Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 266 The reputation remains the same

Unsurprisingly, the poem "Qinyuanchun" became popular on the Internet.

Signatures such as "Cha classmate boy" can be seen everywhere, and the words "Wan Huhou Hou in the year of Dung Tu" have been recognized by countless students and become their motto.

The poem "Sad and melancholy, asking who controls the ups and downs of the boundless earth" has been posted by countless successful people on their WeChat Moments to show their strong character as a successful person.

But it’s no wonder—

Since the Song Dynasty, it is indeed rare to see words of such high quality.

Even the Long Country Poetry Association, an unofficial organization, spoke highly of this poem, saying that it has far-reaching ideas, is heroic and majestic, and takes into account the unruly and high-spiritedness of a young man. It is a rare masterpiece in modern times.

And Luoyang, because of this poem, has gained a lot of popularity.

At this moment, it has impressively reached more than 80 million followers, and it is not impossible to reach over 100 million followers.

However, considering the six billion population of the Dragon Kingdom, there are many people who are concerned about the meager figure of over 100 million, so this number is not an exaggeration. In terms of popularity, Luoyang is probably equivalent to a second-tier person who is relatively easy to get around. star.

However, the meager number of followers has always been relatively unreal, and few people can tell clearly how many percent of them are live fans.


In the following days, Liu Qin continued to be busy with the album, and Luoyang also lowered his profile again after the opening ceremony, immersed himself in writing every day, and prepared for the next issue of "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes".

The magazine is his only physical business at the moment.

A lot of profits are also generated by this magazine.

Because Liu Qin did not leave the notice and disappeared from the public again, Amber, the agent, was also free.

So Hua Qi handed over the establishment of the website to Amber. Under Amber's supervision, the official website of "Traveling in Rivers and Lakes" was finally built successfully and began to be opened to the outside world.

On that day, the number of registered users on the official website of "Traveling Rivers and Lakes" reached six million, and this number is still increasing at a rapid rate!

On September 20th, the sales of "Traveling Rivers and Lakes" finally began to decline, which means that the market is close to saturation. However, at this moment, "Traveling Rivers and Lakes" has sold 18 million copies, becoming the most popular martial arts genre. The unstoppable leader of magazines.

The industry is crying wolf!

The influence of Master Gu Long's five classic series has become more and more profound.

Other types of magazines couldn't help but be tempted by the consumption power of the martial arts market, but they also knew that the fundamental reason for the success of "Jianghu" lies in the release of Luoyang's five wonderful masterpieces.

Luoyang became the most popular magazine-selling boy in the world of martial arts novels.

On September 25, the national sales of "Jianghu" reached 20 million copies, and the market was completely saturated.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Luoyang officially announced that the first issue of "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes" would be available on the official website for netizens to pay to read.

This is no small matter, because there are many people who really don’t like to buy magazines. They would rather wait for the official open network to read them a while later than others.

Why did Luoyang's "Seven Weapons" finally receive such high votes?

It's not the physical sales of the magazine, but the effect of open online reading. In fact, many people only learned about Luoyang after reading "Seven Weapons" on the Internet.

That is to say...

The number of people who are willing to wait for a while to read books online is actually many times higher than the number of people who buy magazines. After all, buying magazines is not only troublesome, but also expensive.

Paying to read online is cheaper and offers more choices.

In other words, this marketing method is a bit like the distribution process of certain movies in previous lives——

That is to first let the movie be released in major theaters across the country, and then wait for the people who are willing to go to the theater to watch the movie to digest it, and then release the movie disc and earn another amount of money.

There is no doubt that many more people buy discs than go to movie theaters to watch movies.

However, the bulk of the revenue is still generated when the movie is released, and the subsequent discs are more about expanding the movie's national popularity and influence.

The publication of Dragon Kingdom magazine adopted such a strategy. Of course, this strategy can only be realized in a genuine country like Dragon Kingdom. It was undoubtedly a joke to adopt this method in the previous life.

On September 26, the number of registrations for "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes" began to grow even more rapidly.

Countless readers who have not yet purchased "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes" have left messages after reading the electronic version——

"I have always wanted to buy a copy of "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes". I heard that the stories in it are very exciting, but I have never had the chance because I was busy with work. Finally, the official website has made it available for reading. After reading the five stories, I feel very excited. Please release it soon. One issue!”

"I've always liked reading electronic versions, so I didn't buy magazines. Today I finally got what I wanted. There's not much to say, just two words, wonderful!"

"Let's release the next issue as soon as possible. I'm really looking forward to the plot of the second volume of "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang". Let everyone tell you which masterpiece is your favorite!"

"I like "The Passionate Swordsman", but I can't tell who is the protagonist between A Fei and Li Xun Huan. The name seems to be A Fei? But Li Xun Huan's character is too brilliant..."

"I can't wait to read the next issue. Don't ask me which one I like. I feel like I like every one. But I have one worry. With five games released in a row, are you sure it won't be a hit?"

"I probably won't be able to write it. It would be a pity if it fails! I would rather Luo Shuai write slower!"

"I should call him Luo Dong now. It is said that the profit of "Traveling in Jianghu" has far exceeded that of "Xia Ke Jianghu", and Luo Dong has contributed a lot!"

"I have never liked the idea of ​​literati getting involved with businessmen, because a writer's heart is easily corrupted by the smell of money. Fortunately, these five works have allowed me to see a different Luo Shuai."

"The most successful example of a literati making a magazine has been born. I can't wait to catch Mr. Luo now and force him to hand over the following plot!"

"It's rare for magazines to serialize so much content at once. Generally, the first paragraph of a serialization only initially reveals the plot. However, "Jianghu" unfolds all the plots of five masterpieces. Presumably Mr. Luo also wants these masterpieces to be published. , quickly show your own style.”

These readers are not wrong.

In order to stop Youyou's mouth, but also to defeat the opponent for the sales of "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes".

Luoyang wrote a lot of content and unfolded the plot in the five works serialized in the first issue of the magazine.

With his coding speed, it still takes so many days. You can imagine how conscientious the first issue of "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes" is. It has a generous number of words and a similar price. It is different from the first issue of other magazines where the first issue is just a taste. .

This is probably one of the reasons for the high sales of "Into the River".

But when it comes to this, Luoyang is helpless.

Because no matter how classic the novel is, you can't tell much by just reading the first chapter.

Therefore, Luoyang can only let the plots of the five novels unfold and make appropriate adjustments.

For example, in "Peerless Two Prouds", Luoyang let Hua Wuque appear in advance, and in "Xiao Shiyilang", Luoyang also quickly introduced the plot to the main line. If you really copy it according to the dead brain, the beginning of the five consecutive works will also be as high as There is no such shocking effect.

However, the harvest is also gratifying.

Luoyang once again demonstrated his excellent adaptation skills.

These five masterpieces have become more attractive after fine-tuning the plots.

This is evident from the feedback from the magazine, and the evaluation of the electronic version makes Luoyang extremely excited.

Luoyang has also made a lot of fine-tuning on the content to be serialized in the second issue of the five works. Now everything is almost ready, and we are just waiting for the arrival of October - the second issue of "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes" will be released soon.

(I just saw that my classmate Shuyao has also joined the league. Thank you very much! Now I am working on the thesis and defense at school. I will update after I finish the thesis...)

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