Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 220: Coming out after being called out for a long time (3)

The Tiandu North Stadium turned into a sea of ​​screaming, and some people even made a sign with the four characters "White Clothes Allure" written on it, shining beautifully in the sun!

"Baida is Luoyang..."

"Oh my God, it's like a dream!"

"Is this the rhythm of online and physical killing?"

"The most important thing is that the way Bai Da appears is so cool!"

"Baida's real identity is actually the youngest martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom. Holy shit, are you sure he's not making a movie!?"

"Baida, you are a bug! You are definitely the biggest bug in the Dragon Kingdom! But I found that this is really awesome, and I like Bai Da even more!"

"I'm so happy that I almost fainted...ahhhhh, I like Luoyang so much, and I also like Bai Da so much, but I never thought they were the same person!"

Looking at the excited book fans in the audience, Luoyang did not expect that the fans' reaction would be so exaggerated.

But if you think carefully about the influence of Bai Yiqingcheng on the Internet, and then think about your position in reality, it is actually not difficult to understand. The integration between the two is more than just one plus one equals two. .

When surprises from idols come one after another, no one can remain calm.

The crowd was buzzing, and reporter Liu Gan was excited and trembling to take pictures of this crazy scene!

Backstage, watching the fanatical screams of more than 20,000 book fans, Shuangyue narrowed his eyes slightly and clenched his fists quietly: "I didn't make a mistake! His cohesion is no less than that of some celebrities! He... can definitely follow a path. The same road to stardom!”

Looking at this scene, the Zhang brothers kept gasping.


Book fans are so enthusiastic!

It’s not like an author fan meeting at all.

This is more like a fan meeting for some entertainment stars!

Allure in White, Luoyang, the impact brought by these two identities directly broke all the inherent concepts and conventions!

The ten so-called great gods who appeared in front of Fengyun Novel Network were simply dumbfounded at this moment and stayed where they were for a long time.

They also didn't expect that Baiyi Qingcheng's real identity would be even more terrifying and influential than his status on the Internet!

"He is the youngest martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom. He has been featured in "Long Kingdom Daily" several times. "Seven Weapons" is still considered the pioneering work of allegorical martial arts and has been used by many martial arts novelists. Imitation..."

"Now I understand a little bit why Bai Da is so powerful on the Internet. Everyone is not on the same level from beginning to end!"

"This is a real monster. It is said that he is only a freshman. There is really no one who has become famous at such a young age. Now it seems that Bai Da's future is unpredictable."

"Thanks to the fact that there are still many writers in the Internet literary world, clamoring to surpass Baiyi Qingcheng... Now it seems that no one in the Internet literary world can surpass Bai Da. Because Bai Da is not only the supreme god in the Internet, but also the A real super talent!”

This is an information-based society, and the scene that happened at Tiandu North Stadium has been photographed by countless people.

After filming, these people uploaded the scenes of the fan meeting to the Internet.

Wei Bo, Long Kong, Contemporary Manga Forum, Xia Fan Tribe...all the major forums, people uploaded it spontaneously, and when they saw the scene of mountains roaring and tsunami, countless netizens who like to read were shocked!

Like a torrent of comments, they exploded immediately after watching the video.

"What, there is such a thing!"

"Baiyi Qingcheng and Luo Shuai are the same person!?"

"Damn, I really like "Seven Weapons". I didn't expect our Luo Shuai to be so awesome on the Internet?"

"Allure in White, even many people who don't read online novels know him. Every book can trigger a phenomenon-level craze..."

"I'm from Tiandu. If I can't, I immediately went to the North Stadium to meet my idol! I originally liked Qingcheng in White, but I didn't have time to go at work today. But I didn't expect that he turned out to be Luo Shuai. Luoyang is my idol! "

"My two favorite authors are actually the same person. It feels so amazing!"

"Let's go to the North Stadium together. My home is near Tiandu. It takes about an hour's drive. I hope I can catch up!"

"My favorite is Luo Shuai's "Five Centimeters per Second". This is his first appearance. I have to go to the scene to support it. Don't mention it, drive!"

And those netizens who are relatively far away from Tiandu can only look away and sigh.

"What a pity. It will take me a day to get there, and the day lilies will be cold by the time I get there."

"Readers who are envious of Tiandu can meet Luo Shuai. We can only relieve the excitement a little through video..."

"Ah ah ah, if I had known that Bai Da was actually Luo Shuai in reality, I would have set off long ago. What a Japanese husky..."

In the next half hour, one car after another arrived. Most of these people were real-life fans of Luoyang.

Among them are readers from Seven Weapons! There are also comics fans from Five Centimeters a Second! There are even some people who came here because they were attracted by the excitement...

Wave by wave, the number of people in the North Stadium increased instead of decreasing, and it was close to the limit of 30,000 people.

Plus, it’s not just readers…

Reporters from major newspapers and magazines rushed toward the stage with cameras in their hands as if they were on fire. They were as agile as a special forces team.

The expressions of the security guards at the scene also became serious - Damn it, didn't we agree on a fan meeting for an online writer? Why is this momentum no different from those of celebrities close to the A-list!

However, the reporters were let through by the security guards at Shuangyue's signal.

After leaving the front row photo positions to these reporters, the vigilance of the security guards has been raised to a fixed point.

There were nearly 30,000 people at the scene. If something went wrong, it would be a big deal. It can be said that no one could bear it, so the security guards were very nervous.

Click, click, click...

After getting a good location, the reporters took pictures even more crazily, and the flashes directly merged into one. Luoyang, with its perfect appearance, was engraved on the film under the reporters' pictures.

Unexpectedly, Luoyang didn't have too much stage fright. In front of such a grand momentum, although he was inevitably a little nervous in his heart, he appeared very calm on the surface.

Holding the microphone, Luoyang smiled and said, "I saw a lot of new fans."

"Luo Shuai! Luo Shuai!" Many little girls looked at Luoyang on the stage and started to scream like stars in their eyes.

As for the Shenhao Group of the White Clothes Alliance, several people were holding bouquets of fragrant flowers and wanted to go on stage to give them to Luoyang. However, the security guards immediately stepped forward to block them.

"Let them come over." Luoyang said with a smile.

When the security guard saw Luoyang speaking, he made a gap.

Several dignitaries were all of high quality. After delivering the flowers to Luoyang, they all said a few words of blessing and joy, and then walked off the stage with smiles on their faces.

However, a girl with dyed blue hair did not go down. She handed the flowers to Luoyang, but Luoyang was embarrassed to find that his hands were already full of flowers.

Luoyang had no choice but to put the flowers he had received before on the ground, then took the flowers from the blue-haired girl and said, "Thank you for the flowers, I like them very much."

"Baida, I like you so much! I love you!"

Seeing Luoyang take the flowers from him, the blue-haired girl actually cried directly at this moment, looking like pear blossoms in the rain, and then opened her arms, as if asking for a hug.

Luoyang was slightly stunned. It was the first time he encountered such a scene. He did not refuse. He hugged the girl gently and encouraged: "I also like you very much, and your hair. Don't dye it often, it is not good for your health." ”

"Well, I listen to Bai Da. I'll wash it off when I get back!" The girl said with a cry in her voice, as if to promise.

Luoyang smiled and nodded. The blue-haired girl also looked at Luoyang reluctantly, and slowly walked off the stage, while the cheers from the audience became louder.

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