Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 223 Waiting online, quite urgent

On the second day of the fan meeting, Luoyang was indeed on the pages of major newspapers, and the pages it was allocated were very large, and even made the front page headlines in some small newspapers.

Without him, this incident was really too shocking.

Luoyang's dual identities on the Internet and in reality have extremely high appeal.

There were more than 20,000 fans at the scene, all of whom came for the allure in white, not to mention the martial arts fans and comic fans who came later for Luoyang's real-life identity.

"The third richest writer in the Dragon Kingdom is dressed in white, but his real identity is Luoyang, a famous martial arts master!"

"Shocked! The identity of Qingcheng in White was revealed during the fan meeting. He is the youngest martial arts master in the history of Dragon Kingdom!"

"The first person in Luoyang to combine both physical and online work, Luoyang has become a great writer in the Dragon Kingdom who is like an idol star!"

"A long line of limited-edition luxury cars opened the way, and a stadium of 30,000 people celebrated with everyone, just to make the idol smile!"

"The identity of Qingcheng in White was exposed, and Luoyang's real body appeared on stage to sing a song composed for fans. The fans at the scene burst into tears——"

Although they are all reporting on this matter, the focus of major newspapers is also very different.

Some newspapers are exaggerating the status of Bai Yiqingcheng as the supreme god who controls everything on the Internet...

Some newspapers told in their pages how Luoyang created "Seven Weapons" and became a famous martial arts master...

Some newspapers chose to use footage of Luoyang singing "Glory" on stage, while others used pictures of countless excited fans at the scene.

A fleet of luxury cars, identity exposure, and 30,000 fans filled the North Stadium with a huge crowd. Each of these showed a different style. Combined with Luoyang's age and status, it finally created such a shocking effect.

With flowers as a tribute, Luoyang has become a hot topic at the beginning of this summer.

At the same time, the revelation of Baiyi Qingcheng's true identity caused a stir on the Internet!


In the Dragon's Sky Forum, countless related posts are directly blocked. If the content of your post has nothing to do with Bai Yi Qingcheng, it is simply embarrassing to post in the Dragon's Sky at this time.

In other words, even if it is released, it will sink in seconds.

"Mama asked me why I was kneeling down to watch the news so early in the morning!"

"Humph, I'm really useless upstairs. Can someone help me? My legs are numb after kneeling all night."

"Bai Da, Bai Da, Bai Da, tell me important things three times. I seem to understand why Bai Da is the supreme god, and I am just a servant."

"It turns out that only the entity and the Internet can become the legendary supreme god. I, Leng Qiyi, lost."

"Am I the only one paying attention to Bai Da's face, which is comparable to that of a celebrity? Bai Da's appearance is completely superior to both the physical and online worlds!"

"I won't say much more. I used to be a big white boy. It was my goal. Today I realized that I thought too much. In the future, a big white boy is my dream..."

"When I saw this news, I really started to doubt my life! Bai Da turned out to be Luoyang! Luoyang turned out to be Bai Da! The two idols who shine so brightly are actually the same person. Who can tell me where they are? There’s a bug!”

In the contemporary comics world, Luoyang is also an unavoidable topic.

"I have only seen photos before, but yesterday I saw him in person. My husband is so handsome!"

"The guy who showed his face upstairs is obviously my husband. Besides, the song my husband wrote for me is really amazing!"

"Full marks for good looks, but I'm more concerned about Luo Shuai's new comics. I always feel like he doesn't really mean what he says when he talks about his new work..."

"After all, Luo Shuai specializes in novels, and it takes a long time to draw comics, so he is vague about the new work."

"A person's energy is limited after all, but I am still looking forward to Bai Da's new work. I have read "Five Centimeters per Second" three times and I still can't put it down."

The most exaggerated one is the Tiandu University forum.

Countless students were shocked and went crazy because of Luoyang's identity as Bai Yiqingcheng.

