Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 224 Joker

Xingchen Novel Network.

Yao Yichen felt a little stupid when he saw the news on the Internet that Bai Yi Qingcheng's identity was exposed.

"In addition to being the supreme god in the Internet literary world, he is actually... also a famous martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom..."

Clenching his fists, Yao Yichen felt as if he had been tricked - why did Ya, a physical master, come to the Internet literature world to show off his power? The most important thing is that this guy's Internet literature achievements are still so high!

Although Yao Yichen does not pay attention to the matter of physical writers...

But as a native of the Dragon Kingdom, he certainly knew the literary status represented by the four words martial arts master.

Now, everyone knows that Fengyun Novel Network has a famous martial arts master. As the editor-in-chief of Xingchen Novel Network who personally pushed Luoyang away, he has become the object of ridicule by countless colleagues.

Luoyang did not target Yao Yichen this time.

Yao Yichen didn't post anything against Luoyang - after two consecutive slaps in the face by Long Kong, Yao Yichen had learned a lot, and he also knew that the words "white clothes and allure" were often synonymous with miracles.

However, even though it is no longer involved...

Yao Yichen was innocently shot, and it was a critical hit.

Many people in the outside world are now discussing things like "Yao Yichen, the editor-in-chief of Xingchen Novel Network, is short-sighted and personally let go of a monster existence that takes all online literary entities."

Yao Yichen felt a little bad about himself.

His still handsome face was slightly distorted at the moment.

In a certain antique room, the True Lord of Life and Death was also furious.

"No wonder, no wonder that the last time I criticized "Seven Weapons", the man in white clothes wanted to target me. It turns out that he is Luoyang. I criticized his own book, and of course he had to resist..."

As a long-established martial arts master, the Master of Life and Death is already forty-five years old this year.

I thought I had mastered the art of nourishing qi, but at this moment, facing the news that "The City in White Clothes is Luoyang", I still felt depressed.

"Forget it, junior, if I continue to tangle with you, it will really be a small loss but a big loss. When that thing is completed, I will definitely reach the top again and become the leader of the martial arts dragons."

"When the time comes, you will apologize obediently!"

Thinking of that incident, the face of True Lord Life and Death, which had turned red due to depression, gradually calmed down...


Of course Luoyang doesn’t know…

After his identity was exposed, several "old friends" lost their minds.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't care. Just as he said, knowing that you guys are not doing well makes me relieved.

The day after the fan meeting, Luoyang returned to his usual life, which was simple but not boring.

Hua Qi took the lists one by one and asked Luoyang if he would accept interviews from those newspapers and magazines. Naturally, Luoyang refused them all - the exposure of the fan meeting was enough, and it didn't make much sense to accept those interviews now.

And it’s summer now…

Summer vacation is meant for relaxing, isn’t it?

So Luoyang refused to be interviewed, and he felt more at ease with his refusal.

Turning on the computer, Luoyang read the comments about this fan meeting on the Internet.

As expected, wherever Luoyang looked, countless netizens gasped.

Everyone said that the news that Baiyi Qingcheng and Luoyang are the same person is really shocking.

Looking at those interesting comments, and even countless female fans enthusiastically calling him husband, Luoyang smiled and did not expect that he would play a guest role in the legendary national husband.

After opening Weibo, Luoyang also found that his comments on Weibo were completely blown up.

Fans are using countless exclamation points to express their feelings, including names such as Bai Da, Luo Shao, and even Luo Shen.

But obviously, Bai Yi Qingcheng's identity has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so in the hearts of many people, Bai Yi Qingcheng is still the aloof Bai Da.

Ding dong.

While I was reading the meager comments, my computer suddenly sounded a beep.

This means that Liu Qin's hair is meager - this is the special attention Liu Qin added when he used Luoyang Computer last time.

Luoyang has long been accustomed to Liu Qin's shamelessness, so he should pay special attention to it. Luoyang is too lazy to cancel it.

After refreshing, Liu Qin's meagerness came into view.

" @Allure in White, I turned on my phone today and saw a particularly popular video. It was said to be an online writer exposing his real identity. It was a huge spectacle. I couldn't help but click on it out of curiosity, and used my precious traffic to click into the video. , it turned out that the Internet writer was quite handsome, and that face hit my little heart. But my agent Amber saw it, and she said that I couldn’t be a nymphomaniac because I was a star. I was very unhappy. I like that she always educates me, so I got into an argument with her. During the argument, I accidentally broke the screen of Orange Six. I would like to ask everyone, how much does it cost to replace the screen in a mobile phone store? "


Luoyang couldn't help laughing.

This joke that was once popular in the previous life was really caught off guard. Even though I had seen it countless times in Tieba in the previous life, I was still shown off gorgeously at this moment.

Under Liu Qin's meager post, countless fans were also leaving messages.

"Seeing the end, in the messy wind..."

"I just want to say that Mr. Qin has turned into a joker!"

"You're just so charming with your strength, may I ask how Bai Da is feeling?"

"Hahaha, Mr. Qin has started to use his wit to gain popularity again. I am now the husband candidate for the collective book fans."

"Madan, thank you for taking me so seriously and sweating for you. In the end, you told me that you just wanted to repair your phone..."

"When I saw this meager post, because I was drinking water, all the water squirted into my phone. Now I really want to ask... What should I do if my phone gets water? Smiley face."

"Caressing upstairs, and Mr. Qin, is it really okay for you to be so flirtatious? I, Bai Da, am a cold and aloof martial arts master!"

This joke, which was so bad in the previous life, appeared for the first time in this life, so netizens burst into laughter.

In fact, if someone else came here and saw such a joke, I'm afraid it would be difficult to even talk about it - there are too many baptisms, and it is no longer strange.

In addition, because of the last chart-topping incident, fans of Liu Qin and Luoyang have already become close to each other, so the communication between the two parties is almost unimpeded. Fans of the two are even more familiar with each other, so all kinds of teasing and teasing are endless.

However, Luoyang deeply felt that he should fight back.

So he forwarded Liu Qin's meager message, and then said: "If the screen is broken, just change your phone. Besides, my girlfriend has been cheating on me recently. She always goes out with others at night and comes back very late in a taxi, and she doesn't drive to the door. . I peeked at her cell phone, and she was furious. One night when she went out, I hid on the corner of the street waiting to see who would pick her up. I found that the motorcycle was leaking oil. Please tell me. I just bought it a year ago, is there any warranty for this oil leakage problem?”


As soon as this Luoyang joke came out, countless netizens laughed again.

"Hahahaha, I laughed so hard. I didn't expect that I, Bai Da, also have such a funny side!"

"Perfect counterattack! This is... this is a battle between two great jokers!"

"I always feel that the painting style is a bit strange. Where did Bai Da, who was playing all the games on the stage that day, go..."

"The cooperation between Master Qin and Luoyang is so funny that it makes my stomach hurt..."

"The oil leakage problem should be covered by the warranty. Besides, Bai Da, it doesn't matter if you don't want a girlfriend like this, it's better to break up as soon as possible."

"Comments are funnier than meager comments. Sure enough, someone took it seriously and smiled manually."

"I only discovered today that the interaction between these two is so interesting every time, much more interesting than those celebrities who use official accents..."

(A friend came to Suzhou to hang out with me, and they are going out to drink tonight, so don’t wait any longer tonight, go to bed, I love you, cover your face and run away)

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