Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 267 Breaking the record again

The sun radiates its heat unbridled.

The criss-crossing roads seemed to be scorched, and all kinds of spring plants were in a state of confusion——

Not many people are willing to come out on a day like this.

White-collar workers would rather stay in the office, enjoying the air conditioning comfortably, and occasionally being lazy while working. Even the workers on the construction site prepared large bottles of water and took a sip from time to time.

However, such heat cannot stop the enthusiasm of some people.

Bookstores in major cities such as Tiandu, Magic City, Yangcheng, Jinling, etc. are all crowded at the moment.

Even the smaller bookstore was surrounded by many customers at the moment. They lined up and shouted.

"Boss, give me a copy of "Jianghu"."

"I also want "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes"."

"And me, three copies of "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes"."

"Boss, please hurry up. You're going to be late for work."

"I want twenty copies of "Traveling in Jianghu". My colleagues asked me to buy them."

Yes, today is October 1st. It may seem like an ordinary day at the beginning of the month, but in fact, many martial arts fans have long been waiting for the release of "Jianghu".

Now this day has finally arrived.

Martial arts fans couldn't wait to go to bookstores to buy the magazine in person.

As a result, after a day of sales, bookstores of all sizes were happy - the sales of "Jianghu" continued the miracle of last month, and once again became the best-selling among martial arts magazines.

And look at the fire's appearance...

Bookstore owners even believe that the sales volume of "Jianghu" this month is expected to exceed the 20 million copies sold last month.

It’s hard to say whether it can exceed 20 million copies, but it’s true that the daily sales of the second issue of “Jianghu” broke the record again – third-party monitors announced that “Jianghu” sold 1.8 million copies per day!

This is the first-day sales of "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes" nationwide.

This sales volume successfully broke the previous record of 1.5 million set by "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes" and reached 1.8 million. Once again, it stabbed the hearts of peers!

Headquarters of Xiake Jianghu.

The conference room was filled with mist and mist at the moment.

Chairman Zhao Dongkai looked at the employees in the audience and issued angry questions.

"Why can't we even create a new magazine? Why did a famous artist who was supposed to fight for us let go because of some people's stupidity?"

Editor-in-chief Yang Qing is also in the audience - no, she has been dismissed from her position now. In today's meeting, she is only here to accept criticism.

Listening to the angry roar of the chairman at this moment, Yang Qing's face was really ashen. Who would have thought that a lunatic who wanted to score five points would actually create a miracle?

The sales volume of "Jianghu" broke the record for the second time.

"Xia Ke Jiang Hu" is no longer the opponent's opponent.

Because the opponents in "Jianghu" have become themselves...

""Traveling in the Jianghu" is really a martial arts magazine. Our dominant martial arts magazine has been trampled under the feet of a new magazine. Don't you feel ashamed!"

When Zhao Dong started frothing, everyone in the audience was silent. No one dared to touch the chairman's brow at this time.

"Next, who among you has any countermeasures?"

After venting his anger, Zhao Dongkai asked with a stern face. In fact, he knew that getting angry would not help, but he could not suppress the anger in his heart.

However, as Zhao Dongkai's voice fell, no one dared to answer.

What can be done? Sales were booming, and readers were attracted by Luoyang's five masterpieces.

If you want to blame, you can only blame your own martial arts master for not living up to expectations - isn't Yao Chongjing a famous double champion, isn't he still being suppressed by others and losing his temper? As for the True Lord of Life and Death, let alone...

This guy was just given a good guy card by netizens, but even the meager comments were so scary that he shut them down.

Seeing that no one was talking, Zhao Dongkai's anger that had finally subsided came back. He said coldly: "Our sales volume today is 700,000 copies, which is not bad, but you know, we invited five famous artists. Is this the effect of the five famous masters?”

"Due to competition, the market has been suppressed to a miserable level by competitors, but you have nothing to do."

Yang Qing raised his head and said with some reluctance: "Chairman, Luoyang is walking at five points. It's like walking on a tightrope. He may collapse at any time. When the time comes..."

"Shut up."

Zhao Dongkai said coldly: "Do you think I am a fool? You must have never watched "Jianghu", right? Let me tell you, I have watched the first and second issues. Not only did he not fail in writing, but he will write better and better. , I don’t need an editor like you. I heard you’re suspended? Please, get out of here!”

He was really pissed off.

If it hadn't been for this woman, why would the leading martial arts magazine in Xiake Jianghu have changed hands?

If Luoyang really comes to "Xia Ke Jiang Hu", then it will be them who set the record today...

Yang Qing's face suddenly lost color. She knew that she was in danger, but she didn't expect that this day would finally come. Because of a wrong decision, she would be kicked out...

What about after you go out?

Who in the martial arts magazine market doesn’t know her, and who would want her?

Her editing career was completely over. One wrong move and everything was lost.


It is different from the melancholy of "Xia Ke Jiang Hu".

At this moment, Luoyang is holding a celebration banquet with the main creators of "Jianghu" in a star-rated hotel.

The publication of a magazine requires the joint efforts of countless people. Luoyang is the boss and the main author, but besides him, Luo Dashan leads a group of editors whose contribution to the magazine is also undeniable.

At the banquet, there was a flurry of wine and wine, and the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

Because this group of editors also understand in their hearts that in this golden new team of "Jianghu", no one is indispensable except Luoyang.

As long as Luoyang is here, the team can be formed at any time, and it is not a big deal to change a group of editors. Therefore, the editors are all aware of the situation and do not rely on their own merits. They all toast to Luoyang, the young martial arts master and boss.

Luoyang welcomes all comers, and even specially proposes a toast to the second uncle.

"I'm very lucky to my second uncle during this time."

Luo Dashan waved his hand and said with a smile: "How you are polite to others is your business. If you are still polite to your second uncle, it is my fault. Besides, I also know that the cause of all this is more because of me. ”

If he hadn't been targeted in Jianghu, Luoyang would not have founded "Traveling Jianghu" in anger.

But at this moment, it doesn't make much sense to say too much. The result was very satisfactory, and the uncle and nephew drank it all in one gulp.

After finishing the drink, Luoyang filled the glass again, then shook it at Hua Qi with a gentle smile on his lips.

Hua Qi held a glass of mango-flavored juice in her hand and said a little embarrassedly: "Boss, I...I'm not very good at drinking..."

Luoyang said he didn't mind and said, "Then use this glass of juice instead. You'll be lucky to have it while I'm not around."

As his assistant, Hua Qi sometimes seems relaxed, but he is also often busy late at night to deal with some things. Luoyang has always seen this in his eyes and kept it in his heart, not to mention the release of "Traveling in the Rivers and Lakes". Everyone is heartbroken.

Hua Qi nodded: "Yes."

After the two of them finished drinking, Luoyang said again: "Hua Qi, do you have any wishes?"

Hua Qi was stunned, then shook her head and said, "I don't have any aspirations. When I was in college, I just wanted to find a good job, and then work hard to make money so that my family could live a good life."

"Then your wish is really simple..."

Luoyang said with some emotion: "My wish is to return..."

At this point, Luoyang suddenly paused - his wish was to return to another world.

This has always been his wish, but at this moment, he suddenly couldn't express it.

Because he suddenly discovered that at this moment, he actually didn't want to go back, and the reason why he didn't want to go back was something that even he couldn't explain clearly.

Is it money and status?

Luoyang thought for a while, and it seemed not.

Because in that world, although he could not get rich, he could still be content with being a little rich. Moreover, he had always been an easily satisfied person and did not have many thoughts of becoming a master.

So, what is the reason that makes you not want to go back?

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