Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 239 Strange Memory

Sichuan City.

When Luoyang came to this city, he suddenly felt in a trance.

Under the strong sunshine at noon, Luoyang's eyes were a little confused.

There seemed to be some extra memories in his mind for no reason, these memories were familiar yet unfamiliar.

There was a child circling around in his mind. The child held a woman's hand and shouted that he wanted to eat Long Chao Shou, Mapo Tofu, and hot and sour noodles...

With doting eyes, the woman took the child with her and ate all the delicacies rich in the city's characteristics.

This memory came very suddenly, and Luoyang was stunned for a while under the sun.

He clearly didn't know that child, and that woman was even more unfamiliar to him, but these two people appeared in his memory for no reason, and they carried an... inexplicable intimacy.

The voices of the child and the woman were also far away and near.

Luoyang shook his head slightly: "Maybe it's the first time to meet parents in this world, so it's inevitable to be nervous."

He finally attributed the reason to this, because although his parents in this life had contacted him many times on the phone, they had never met in person.

The only impression exists in the photos on the phone——

The original owner of this body obviously loved his parents very much, and he also had many family photos on his phone.

Luoyang has been in this world for a year, and he has not changed his mobile phone or phone card. Anyway, his attitude towards electronic products has always been that they can be used and convenient.

Following the address he found out from others, Luoyang came to a neighborhood that looked a bit old.

Ten minutes later, Luoyang climbed to the second floor of a certain building, hesitated slightly in front of the door for ten seconds, and then knocked lightly on the door.


The door opened.

The middle-aged woman who opened the door saw Luoyang, a look of surprise quickly appeared on her face, and her voice was obviously full of uncontrollable joy: "Son, you are finally back!"


Luoyang showed a natural smile.

Naturally, even he himself found this a bit inexplicable...

The tension and apprehension disappeared without a trace in an instant.

It was as if the woman in front of him was his real mother, from emotion to blood.

"Come in, the father of the child, come out and see who's back!" The woman shouted to the back room while letting Luoyang in.

Soon, a middle-aged man walked out of the room inside. He was in his forties. From his appearance, it could be seen that he was very similar to Luoyang, but his figure was significantly larger than Luoyang's. lock up.

When Luoyang saw this man, he smiled and said, "Dad, I seem to have become fat again."

After saying this, even Luoyang himself was a little stunned. This sentence blurted out without even passing through his brain, but it was obviously the first time he met the two elders in front of him, so why was this feeling of familiarity so strong.

"You kid, every time I see your dad for the first time when I come back, you always say "I'm fat again." Luo's mother laughed and scolded him.

Luoyang was heartbroken.

Have you often said this before?

Luo's father nodded and said: "Luoyang is right. I am getting fatter every year as I get older. It seems that I need to pay more attention to my health in the future... Well, what does it smell like?"

Father Luo suddenly sniffed his nose and said strangely.

Luo Mu was stunned, then rushed into the kitchen: "The vegetables are burnt."

"I think you age faster than me. The older you get, the more confused you become." Luo's father scolded Luo's mother in the kitchen.

As Luoyang watched this scene, the strange feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger, as if he had heard this conversation between his parents countless times.


Walking into the bedroom, Luoyang took a look.

The bedroom is about ten square meters and is very clean.

This kind of cleanliness moved Luoyang. Although their son did not live here all year round, the parents always kept this room habitable, as if they were waiting for their son to come over at any time.

There was a computer desk in front of the window. Luoyang took out the laptop from his bag and opened it in front of the window.

The sun casts mottled shadows through the curtains, while Luoyang uploaded the prepared manuscripts of "Coiling Dragon" and "Nirvana in Fire" to the Internet with ease.

When the upload was finished, there was a gentle knock on the door.

Luoyang raised his head and said, "Please come in."

Luo's father held a peeled apple in his hand and handed it to Luoyang: "Your mother peeled it for you."

"Oh, long live mom." Luoyang said with a smile, then took the apple and ate it.

Luo's father said with emotion: "More than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. I still remember when you first came to Sichuan Province to work, you were only about ten years old. During that time, you pestered your mother to go out every day. When eating, mother and son have tasted all the delicacies in this city."

Luoyang's hand eating the apple froze slightly.

here we go again……

He recalled the memory that had appeared in his mind for no reason.

The little boy pestered the woman for food, and then the two of them ate all the delicious food.

"I can't remember clearly. What did you eat?" Luoyang asked with a smile, his voice a little strange.

"Long Chao Shou, Mapo Tofu, Hot and Sour Rice Noodles..." Luo's father didn't notice the difference in Luoyang's tone, and named many delicacies in succession: "Because the family didn't have much money at that time, but your mother took you to eat everywhere, He also stumbled a few words, so I was quite impressed.”

Father Luo smiled and said with a warm expression.

But Luo's father didn't notice that Luo Yang's eyes became more and more strange.

Because every delicacy mentioned by Father Luo was exactly the same as what he remembered.

Could it be that that child was actually the childhood of my original body...that I had obtained the memory of the original owner of this body?

But this doesn’t make sense. The appearance of this memory is too sudden. Or is this sudden memory the real me?

Luoyang fell into deep thought.

"What are you and your son talking about? The food is ready. Let's talk after eating." Luo's mother's voice came from the living room.

After hearing this, Luo's father stood up and patted Luo Yang on the shoulder: "Let's go and eat. What your mother cooked today is what you like."

Luoyang also stood up and nodded.

Again, don’t think about problems that you can’t figure out.

It is too difficult to reach a conclusion even if countless brain cells are lost.

So Luoyang decisively put aside the inexplicable thoughts in his mind and walked out of the room.

As expected, the dining table was filled with dishes, both meat and vegetables, and they looked delicious, delicious, and Luo Mu’s craftsmanship was comparable to Luoyang’s.

It is worth mentioning that……

The Luo family tutor has his own theory. Anyway, he has allowed Luoyang to develop since he was a child. Whether it is in study or life, he seems to be deliberately cultivating Luoyang's independent ability.

Luoyang is also very competitive. Although he has not received much discipline since childhood, his grades have always been among the best.

During the meal, they inevitably talked about Luoyang's writing of novels. Now Luoyang is a star writer and the youngest martial arts master in the Dragon Kingdom. Luo's father and mother did not say anything, but they were proud of their son in their hearts. .

In addition, the second uncle was also discussed at the dinner table. The second uncle has the closest relationship with the Luo family, so Luoyang also told his parents a lot about his second uncle's situation.

Just like what my mother said, Luo's father was full of praise for "Seven Weapons" written by Luo Yang. He is an older generation of martial arts fans and has a natural liking for martial arts.

In addition, "Seven Weapons" was written by his own son, which made Luo's father even more happy.

Seeing Luo's father happy, Luoyang also talked about his plans for a new martial arts book, the story about Lu Xiaofeng and his friends...

(I recommend a friend’s new book, "The Big Star Is Me". The title is a bit too imitative of a certain fish.)

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