Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 222: After being called out for a long time, it comes out (5)

After singing the song, the audience burst into applause!

It corresponds to the lyrics: "When you clap your palms for me and it hurts, what should I take to repay your soft spot?"

If you treat me as a nobleman, you will repay me with sincerity. Luoyang's eyes were also slightly red, and there was an inexplicable emotion stirring in his heart.

The crowd in the audience was crowded, the applause from the fans seemed to last forever, and the screams and shouts were endless.

When the applause ended, a full five minutes had passed, and every fan's face was red. It was early summer, the weather was still a bit hot, and the fans were even more excited.

"Thank you everyone." Luoyang thanked him.

The host stepped onto the stage at the right time and said with a smile: "The fans at the scene are so enthusiastic. I have hosted many events, but rarely meet such passionate fans. First of all, congratulations to Teacher Luoyang for having such a group of lovely fans. At the same time, Congratulations to our lovely fans for having such a rare idol as Mr. Luoyang.”

"Luoyang! Luoyang!" The audience was screaming, and this time, everyone was shouting the word "Luoyang" in unison.

"Teacher Luo, Teacher Luo, can we interview you?" In the audience, a group of reporters who came later also shouted at this moment.

For this group of reporters who are working hard for news, it would be a pity if they could not interview the real person in a scene like today.

The host took the microphone and said: "According to the time we scheduled, it is almost there now, but we can't let the reporters go in vain. Each reporter can ask a question, and Teacher Luoyang will try his best to answer it."

Luoyang nodded, indicating that he agreed.

After hearing this, a group of reporters raised their hands impatiently, and the host also called names from left to right.

The first reporter who got the opportunity couldn't wait to speak: "Hello, Mr. Luo, I am a reporter from "Literary News". I would like to ask you whether you deliberately concealed Baiyi Qingcheng's identity before?"

Luoyang said: "Actually, it's not something I can hide, because I used to want to leave my online identity to the Internet to give everyone some room for imagination, mainly through spiritual communication, but when fans gave me support again and again , I had the idea of ​​meeting them.”

The second reporter asked: "Teacher Luo, what do you think of traditional writers and online literature?"

This is a relatively sensitive issue, because many physical publishers, from the bottom of their hearts, look down upon the online literature that has quietly emerged in the past two years.

"Both have their own merits, and each is inevitable for historical development. Some people may think that entities are more rigorous. This is true, but online literature leaves more room for imagination. Both have their own dross and essence. , not every physical work is rich in connotation, and not all online literature is useless, so I hope the world can be more objective. "

Luoyang's answer was relatively moderate, not offending either side, which was relatively impressive.

"Will Mr. Luo's future development be more network-oriented?" another reporter asked curiously.

"I will take care of both, but I may focus more on the entity, because relatively speaking, I am still a newcomer in the entity. The only sales proof is a magazine, and I will publish separate works in the future."

Luoyang answered the truth this time. In terms of online writing, he has reached a peak, and the next step will be the real peak. On the contrary, in terms of substance, except for "Seven Weapons", his influence is not very strong.

If he hadn't obtained the status of a famous martial arts master, I'm afraid the fame gathered by Luoyang's "Seven Weapons" would have dissipated a lot.

A reporter asked curiously: "So, Mr. Luo, when will you have a new martial arts work coming out? Martial arts fans are looking forward to it."

"It's already being prepared. It's hard to say when it will be released."

Luoyang smiled and replied that this was not a cliche. He did have the intention to fight the entity again.

But it's not time to fight the entity again. Both "Nirvana in Fire" and "Canglong" have requirements for updates, so Luoyang is too lazy to put more burdens on himself. When "Canglong" is finished, he may consider it, and he even wants to try it. publishing.

"Mr. Luo, many fans have discovered that you don't care much about your comics. Since "Five Centimeters Per Second", you seem to have fallen into silence. When can fans see the new comics?"

"New comic book?"

Luoyang was stunned, and he noticed that when the reporter asked this question, many eyes in the audience immediately became hot.

These people should all be comic fans in Luoyang, and what Luoyang didn't expect is that the number of comic fans seems to be quite large...

"Five Centimeters Per Second" is so classic that everyone is obsessed with Luoyang's new comic book. However, the comic author is really careless and has not released any news about the new work for so long.

He wanted to tell reporters that he would never draw comics again, but under the burning eyes of those comic fans, Luoyang quietly swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"I already have ideas for a new comic book, but I haven't started writing it yet. It's being prepared. I hope comic fans will wait and see."

Well, I gave in in the end. Luoyang really didn’t want to disappoint these comic fans who came to the scene to support him. In addition, he announced that he would not draw comics just after singing "Glory". It was a slap in the face for Luoyang. Wouldn't do such a thing.

Moreover, the gratitude I express to my fans for their support is sincere.

The worst thing he can do is spend more time in the future. Anyway, he can draw comics several times faster than ordinary cartoonists.

Immediately afterwards, the reporters asked several questions in succession.

Luoyang answered fluently, once again showing his good emotional intelligence.

In fact, reporters also secretly admire Luoyang. They have interviewed many writers, but few writers can be as calm as Luoyang. You must know that there are nearly 30,000 people at the scene. If it is not a super high psychological quality, who can So calm.

When the interview ended, the meeting was basically over.

The host concluded: "This is really a unique fan meeting. Teacher Luoyang also specially wrote a song for the fans. It is really full of sincerity. But all the feasts in the world must come to an end. Once we get here, our fan meeting will be over." It’s over now, I hope you can continue to support Teacher Luoyang in the future, thank you!”

"Thank you everyone, please go back early." Luoyang also expressed his thanks.

However, although the fan meeting has ended, the fans are still reluctant to leave. They all look at Luoyang eagerly in the audience.

"Everyone, please go back. It's quite hot in summer." The host could only say again, and even wiped the sweat from his forehead thoughtfully.

Fans were unmoved.

If the fans don’t leave, neither will Luoyang.

He was worried that he would hurt his fans if he just left.

"How about I agree to your request and then you go back?"

It's okay to stand here all the time. In desperation, Luoyang could only pick up the microphone and speak.

Fans were also stunned for a moment.

To be honest, they didn't know why they didn't want to leave. They always felt a little reluctant to leave. They didn't expect that Luoyang would release a benefit in the end.

"Sing the song just now again!" Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted.

Immediately afterwards, more and more fans shouted: "Sing again! Sing again!"

"So that's all you ask for..."

Luoyang laughed. Yes, sometimes fans' requests are really simple, but he thinks it's complicated.

He stretched out his hand to signal the sound engineer to play the music. The sound engineer nodded, and the music of "Glory" sounded again. The tuner also quickly cheered up - if the tuner didn't tune the tune, then Luoyang's singing would really be a bit off. Can't take it.

"Thank you for the honor you gave me. I want to bow deeply to you, because someone can understand the hard work you have put in..." Luoyang's not-so-fluent singing sounded again in the square.

The fans all showed satisfied smiles and left the stage reluctantly amid Luoyang's singing.

(Thanks to ShwiLin for Piao Hong, plus the three alliance leaders of Luzhou Wei Shu, Yan Dian, Ecstasy, and Angel in the Dream, there are four alliance leaders in this book. I will start naming and updating the names of the four alliance leaders tomorrow.)

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