Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 221: After being called out for a long time, it comes out (4)

Amidst the cheers, Luoyang gently made a downward gesture.

The cheers in the audience gradually returned to silence with Luoyang's action.

The reporters in the front row looked at each other with incredible eyes. The fact that the audience was so cooperative only meant that they loved the young man on stage so much.

Celebrities have dedicated teams for packaging and planning, so their cohesion is very high.

But for a writer, they have almost no packaging, and the only way to communicate with readers is through their works.

To be honest, even well-informed journalists have never heard of such a level of cohesion among readers just by communicating at this level.

Luoyang looked at the crowd in the audience, and his heart was suddenly filled with an indescribable touch. He could feel the enthusiastic support from the audience, and his voice was also filled with emotion.

"It is each work that makes us stand here together."

“There are readers of Seven Weapons, readers of Five Centimeters per Second, readers of Nirvana in Fire, readers of pure love works, readers of fantasy works...”

"I'm very lucky that I can bring everyone together like this. Whether you are here because of the beauty in white clothes or because you came here specially because of Luoyang, it is the greatest recognition of me. This recognition makes my heart feel very warm."

"And all I can repay you is to continue writing and bring you more, better, and more exciting works."

After Luoyang finished speaking, he bowed lightly again, and as his words fell, a burst of excitement and shouts burst out from the audience.

"Come on Bai Da!"

"White God is mighty!"

"Master Luo, you are the best!"

"Luo Shuai, I will always support you!"

"Alluring in white, unparalleled in the world!"

It is not difficult to hear from these voices of support that Luoyang is called by many names - Bai Da, Bai Shen, Luo Shao, Luo Shuai, they are everywhere, and from the names, we can actually see the difference between the works that these fans are fans of.

Generally, those who like pure love like to be called Luoyang Baida.

Those who like fantasy will occasionally call Luoyang the White God.

As for Mr. Luo, it is the nickname given to him by fans of "Seven Weapons".

Because Luoyang's "Seven Weapons" first became famous because of its young identity as a freshman.

The last Luo Shuai is entirely due to "Five Centimeters per Second". Comic fans unanimously decided to give this appropriate title after seeing the photos of Luoyang circulating on the Internet. Comic fans expressed that they were amazed.

Luoyang accepts all nicknames given by fans.

When the cheers from the audience subsided again, Luoyang smiled.

"Supposedly, this fan meeting should end with me giving everyone an autograph. But I'm sorry, there are nearly 30,000 people present. If you want to sign, please forgive me."


Hearing Luoyang show his rare playful side, there was a wave of kind smiles in the audience.

"Well, but..."

Luoyang glanced at the audience and suddenly changed the topic slightly: "Since it is rare for everyone to come here, I must make sure everyone has fun, so I want to sing a song for everyone."


“There’s even a talent show!”

Hearing that Luoyang actually said that he wanted to sing, the audience immediately became excited.

They clapped and shouted in unison: "Sing! Sing! Sing! Sing! Sing!"

For fans, it is really a blessing to see their idols perform. Moreover, Luoyang's appearance and dual dazzling identities simply satisfy fans.

So I am full of expectations for Luoyang to sing next.

Listening to the cries from the audience, Luoyang continued: "I wrote the lyrics of this song for my fans. It contains what I want to say to you, and the arranger is my best friend."

"Is that an original song?"

"Wuli Bai Da is so versatile!"

"Baida, let's start. I want to hear you sing!"

When Luoyang said that this was a song specially written for fans, the audience became even more excited.

Backstage, the Zhang brothers didn't know what to say anymore. This fan meeting had completely exceeded their expectations. They could only watch in silence, feeling secretly happy.


on the stage.

Luoyang turned around slightly and the music started.

The moment the music sounded, Luoyang's magnetic voice also sounded at the same time.

"Thank you for the honor you gave me

I want to bow deeply to you

Because someone can understand the hard work you put in..."

The song had just started, and the eyes of the readers in the audience immediately lit up!

Their eyes were bright, not because Luoyang sang so well - in terms of singing skills alone, Luoyang's singing was average.

He is not a person who is good at singing to begin with, but it is already rare for him to be able to sing songs without going off-key.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised because the song was of very good quality. The intro was very nice just from the beginning. Although it was not a classic, it sounded very emotional. Although Luoyang was not good at singing, his singing attitude was more serious than ever.

The song is called "Glory."

In the past life, it was a song by a duo that required two people to sing together.

However, on an occasion like today, it was naturally impossible to sing a chorus, so Liu Qin helped Luoyang make some arrangements overnight to make the song less difficult, and at the same time, Luoyang could perform it alone.

There is no doubt about Liu Qin's musical talent, which is completely surpassed by the Eighteen Streets of Luoyang.

It is also because of Liu Qin's painstaking production that the solo version of Luoyang was born. Luoyang's friend who arranges the music is Liu Qin.

"Thundering applause and overwhelming emotions

This is the beginning, not the end

When you clap your palms to hurt for me

What should I do in return for your soft spot..."

When hearing this passage, everyone was touched in their hearts.

This is a song for fans, and the simple lyrics describe the connection between fans and idols.

As the lyrics came out of Luoyang's mouth, those memories of being immersed in Luoyang's works seemed to be swirling in his mind every night.

As if a movie was being shown, scenes flashed by quickly. I remembered that Luoyang just said that the lyrics of this song were all what he wanted to say to his fans. The readers in the audience and the young man on the stage couldn't help but feel. Getting closer during the song.

"Thank you for the honor you gave me

I want to bow deeply to you

Because someone can understand the hard work you put in

thank you for the honor you gave me

How ordinary was this boy?

It was you who allowed me to reach the peak of my dream..."

When singing this point, Luoyang also had an unspeakable feeling.

Without fans, he is just an ordinary member of the crowd. It is the support of these fans that makes him special step by step.

The emotions that emerged from his heart were also put into Luoyang's singing. With his abundant emotions, although Luoyang's singing skills were only at the KTV level, he still had the power to pierce people's hearts...

"That moment in my heart

in my heart

Too many feelings to describe

There are many twists and turns in the future and I will definitely not relax.

Prove that your choice is different..."

During Luoyang's sincere lyrics, some people in the audience were already crying.

Time and time again, he defended Bai Da on the Internet, fought for him again and again, and time and time again forgot about his own affairs in order to support him. Bai Da never ignored these and kept them in his heart!

He's not a perfect idol, he's just a writer.

The lyrics are as talented as ever, but his singing is really clumsy.

He is the kind of person who will be teased by everyone when he sings in KTV, but such an ordinary singing voice has never sounded better. The gentle melody penetrated into the hearts of the readers in the audience...

The sentimental girl was already crying.

Even some male readers who consider themselves strong were so moved at this moment that their eyes turned red.

When singing the last verse of "Glory", Luoyang no longer thought about singing skills.

He was purely using this song to say what he wanted to say to every fan who supported him, and his voice became louder and louder in the beat of the fans.

"This is our honor

People who dare to think and do are not mediocre

I already know where I should go

This is our glory

This is an ode to joy for you

Every one of you is my great hero..."

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