly believe that there are only two possibilities for the reason why Baiyi Qingcheng would explode so much for Liu Qin.

Either the two of them knew each other in real life and had a very strong relationship, or the two parties had reached a certain relationship of interest, so Qingcheng in Bai Yi would desperately support Liu Qin.

A super-popular singer of the new generation, a supreme god in the online literary world?

The relationship between the two is completely unreachable, so no one believes that the two knew each other originally and that they have a very close relationship.

Then their relationship can only be of the second type, that is, the two must have reached some deal behind the scenes, because if there is no interest trend, no one would believe that Baiyi Qingcheng would work so hard...

So they contacted Hua Qi and promised countless benefits to Luoyang.

Luoyang couldn't help but be speechless when Hua Qi told who the people who contacted him were and what generous terms they promised.

He is worthy of becoming a star. He can see the commercial value of the White Clothes Alliance at a glance, and he is so willing to pay...

But it is a pity that Luoyang does not want the White Clothes Alliance to become a bargaining chip in any transaction, even if the benefits promised by the other party are really huge.

Bai Yimeng is his fan and his book fan. They came together because they like his books. This is a pure appreciation that Luoyang does not want to tarnish, and it is impossible to tarnish it.

Therefore, Luoyang let Hua Qi reject the olive branch offered by the entertainment industry.

Hua Qi smiled, obviously guessing that Luoyang would refuse. After all, the only person in the world who could make Luoyang explode was the popular idol.

Because of this incident, the White Clothes League has inevitably entered the field of vision of some people, which can be seen from the olive branches thrown from all sides. On the other hand, Luoyang, the spiritual totem of the White Clothes League, has also triggered various speculations.

"Baiyi Qingcheng is a staff member of Meibo Official."

"Baiyi Qingcheng is a newly debuted singer in the entertainment industry."

"Qingcheng in white is actually an old man who is over seventy years old."

"Baiyi Qingcheng is a rich second generation who has a lot of money and doesn't have to worry about food and drink..."

Reasons were also given for these speculations, which were stated in a clear-cut and realistic way, arousing the imagination of countless book fans.

After all, Baiyi Qingcheng is too dazzling in the Internet literary world. He is a topic that countless Internet writers cannot avoid. He is even a god in the minds of some writers. His works are the object of study in the entire Internet literary world. Such Everyone is curious about his or her identity.

It has caused so many subsequent impacts even on the Internet literary world, not to mention the entertainment industry where wind is like rain. Various reports have really penetrated layer by layer, and the keywords "White Clothes League" and "White Clothes Allure" have been mentioned many times.

"Liu Qin was at a disadvantage in the rankings, and the White Clothes Alliance helped him win!"

"It is reported that the Baiyi Alliance is a book fan organization of the famous Internet celebrity Baiyi Qingcheng."

"What is the relationship between Baiyi Qingcheng and Liu Qin, and what is the purpose hidden behind their frequent interactions?"

"A rising star in the music industry and a great figure in the Internet literature industry are linked to each other again and again, which makes people think."

"Liu Qin once composed the song "Those Years" based on the classic pure love work "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" by Allure in White."

"Liu Qin's new album's title song "Meet" was at a disadvantage on the charts, but Qingcheng in White helped it reach the top. Is the reason behind it actually to protect book fans?"

"The so-called fans are just a cover-up. Liu Qin and Baiyi Qingcheng may actually be a couple. When his girlfriend gets into trouble, the man gets angry!"

There is no doubt about the reporter's ability. All past events of adulthood have been dug up. What's more, they even mentioned the relationship between lovers. They are all irresponsible conjectures. They can attract attention anyway.

Liu Qin composed the song for "Girls We Chased Together in Those Years"...

"The Days of Living with a Stewardess" is over, Liu Qin and Baiyi Qingcheng have their first humble interaction...

These things have been put on the table by reporters for various studies, hoping to find some clues behind these conversations.

Recently, when Liu Qin attended an event to promote her album, the most asked questions by reporters turned out to be Baiyi Qingcheng, a figure who has always been famous only in the Internet industry.

Liu Qin always puts on a nice smile and refuses to talk about it. She knows that Luoyang doesn't like to be the subject of public attention, so she also has a tacit understanding to cover for Luoyang.


"These reporters are asking Baiyi Qingcheng who I am all day long. They are really the first and the second!"

Just after returning home in the evening, Liu Qin kicked off her high heels, jumped onto the soft mattress, then logged into the mobile app and opened the video window in Luoyang, and said bitterly.

"Then let them guess." Luoyang said with a smile.

Sometimes watching reporters’ wild speculations is like reading a fantasy novel. It’s really interesting. I have to admire these people’s ideas.

"Did you get into trouble for helping me this time?" Liu Qin asked.

Luoyang cursed: "You really have no conscience. I'm about to be turned to the fans for public display. Did you just think of asking me this question?"

According to Xiao Feifei, everyone in the White Clothes Alliance is extremely curious about his identity, and they are all requesting that he can enter the White Clothes League's general group of 1,000 people to communicate with everyone.

Luoyang is not easy to refuse. The existence of the White League has many benefits for Luoyang. This is an era where the Internet can kill people. In many cases, only those who control public opinion, control the mouthpiece, and have support can have the right to speak.

So Luoyang finally agreed to Xiao Feifei. After a while, he would choose a time to contact all fans.

Yes, all the fans - Luoyang has never forgotten that he has more than just one Baiyi League fan, but also a group of pure fans. These pure fans have always been Luoyang's staunch supporters and have given Luoyang too much.

It would not be a good idea to just meet the White Clothes Alliance, and it would be unfair to others.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to let both pure love fans and Baiyimeng be satisfied at once, and it can also make the relationship between the two parties more harmonious.

"I don't care anyway. The trouble is your own trouble and has nothing to do with this big star." Hearing what Luoyang said, Liu Qin immediately laughed with gloating.

Seeing Liu Qin acting like this, Luoyang couldn't help but get angry, and the two bickered again.

After the fight, Luoyang suddenly said: "When reporters ask you from now on, what is my relationship with you, just call me friends to save them from continuing to write nonsense."

"Why, aren't you afraid of your identity being exposed?" Liu Qin asked strangely.

Luoyang shook his head and said with a smile: "When I went to Qingnianhui, I no longer cared much about the exposure of my identity."

The identity of the youngest martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom is there. In the future, he will mostly continue to write martial arts novels. It will be impossible to keep a low profile by then, so Luoyang plans to let nature take its course and admit it directly when he is discovered. No big deal.

"Actually, I think you should have been like this a long time ago." Liu Qin thought for a while, and then said: "Being a star writer is much better than hiding in a dark room coding."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because I respect your choice." Liu Qin said matter-of-factly.

Luoyang also smiled, understanding that Liu Qin was telling the truth. She would never choose what kind of life she would live for herself.

The same goes for Luoyang. He will not influence the other party's decision. Most of the time, a supportive gesture is enough.

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