Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 228 Love Rain

The readers' unanimous praise helped Luoyang get out of his restless state.

The improvement in writing skills also made Luoyang feel better, because he deeply understood that at any time, his greatest weapon and strongest strength came from his own works. There is no doubt about this.

In the days that followed, Luoyang became more integrated with work and rest, and lived a quiet and comfortable life.

But while Luoyang was busy enjoying life, Liu Qin encountered some trouble——

Due to the huge sales of her new album, Liu Qin's popularity has soared, and she has been promoted to the top of the music world.

With her status as a top-tier singer in the music industry confirmed, Liu Qin was flooded with various invitations, making her very busy.

Among these invitations, the most important one came from "Love Rain", a long-established magazine ranked among the top ten in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

"Qingyu" magazine has super high sales and strong popularity in the Dragon Kingdom. This magazine has always been very popular among men in the Dragon Kingdom and is known as the number one magazine for men.


Although "Qingyu" magazine was a popular seller, had senior qualifications, and the remuneration offered was not low, Liu Qin finally decisively rejected the invitation of "Qingyu" magazine without any hesitation.

Nothing else, just because "Qingyu" is a soft erotic magazine.

They claim to be a fashion magazine designed specifically for men, creating a new field of men's lifestyle.

The magazine is very popular among men in the Dragon Kingdom. The reason is probably because this magazine is branded with fashion and taste, and occasionally publishes side stories.

The reason why Liu Qin refused the cover invitation for "Love Rain" is even simpler...

Because the whole world knows that as the cover girl of "Qingyu" magazine, female stars need to be at least half-naked when leaving the country.

Liu Qin has never worn see-through or low-cut clothing since her debut, so how could she possibly be photographed on the cover of this magazine and leave the country half-naked.

So for such an invitation, as Liu Qin's agent, Amber naturally carried out Liu Qin's will and refused without hesitation, even though the sales impact of this old magazine was really far-reaching.

I thought this matter would just go away...

Who knows, the company suddenly issued a fatal order, requiring Liu Qin to accept the cover invitation of "Love Rain".

Because the influence of "Qingyu" magazine is so great, its sales volume ranks tenth among the major magazines in Dragon Kingdom, and its annual ranking is an out-and-out big magazine.

Many actresses dream of becoming the cover girl of "Love Rain" because it represents recognition of their qualifications and status.

Many of the upper management of the company did not understand Liu Qin's rejection, and many people were even angry about it. In their view, Liu Qin's failure to seize such a good development opportunity would be a waste of resources.

So they issued a death order this time, and Liu Qin had to accept it even if he didn't accept it.

But with Liu Qin's character, how could she bow to the company like this? It would be even harder to get her to face the camera with scantily clad clothes than to kill her.

Therefore, in the face of the company's strong request, Liu Qin still firmly refused, and in the afternoon of the same day, he directly rejected countless announcements with Amber and secretly ran to Tiandu...


Liu Qin naturally came to Tiandu to find Luoyang.

Amber followed Liu Qin and appeared at the door of the apartment.

As soon as he opened the door, Luoyang saw Liu Qin, who was still wearing a mask in the summer and was not afraid of covering up prickly heat, and his former assistant Amber.

"Why are you here?"

Luoyang was stunned for a moment, and then asked. He was extremely puzzled by the sudden arrival of these two people.

Because in Luoyang's impression, Liu Qin should be the busiest time recently, and he often sees Liu Qin appearing in some advertisements. It must be because of the recent sales of his album and his popularity.

"What, aren't you welcome?"

Liu Qin took off his mask to reveal his naturally carved cheeks, but said angrily.

Amber stood behind Liu Qin and stuck out her tongue at Luoyang, acting maliciously and cute like a little flower dog.

Luoyang stretched out his hand, touched Liu Qin's head, and then said with a smile: "It turned out to be burned out. No wonder he spoke as if he had been shot."

"You're the one who got burned!"

Liu Qin rolled his eyes, feeling helpless. Anyway, this guy was very vicious every time he spoke. If you really wanted to quarrel with him, you would mostly end up at the disadvantage.

"Okay, come in." Luoyang smiled and gave up his position.

It's interesting to say that the real owner of this apartment is not Amber behind Liu Qin, but now he is more like an owner.

Seeing Luoyang knowingly get out of the way, Liu Qin snorted lightly, and walked into the room with Amber. Once inside, Liu Qin seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and lay down on the sofa in a frontal position, softly The sofa sank in and popped up due to her sudden weight.

After Luoyang turned around and turned on the air conditioner, he looked at Liu Qin on the sofa and said, "The sudden arrival must be due to a reason. What happened to you?"

"You'd better ask Amber." Liu Qin buried his head in the sofa depressedly, looking like I don't want to talk now.

Luoyang frowned slightly, Liu Qin would only do this when he was troubled, so Luoyang turned his eyes to Amber.

"The company asked my sister to be the cover girl of "Qingyu" magazine."

Touching Luoyang's probing eyes, Amber Yan explained briefly and concisely. She knew that with her former boss's IQ, she only needed to say this and Luoyang would understand the meaning.

Sure enough, after listening to Amber's explanation, Luoyang just thought for a moment and guessed the reason - probably because of the scale of "Qingyu" magazine, so Liu Qin probably wanted to refuse this opportunity.

Luoyang also knows the standards for cover girls of "Qingyu" magazine. This magazine is somewhat similar to the "FHM" in its previous life, and in terms of cover requirements, it is much larger than that of "FHM". However, Liu Qin has always Always conservative.

It was impossible for her to be half-naked, so it was impossible for Liu Qin to agree to this invitation from FHM.

"So, you rejected the cover invitation for "Love Rain", but the problem lies with Dingsheng Entertainment?"

Amber smiled bitterly: "You guessed it again, Bai Da. This is a mandatory requirement of the company. In order to force my sister to submit, the company has sent several groups of people to persuade us. We did so much ideological work that we almost collapsed, so we escaped. come out."

Luoyang said helplessly: "So, you are using escape to tell Dingsheng Entertainment that you are determined to refuse?"

"There is no other way..." Amber shook her head and said: "Actually, the company has wanted to ask my sister to change her clothing style several times before. Female celebrities want to be prominent and often wear sexy and revealing clothes. clothing is a good choice.”

"But she is just a singer - a singer's job is to sing, and she has to worry about what clothes to wear at events. This is something that only movie stars have to worry about."

Amber nodded: "Yes, my sister is a singer, but don't forget Bai Da, she is also a beautiful singer with a good figure. How could the company let go of such a well-packaged project?"

This time it was Luoyang's turn to roll his eyes.

She has a beautiful body and a good figure...why can't she see it?

"It seems that the whole world is blind." Luoyang concluded.

Hearing this, Amber said with a confused face: "Bai Da, what did you say? In your eyes, isn't my sister beautiful?"

"Beautiful? Alas, when others laugh at me, I'm too crazy. I laugh at them because they can't see through it." Luoyang looked at Liu Qin's body lying on the sofa and said with regret.

Liu Qin raised her head faintly and stared at Luoyang.

"I said, you are such a heartless person, are you still in the mood to make sarcastic remarks at this time?"

"Do you want me to pose as a teacher on the cover of "Love Rain", and then let all the men in the Dragon Kingdom curl their hair in front of me?"

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