Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 229 I don’t want to be gay

Luoyang put on a posture of surrender: "I didn't say that. Besides, your way of doing things is far behind Teacher Cang."

"Um, Dad Bai, I'll interrupt, who is Teacher Cang?" Amber was confused as she listened, why couldn't she understand a word about Teacher Cang, Lu Yiyi, etc.

Luoyang showed a nostalgic look: "Teacher Cang, that is a teacher with noble moral character and both virtue and art."

"Isn't that great? In my eyes, sister is just like Teacher Cang." Amber said, secretly wondering why Bai Da's eyes were so lewd.

Luoyang said: "That's right, Liu Qin, you have to strive to become someone like Teacher Cang."

Liu Qin replied with an ugly face: "You are Teacher Cang, and your whole family is Teacher Cang! Go and cook, this big star is hungry!"

Luoyang smiled, knowing that he couldn't flirt anymore, otherwise someone would have to blow up today, so for safety's sake, he stumbled into the kitchen, and soon the sound of chopping vegetables could be heard from the kitchen.

By the time the meal was ready, it was already getting late, but Liu Qin and Hu Hu were already sitting at the dining table early.

After Luoyang put the dishes he had cooked on the table, the two little slanderous cats immediately started eating with chopsticks, as if they had been hungry for half a year, without even a polite "You sit down and eat too".

After eating, the two of them lay down on the sofa together...

Luoyang looked at the tacit understanding between the two humans and gods, and his eyes showed a hint of exploration: "Liu Qin, it's okay."

"What can I do?"

Liu Qin asked curiously, raising his head to meet Luoyang's eyes, only to find that Luoyang's eyes were constantly wandering around her and Hu Hu's bodies, and the meaning was self-evident.

Liu Qin immediately understood what Luoyang was thinking, and couldn't help but said with a look of disgust: "Luoyang, I find that you are becoming more and more obscene now."

Luoyang was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Liu Qin with doubts in his eyes. Could it be that he had misunderstood? But looking at the state of the two of them, something seemed wrong.

Seeing that Luoyang still looked suspicious, Liu Qin curled his lips and didn't bother to explain. He took out his mobile phone and started playing. In short, he showed a clear conscience.

Amber sat up after lying for a while, and she said: "Sister, Bai Da, I want to find my brother now."

"What's wrong, Amber, won't you accompany me tonight?" Liu Qin immediately sat up from the sofa when he heard that Amber was going to his brother's place.

"What are you doing with him?" Luoyang also asked.

"It's nothing, I miss him." Amber's eyes curved into a crescent shape.

Luoyang felt that the matter was not that simple, but it was Amber's decision. Of course he would not interfere. After thinking about it, Luoyang said, "I'll have someone send it to you."

"Yeah, okay." Amber nodded.

Five minutes later, Long Wanchun drove downstairs. After putting Amber in the car, Luoyang and Liu Qin returned to the apartment.

"That bodyguard of yours is so efficient." Liu Qin said with some surprise. Just five minutes after Luoyang made the call, Long Wanchun's car parked downstairs in the apartment, and he was literally on call.

Hearing this, Luoyang felt something in his heart: "Don't you have a bodyguard yet?"

"Now we have it." Liu Qin said. As her fame grew and the results of her new album proved, the company also valued her more and more. Of course, they assigned bodyguards to be responsible for her safety.

"Your company is not reliable. I will let Long Wanchun follow you from now on." Luoyang said.

"Long Wanchun? Is that the name of your bodyguard?" Liu Qin asked curiously.

Luoyang nodded: "Yes, he is very skilled. There is no use for him if he stays with me. On the contrary, he is more suitable for protecting you, a public figure."

"Ah ah ah, I'm so touched. He is indeed my good brother! Give him a kiss."

Liu Qin made a pose like Xizi holding her heart in front of her, looking like she was crying with gratitude.

Luoyang looked disgusted: "Quickly wipe the oil on your mouth, you don't even know how to clean it up after eating."

Liu Qin raised an eyebrow: "Can we kiss after wiping?"

Luoyang immediately cursed: "Kiss you Male Gobi."

"You are so incompetent." Liu Qin snorted, turned around and ran to the refrigerator in the corner, taking out a bunch of canned beer from the refrigerator.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to...but I can't do it." Liu Qin was very disappointed.

The veins on Luoyang's forehead twitched: "I mean... what are you doing with beer?"

"Of course you're drinking, aren't you stupid?" Liu Qin said disdainfully, then tore open a bunch of beer.

Luoyang frowned and said, "You are a singer, so you have to protect your throat. Drinking beer is not good for your throat and will affect your voice, so it's best not to drink it."

"I've already quit smoking, and you still want me to quit drinking? No way!" Liu Qin shook his head, then ignored Luoyang, opened a can of beer, and drank it.

Luoyang was helpless. After hearing what Liu Qin said, he remembered that this guy had unknowingly given up smoking, his once beloved cigarette. It seemed that Liu Qin had paid a lot in order to become such a big star.

Thinking of this, he stopped trying to persuade Liu Qin. Just some beer. Just drink it if you like. After all, she didn't have many opportunities to drink.

After taking a sip, Liu Qin held a dozen beers and ran to the balcony alone in bare feet. He drank the beer while enjoying the evening breeze. His long hair was fluttering, and he looked a bit fairy-like. Unfortunately...

A hiccup destroyed this fairy-like artistic conception.

Luoyang also sat on the wicker chair on the balcony, picked up a can of beer and drank.

"Luoyang, do you think that to be a star, you must rely on your appearance to win?" Liu Qin asked curiously.

"Judging from the development trend of entertainment in this era, what is important is that female stars compete for beauty, and singers are no exception." Luoyang thought for a while and said.

Liu Qin said seriously: "But I sing well."

Luoyang took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "So they want to package you and discover more of your charm. As long as you are still in the company, the people above will not let you arrange your own path."

"Then wouldn't I be a tragedy?" Liu Qin was extremely depressed.

Maybe because she is a boy, she really hates being looked at by men with a possessive look. It not only makes her uncomfortable, but even a little disgusting. But on weekdays, Liu Qin faces the most That's the look.

She wanted to shout loudly to those men: "I don't want to be gay."

But obviously she couldn't, so she could only try her best to adapt to those eyes and pretend she didn't see anything...

But if she is asked to wear scantily clad clothes and pose in all kinds of provocative poses for the camera... this is absolutely unacceptable, not even to death. Let's let the female stars who can accept it go.

"You don't have to worry too much about the cover." Luoyang knew what Liu Qin was worried about and said comfortingly.

Liu Qin stared and asked, "Why?"

"Because someone will take care of it." Luoyang looked at the direction in which Amber left, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Liu Qin failed to understand what Luoyang meant: "You mean, the company will let me go? Don't be ridiculous, otherwise I will be killed. The contract clearly states that they can even force me to shoot the cover Yes, because this kind of thing is a normal announcement..."

Luoyang nodded: "Don't worry."

Amber went to see her brother, presumably to deal with this matter.

To take a step back, even if Amber doesn't find her brother, Liu Qin doesn't have to worry, because Luoyang has already prepared the money for the breach of contract. At worst, it will spend 50 million in liquidated damages to make Liu Qin and Dingsheng Entertainment break up.

"Okay then..." Liu Qin nodded reluctantly, still trusting Luoyang's words.

After taking a swig of wine, Liu Qin suddenly became angry and said, "Why are you so tired? Is there any way to make me unrestricted?"

"Of course." Luoyang said with certainty.

Liu Qin's eyes brightened slightly and asked, "What can I do?"

Luoyang did not answer, but smiled and said: "Let's wait until we get to that point."

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