Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 227 Abuse and pleasure

"Ding dong..."

The meager account of Allure in White is the special concern of countless fans.

The moment "Nirvana in Fire" was updated, readers were notified.

Countless readers were excited when they saw that "Nirvana in Fire", which had been on hiatus for three days, had been updated!

"Finally updated, after three days, I waited until the flowers withered!"

"Bai Daweiwu, I haven't slept well in the past three days. I miss the sect master so much."

"Sect Master, Fei Liu, Prince Jing, haha, here I come. I haven't seen you for three days. I miss you so much!"

Can't wait, with excitement, excitement, and anticipation, readers clicked into the latest chapter released by "Nirvana in Fire".

And ten minutes later, after reading the latest chapter, the initial excitement in the readers' hearts was replaced by a feeling of distress——

"Do you know Lin Shu?"


"Did he really die in battle?"


"Where did he die in battle?"


"Where are the bones buried?"

"Seventy thousand heroic souls, heaven and earth are their tombs."

"There is obviously a mole here, I remember there is a mole here!"

"I know it's you, I know you are my brother Lin Shu..."

This plot is so graphic that countless people's eyes turned red after reading the latest chapter.

No one expected that after three days of interruption, the latest chapter of "Nirvana in Fire" would turn out to be such a tear-jerking scene!

In the pavilion, Princess Nihuang recognized Mei Changsu and mentioned the past events with countless emotions and sadness. When the wind blew, he held her in his arms. He said that he would protect her forever. She said , she will stay with him forever and never leave again!

Mei Changsu, a childhood sweetheart who had been suffering for a long time, finally let go of his guard.

And this Valkyrie showed her tender side for the first time, licking his wounds.

Of the 70,000 loyal souls, how many of them were returned? He had changed his skin, but she could still recognize him. What kind of friendship and concentration was needed to see through the completely different appearance the essence of the soul at a glance?

When the wind blew in each other's arms, the two pairs of eyes burst into tears.

And the detailed description of everything Princess Nihuang endured makes people feel pitiful.

Lin Shu's brother, childhood sweetheart and engaged, was inexplicably convicted of treason. Not only did he die in the battle of Mei Ling, but he, a woman, also had to support the Mu family in Nuo Da and help the country guard the border. She was obviously a woman, but she still had to support the family. Such a burden.

The most chilling thing is that the current emperor was still afraid of her, consciously or unconsciously.

Calculating it this way, although what she endured was not as heavy as Mei Changsu's, it was still extremely difficult.

Because in the final analysis, she is just a woman, and there are very few women who can achieve the level of Princess Nihuang.

Sometimes, in a trance, people feel that this woman is another Mei Changsu, the same indomitable, the same miraculous. One is scolding Fang Qiu on the battlefield, and the other is strategizing behind the scenes.

This is an image specially created by Luoyang.

He had a special preference for Princess Nihuang. He deeply believed that this character had more room to explore, so he spent more pen and ink to show it.

The attitude of readers was also reflected immediately in the comments.

"I have been following "Nirvana in Fire" for more than a month, and I personally think this episode is the most brilliantly written!"

"The picture is so powerful, it feels like you have really traveled outside the pavilion in the story and watched Lin Shu and the princess embracing each other!"

"I've been looking forward to it for three days, but what I didn't expect was the scene where Chang Ting recognizes each other. Bai Da's writing skills are really strong. This description is so touching that it made me cry to death."

"Add one upstairs, I, a grown man, just cried when I saw it..."

"Bai Da is a super master at creating atmosphere. You can see it by looking at the atmosphere in the comic "5 Centimeters Per Second". Tragedy is Bai Da's specialty, so every time I see these sadistic plots, I feel sad in my heart. I’m really afraid that the ending of “Nirvana in Fire” will be a tragedy.”

"To be honest, I was really touched by "Nirvana in Fire". The touch here is different from pure love. The touch here is called bearing humiliation and bearing the burden, and it is called the heart of a child!"

Indeed, the theme that "Nirvana in Fire" has always been emphasizing is the innocent heart.

This innocent heart refers to the sect leader Mei Changsu, to Prince Jing Xiao Jingyan, and to the countless lovely people who devoted themselves to overturning the case of 70,000 wronged souls.

Just like Xie Yu's evaluation of Mei Changsu.

"You know it's a trap, a den of tigers and wolves, but you still go there. The pros and cons are so obvious, but you still go for it. I haven't seen such a stupid, yet courageous person in a long time."

This is the heart of a child, which truly touches every reader.


Seeing the recognition from readers, Luoyang breathed a sigh of relief.

This shows that the shaping of this plot is qualified. Such a Calvin is a good thing. It at least proves that these three days of hard thinking are not in vain.

However, these three consecutive days of Kavin still made Luoyang feel sorry.

So he opened the document and continued to write "Nirvana in Fire" - he was stuck for three days in a row. If he didn't break out, he would be sorry for the readers who had been waiting with him.

Luoyang has always understood this.

And the plot that he broke out next completely dispelled the sadness caused by Changting's recognition.

Because in the following plot, Xie Yu actually used Jianghu forces to provoke Mei Changsu, and various assassinations occurred one after another.

And this also angered Mei Changsu. At the moment when he was feeding the goldfish next to the fish pond, Mei Changsu said tepidly: "Since they are using the power of the Jianghu, let them know who is in charge of this Jianghu."

The counterattack began.

Mei Changsu's masters began to take action.

Those Jianghu people who had provoked Mei Changsu before began to be defeated one by one.

The leader of the largest gang in the world finally showed his bloody fangs and used thunder to crush his opponents.

This plot is really refreshing and refreshing to watch. It wipes away the depression caused by all the previous plots and makes readers feel excited along with the plot!

This is the moving part of "Nirvana in Fire"!

It can torture, torture to the depths, and torture you to the point of heartache.

It can be so refreshing that it makes you cheer.

If you want to say that it only brings heaviness and depression, then where does that heart-breaking feeling come from when Mei Changsu strategizes and plays with his opponents to applause?

Therefore, as long as it is in the field of online articles, most of them have the word "shuang" as the main character, and some also include "shuang" and "shuang".

Works that coexist with both abuse and pleasure have significantly higher survivability, but such works are also more difficult to control. Therefore, facing this outbreak in Luoyang, readers have ignored the sadistic elements of the plot.

"Baida unexpectedly broke out. It was so bad. It made people cry just now, and it also made the sect master show off his power in the subsequent plot."

"So Bai Da is a master at controlling readers' emotions. Although he knows that this plot is based on a rhythm of torture and relaxation, but he still can't help but eat it as he continues reading. set, and never tire of it.”

"In addition, I feel that Fei Liu is becoming more and more cute and fierce. He is so powerful that he has almost no opponents."

"Watching "Nirvana in Fire", I actually found the same urgency I had when pursuing pure love. It turns out that I was complaining that Bai Da didn't write about pure love, but in my heart, I was quietly conquered by "Nirvana in Fire"."

"Indeed... If I was still a little unwilling before, I now understand Bai Da's choice. In terms of diversity, "Nirvana in Fire" has more connotation than pure love."

"Each one has his own merits, but Bai Da is too strong. We like to read whatever he writes."

"Completely join our Jiangzuo Alliance. I love Mei Changsu so much. Besides, aren't Su Su and Prince Jing really CPs? What should Nihuang do? Worry, worry."

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