"I vaguely remember crying in class while watching "Close Encounters", but I didn't expect that Baiyi Qingcheng was also my classmate!"

"I even trolled Luoyang for the last comic shady incident. I cried to death. Baiyi Qingcheng is my idol. "Panlong" is one of my favorite online articles! And I even stupidly trolled him. Idol……"

"I caressed the person upstairs and fainted from crying in the bathroom... It turns out that my idol and I have been classmates for a year!"

This is a university forum. The most important part of Qingcheng's fan base is young people, and all the people in the university forum are young people!

Therefore, when the news came to light that Luoyang is the Alluring City in White, the reaction from various university forums was definitely more exaggerated than that of Long Kong and the contemporary comics community.

In a certain sense, for young people, the influence of Allure in White is even more shocking than the identity of the famous martial arts master in Luoyang - because the works of Allure in White that are all over the Internet are completely powerful weapons for young men and women to kill each other.

At noon that day, Wu Xuan, the school beauty of the Dance Department of Tiandu University, also started posting——

"I'm looking for a boyfriend. I need to go to the same school as me. He can draw comics, write fantasy novels, martial arts novels, and pure love novels. He only needs to be 1.78 meters tall. I'm waiting online. I'm very anxious."

This post was immediately pinned to the top because Wu Xuan is also a campus star at Tiandu University and always likes to joke, so this post has more of a prank element.

The comments below are also hilarious.

"Tsk, tsk, as far as I know, there is only one person in the entire Tiandu University who can meet the requirements of Wu University's campus beauty."

"I didn't expect that Wu Xuan is also a scheming girl. Who else can satisfy this request besides my Luo Shuai?"

"Hmph, draw your sword. Even if you are the school beauty, you can't steal my boyfriend from me!"

"The man upstairs, I can really understand if you are a girl, but you are a man, can you be more reserved!"

"He is talented and good-looking. Such a man is exactly the same as the perfect male protagonist in the comics!"

"You have forgotten the most important point. Mr. Luo is an abstinent male god. He perfectly meets the standards of a boyfriend..."

What’s interesting is that this post by Wu Xuan, the beauty of Tiandu University’s dance department, was reposted on Weibo, and it suddenly became popular and was reposted and imitated by countless netizens.

"I'm looking for a boyfriend. I need him to be able to draw comics, write fantasy novels, martial arts novels, and pure love novels. He needs to be 1.78 meters tall. I'm waiting online. I'm very anxious."

Netizens rushed to publish such a meager post with the exact same format.

What's more, they directly found the photos taken with mobile phones and cameras at yesterday's scene, and then published them in a nine-square grid after various treatments such as skin resurfacing and whitening.

This time it was even more noisy.

The on-site photos in Luoyang are really handsome.

And the fan who took the photo is also very skilled.

In the picture, Luoyang first wears a mask and walks up the steps.

Then came the moment when Luoyang took off his mask and revealed his face.

In addition, there are various pictures of Luoyang bowing, singing, laughing, and pursed lips...

Although Luoyang's height of 1.78 meters is not perfect, he does not feel weak because he insists on exercising in the morning. He has a good figure and is full of clean and masculine aura. There is no trace of him being at home creating for a long time. And the femininity produced.

"I'm looking for a boyfriend. I need him to be able to draw comics, write fantasy novels, martial arts novels, and pure love novels. He only needs to be 1.78 meters tall. I'm waiting online. I'm very anxious."

When such a meager line is combined with nine photos of Luoyang, the attraction that hits you is simply sky-high.

Many fans who didn't go to the scene realized why Bai Da's identity was exposed and caused such a big sensation...

Forgetting his status as a famous martial arts master, he is so handsome, versatile, and incredibly young. Who can resist his charm for such a writer?

(I recommend a book called "The Great God Concentration Camp". It is a first-person funny article. I read it for a long time and laughed so much that my stomach hurt. I don't know if my laughter point is low. Please go read it and give me more support.)

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