Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 206 Merger of Fan Camps

The two talked on the phone for more than forty minutes before hanging up.

After hanging up the phone, Luoyang suddenly felt a pain in his balls: "It's strange, when did I get to chat with that guy on the phone for so long."

Well, there is obviously no answer to such a question. Maybe it's because the two haven't seen each other for a while, so they inevitably talk a lot. Luoyang didn't take it to heart and went to sleep.

After getting up the next day, Luoyang went out for a run, then went back to the study after breakfast.

He logged into the app to chat, and then pulled Xiao Feifei, the group leader of the White Clothes Alliance, and Yuan Shui Youyou, the leader of the Pure Love Fan Club, into a three-person discussion group.

Today, he began to officially prepare for close contact with countless fans, so he invited the two fan leaders to discuss it. Of course, this kind of contact is not a real contact, but an exchange with everyone on the Internet.

However, at the beginning of the exchange, as the leader of the Pure Love fan group, Yuanshui Youyou formally made a request to Luoyang.

This request turned out to be... to allow the pure love fans on Weibo to merge into the White Clothes Alliance, so that the fans on both sides would become like a family from now on.

Luoyang asked: "Do the Pure Love fans agree?"

"Of course I agree. We are all fans of Bai Da. We are originally a family. It feels a little strange to be separated from each other." Xiao Youyou replied.

Luoyang smiled bitterly. In fact, Bai Yimeng and Chun Ai Fan were not on the right track at the beginning, and there were some conflicts between the two sides. It was only as time went by that the relationship began to become harmonious. After all, everyone liked the same author.

"Great, Pure Love Fans and White Clothes Alliance merge, I approve with both hands!"

Of course Xiao Feifei would agree, because everyone knows that the majority of pure love fans are girls.

Their joining will undoubtedly be an exciting thing for the White Cloth Alliance, who are all men and are as hungry as wolves and tigers!

Seeing that there was no encounter between the two parties, Luoyang was naturally happy to see the outcome and agreed with a smile: "You two can discuss the merger."

He felt a little emotional when he thought about it. Pure love fans will eventually become a thing of the past. He has decided not to write about pure love in the future, because as far as this genre is concerned, he has already reached a peak in his writing, and it is difficult for him to surpass himself. .

And "Nirvana in Fire", which is currently being serialized on Weibo, has completely escaped the shadow of pure love.

Therefore, since we have decided not to continue writing about Pure Love, and the momentum of "Nirvana in Fire" is so good, it is not a bad idea to let Pure Love fans merge into the White Clothes Alliance, and the two sides will become like a family from now on. Anyway, they are both their fans, and both of them are The forces that were occasionally scattered became even more powerful when they were brought together.

The Yi Meng's status as the number one book fan organization in the online literary world has become more indestructible, which is a good thing no matter how you say it.

Next, after discussing the merger, the three began to talk about Luoyang's close contact with fans, with all kinds of details.

Luoyang said in the discussion group: "Let's do this. The two of you can discuss the specific time for me to contact you. Once you decide, just inform me. I will cooperate with your decision."

Since Luoyang agreed to Xiao Feifei and decided to communicate with some fans, he would definitely not break his promise, and it would not delay him for too long anyway.

However, he was too lazy to deal with the details. Xiao Feifei and Yuanshui Youyou, who were very talented in leadership, could arrange all of these things.

"I am now planning to establish a pp group with 5,000 people as Bai Da's total fan group. Then Yoyo and I will each select some die-hard fans to join. After these are completed, Bai Da will let you join the group and have a close encounter with everyone. communication." Xiao Feifei said.

Youyou smiled and typed: "Xiao Feifei, how can there be a crowd of 5,000 people in pp? You are abusing your power again."

Xiao Feifei replied calmly: "Just say hello to my dad. It's just a pp group. Ten thousand people are no problem."

Seeing this conversation between the two, Luoyang was a little stunned for a moment.

Speaking of which, Luoyang was also curious about Xiao Feifei's real identity.

Listening to the meaning of Yuyou's words, it seems that Xiao Feifei has some relationship with the extremely powerful Internet company in Longguo behind PP.

