Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 238 Dark Horse

After the interview at the premiere, Luoyang and Liu Qin separated.

Luoyang returned to the apartment, while Liu Qin took the car to the station to prepare to return to the Magic City.

She has been in Tiandu for so long, and finally the cold war with the company has been lifted, and now she wants to go back to continue her work as an artist.

The relationship between Luoyang and Liu Qin was immediately exposed by the media on the Internet. The video of their interview was also released by an entertainment website. During the interview, Luoyang and Liu Qin both generously admitted that they had known each other before. matter.

The public didn't react much to this. Entertainment and entertainment are not separated, and a star and a writer know each other. This in itself is not surprising.

Moreover, although Liu Qin is famous, she is a new female singer after all, and the same is true in Luoyang. No matter how popular she is, she is just a writer after all. In terms of influence in the hearts of the people, she is only about the same as Liu Qin.

On the contrary, after fans of the two companies read the news, they all expressed their surprise and started making various comments on Weibo.

"He even admitted that the two of them knew each other before!"

"Bai Da is so treacherous, and he and Master Qin have known each other before!"

"Damn it, I felt something was wrong last time, and someone told me that they couldn't possibly know each other. Who told me to come forward!"

"Wow, I didn't expect that we were still neighbors. Now we are each developing so well in our own fields. It's not easy."

"In this way, we can also understand why Bai Dahui went crazy last time because Master Qin was blacklisted - a good friend can't bear to be bullied!"

"I think it's more like being angry for beauty..."

"Well, I don't believe that the two of them are friends. They look like a couple at first glance!"

"Couple plus one, there is absolutely no pure relationship between men and women in this world, hum."

"They must be friends. There is no ambiguity in the details of the exchange between the two. Even when Master Qin joked that Luoyang could chase her, their eyes were clear and clear, without any distracting thoughts."

"I agree with you upstairs. From the look in their eyes, the two of them are really good friends. They have a good relationship, but they are definitely not a couple."

"If they are both men, they will be brothers, and if they are both girls, they will be sisters. If their genders are different, their relationship will be like a red girl and a blue girl."

Regarding the discussion on the Internet, Liu Qin sat firmly on Diaoyutai and remained silent.

Anyway, just pretend to be stupid at this time. The more you say at this time, the more fans will boo.

As for Luoyang, he did not mention Liu Qin's matter. Instead, after returning home, he recommended "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" in his meager post.

"This is a movie that will satisfy pure love fans. Director Gong Xin perfectly restored the plot of "Those Years" and brought you a touch of memory."

Luoyang's recommendation was very serious. At first, he never mentioned the upcoming release of the movie "Those Years" because he didn't know what the director would eventually make of the movie.

But after reading it, he had given up his worries.

The movie is very exciting and worth recommending, so he carefully reminded the pure fans to remember to buy tickets to watch the movie, and the pure fans also bought it.

"It premieres nationwide tomorrow, August 1, and I'm going to watch it with my boyfriend. I hope I won't be disappointed."

"I'm a little afraid to watch it, for fear of insulting the classic in my heart, but since Bai Da recommended it, I'll wait until the movie comes out tomorrow to watch it."

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time. Although it's a bit painful to cast new people, it seems that after the premiere, the audience who watched the movie spoke highly of the movie adaptation..."

"I have read the novel n times, and finally when the movie comes out, I will definitely support it!"

Luoyang's appeal remains as strong as ever. After his recommendation, fans of pure love happily went to the theater to watch the movie adapted from this novel...


On August 1, "The Girls We Chased Together in Those Years" was released nationwide.

As a result, the film exploded with energy that shocked many who hadn't noticed the small investment.

I saw that it was a dark horse, and it continued to be a hit at the box office once it was released. It was unstoppable during the same period, and the audience's evaluation of the movie was not low at all!

"The box office exceeded 35 million on the first day. "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" broke the curse of online novel adaptation!"

"Ultra-low filming, ultra-low investment, and huge returns, Dadi Entertainment's investment in "Those Years" has become a classic success story!"

"There is a sentiment called "The Girls We Chased Together in Those Years". This is a classic that you can't miss during the summer!"

"Jing Yu, who plays Ke Jingteng, received over 10 million followers overnight and was called the little prince of youth movies!"

"The spark of two young talents, the greatest success of "Those Years" is that the director is Gong Xin and the screenwriter is Luoyang."

Journalists went crazy!

Who would have thought that a small-budget production could be such a dark horse!

Movie fans are discussing this movie, and the plot in it has been brought up as a topic of discussion time and time again.

But--actually speaking, the first-day box office of 35 million is not an exaggeration at all considering the population base of Dragon Kingdom.

But after all, this is just a low-cost movie, with an investment of only 30 million, and with a very low film schedule, the result was a box office of 35 million, which undoubtedly shocked the audience.

In the following days, the performance of "Those Years" finally attracted the attention of major theaters.

They began to consciously increase the filming rate of "Those Years". Dadi Entertainment was also stunned by this dreamy start and continued to increase investment in publicity to build momentum for this dark horse movie.

The next day, the box office of "Those Years" bucked the trend and increased to 40 million!

On the third day, "Those Years" showed no signs of decline and achieved a score of 42 million...

In the Dragon Kingdom, the film system is somewhat similar to that of the previous life. Film investors only account for a little more than 30% of the entire box office revenue. This means that generally, a box office that is three times higher than the investment can start to make a profit.

But the results of "Those Years" successfully achieved profitability on the third day.

The reputation of dark horse spread like wildfire.

So-called experts from the outside world began to analyze the reasons for the success of "Girls We Chased Together in Those Years".

Some people say that the director is superb.

Some people say it’s because there were no blockbusters during the same period.

Some people say that the performance of the new actors in the movie was too surprising.

Some people also say that it is fans of the original work and screenwriter Luoyang who are exerting their efforts. After all, among the fans of "Those Years", some of the new forces are people from the White Clothes League...

No matter how the outside world analyzes it, the director and actors have begun to profit from this movie.

As the original author and screenwriter, Luoyang naturally began to rise and was contacted by many companies.

Several companies began to inquire about Luoyang's other two pure love novels, "First Intimate Contact" and "Days of Living with a Stewardess".

This is also human nature.

"Those Years" is Luo Yang's work.

But don’t forget, there are three pure love works in Luoyang.

Since "Those Years" can be a hit, then the other two movies may not be a hit, so these companies will suddenly actively come to buy the copyrights.

Luoyang did not refuse, so the copyright was naturally for sale. After all, it was of little use for Luoyang to keep it in his hands. Moreover, taking advantage of the popularity of "Those Years", the other two works could still be sold at a good price.

So Luoyang agreed.

The movie matter was quickly put aside by Luoyang.

After leaving the copyright negotiation to his assistant Hua Qi, Luoyang got on the bus to Sichuan Province.

He has not forgotten that he promised his parents to visit them. This matter is more important than selling the copyright.

(Thanks to the True Lord of Life and Death for his beauty, he came out after being called out for a long time, and the alliance with the Lord, bang, bang, bang, take away a set of great health care...)

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