But is such an awesome rich second generation doing the job of managing his fan base every day...

"It seems that Xiao Feifei is in deep water." Luoyang joked.

"Hey, I'm called low-key, and I'm from Bai University." Xiao Feifei replied.

"Bai Da, I'm really curious about what you look like in real life. How about we exchange identities?" Youyou suddenly suggested.

"Yuyou, don't make trouble, I don't care, but since Bai Da doesn't want to reveal his identity, don't embarrass Bai Da." Xiao Feifei said immediately, fearing that Luoyang would be unhappy.

Of course, Luoyang didn't mean to be unhappy. He smiled and typed: "It's okay. There are no eternal secrets in this world. Everyone will know it in the future."

His identity will be exposed sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.

"Speaking of it, I'm really looking forward to it." Xiao Feifei said, Baiyi Qingcheng's identity is a mystery. Even fans of Xiao Feifei's level don't know what Luoyang is like in reality.

"That's right, but I can tell Bai Da my identity..."

"I am Zhao Youyou, the daughter of Zhao Mingquan, the chairman of Longguo Psychic Jewelry Group." Before Luoyang could ask, Yuanshui Youyou typed quickly.

Psychic jewelry?

Luoyang was stunned for a moment, and even as he remembered it, the memory of this company began to emerge in his mind.

Psychic Jewelry, this company specializes in the jewelry industry. It has a top position in the industry. It is a famous name in the Dragon Kingdom. It is definitely the richest among the rich. It is equivalent to Lao Fengxiang in the previous life. No wonder Youyou could easily reward himself with one million before. , this is definitely a master who is not short of money.

Xiao Feifei became slightly silent when he saw that Yuyou directly reported his real identity.

After a while, Xiao Feifei said: "Then let me tell you something. I guess Bai Da has already guessed it. I am the youngest son of the chairman of Longtu Group, the developer of pp. I am a rich second generation who plays around with my family's money. ”

Luoyang smiled bitterly this time.

Xiao Feifei said it was easy, but it was not easy at all.

As a pp developer, Longtu Group is definitely an Internet giant company. In other words, it is almost equivalent to Tengxun in the previous life.

Although it is still much inferior to the Tengxun ship carrier in the previous life, there is no doubt that in the Dragon Kingdom, the influence of pp chat software is definitely no less than that of QQ in the previous life.

The real-life identities of these two book lovers are simply more terrifying than the other.

"Now I can accept your reward with peace of mind." Luoyang said. After the initial shock, Luoyang's mentality quickly calmed down. In fact, this is also due to his personality.

He has always been a person with little ambition, so no matter how rich or prestigious someone is, he will not be able to lose his composure.

Liu Qin once said that Luoyang is definitely a typical person who has no desires and desires, and is easily satisfied with the status quo. This kind of person is said to be unmotivated.

"Baida, I really saw you right!" Xiao Feifei typed.

He was very afraid that Bai Dahui's attitude towards him would change when his identity was revealed, but in the end there was no abnormality, which made him feel inexplicably happy.

"Idol, no explanation!" Youyou said simply.


On that day, Xiao Feifei, the general group leader of the White Clothes Alliance, and Yuan Shui Youyou, the leader of the Pure Love Fan Club, began to organize the merger of fans from both sides.

At the same time, the two of them released a message together, announcing that they were about to create a Baiyi Allure fan group, and were preparing to screen out some pure fans and Baiyimeng people to come in - the name of this fan group is still called Baiyimeng, but due to the merger, Therefore, there will be countless more pure love fans...

For a time, all the people who claimed to be fans of Baiyi Qingcheng were extremely shocked and wanted to join the legendary fan group.

However, although the total group has been upgraded to the level of 5,000 by Xiao Feifei, it is still small enough, because there are tens of millions of Bai Yi Qingcheng's fans, and a mere 5,000 is not enough.

Competition is fierce.

Xiao Feifei and Yuanshui Youyou can only choose slowly.

The requirements and standards for selecting fans have also been repeatedly improved. After all, the 5,000 quota is really tight.

The fans who were selected to enter the main group were extremely excited, while those who were not selected were a little disappointed, and these people accounted for the vast majority...

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