Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 508 Worth a Thousand Gold (First Update)

Luoyang said sternly to the five of them: "No matter what, I still want to thank you for your support of Huaxia.com. For this reason, I asked the website to prepare a great contract for you that is no less profitable than any other website. At the same time, there are several tailor-made contracts." Here are some creative web articles for you.”

After Luoyang finished speaking, the five people were stunned, and immediately showed excitement at the same time!

What excites them is not that they are about to get a more generous new contract with the website. Although they are very happy to make more money, Luoyang's last sentence of giving them several tailor-made web article ideas is what excites them the most. s things!

In the world of online literature, who doesn’t know that the creativity of Allure in White is worth thousands of dollars?

During the more than half a year before the release of new books in Luoyang, the most popular work on Huaxia.com was "The End of the World" by Tang Muling.

And the "doomsday flow" developed in one fell swoop by Tang Muling in "The End of the World" was exactly the work of Bai Yi Qingcheng - it can be said that the entire Internet literary world is envious of Tang Muling, because of her identity as a disciple of Bai Yi Qingcheng, she can learn from Bai Yi Qingcheng. You can get classic genres like "Doomsday Flow".

Yes, the genre, Bai Yi Qingcheng may be a little self-effacing and say that what he gives is just creativity.

But everyone in the Internet literature world knows clearly that doomsday flow is no longer a creative idea, but a new genre of Internet literature!

It was also the genre of "Doomsday Flow" created by "Doomsday Carefree" that made Tang Muling, who could only be regarded as an ordinary god before, become one of the top gods in the online literature world. Although he did not reach the level of the supreme god, he was still far behind. Not far away.

Tang Muling's experience makes many people envious. After all, not everyone can get guidance from Baiyi Qingcheng and create a new genre.

I thought that Tang Muling was the only lucky one, and others would definitely not be able to get Baiyi Qingcheng's guidance, but now Celery and the others have received Baiyi Qingcheng's personal promise to give them some creative web articles. Can they not be excited?

White Horse Feima was the first to be unable to bear it any longer.

He was a little uneasy and asked with expectation: "Bai Da, do you really want to give us some creative ideas for online articles? I mean, similar to what Tangtang showed in "The End of the World" Doomsday creative ideas?”

Celery, Xueshou, and Bichon Frize were also staring closely at Luoyang.

Tang Muling was better. She had previously received the idea of ​​​​doomsday flow, so she had to act a little calmer, but even so, her heart was beating fast.

Luoyang smiled and said: "What I can guarantee is that the ideas I come up with have the potential to become popular, and even these ideas will not be much worse than Doomsday Stream."

Everyone's writing skills are different. It is true that he can give the best ideas, but whether these people can show the ideas they have given is a question mark. If they can understand the essence of doomsday flow like Tang Muling, Then the next book is bound to be a hit.

"Great, really great!!"

"Haha, maybe I will start a new genre too!"

"I never thought that one day I would be able to get Bai Da's creativity..."

Several people said excitedly, which attracted the writers at other tables to look over, but no one came to bother them, because the five people, including Tang Muling, are currently the strongest writers on Huaxia.com, and they are the ones in the eyes of other writers. The great god.


The lively annual meeting finally ended at five o'clock in the afternoon. Huaxia.com prepared nice gifts for the authors who came to attend the annual meeting, making all the authors who came to attend the annual meeting smile and express their gratitude. Huaxia.com’s evaluation is even higher.

In fact, when it comes to friendliness to authors, Huaxia.com is quite good.

Because the real boss of Huaxia.com is Luoyang, who is also a writer, and Luoyang knows what these authors want.

That night, Luoyang personally invited Tang Muling and the five of them to have dinner at a private restaurant. Naturally, the five of them attended the appointment on time. Each of them understood the purpose of Luoyang's invitation, and their expectations for the creativity Luoyang spoke of grew stronger.

"Everyone, please take a seat." Luoyang said after the five people arrived.

Several people sat down one after another, and then Luoyang looked at Tang Muling: "Tangtang, have you thought about anything for your next book?"

Tangtang is the name given to Tang Muling by readers and some authors with whom she is close. Tang Muling did not expect that Luoyang would also call her that. With a sweet feeling in her heart, she shook her head and said: ""The End of the World" will be finished in about a month. As for the new book, I Now there are only some vague ideas..."

"Tell me what you think." Luoyang looked like he was listening, and the waiter outside also started serving food.

Tang Muling thought for a while and said: "I want to continue the theme of doomsday in the next book, but I vaguely feel that the doomsday flow may not necessarily be about fighting and killing. It should have some unexplored exciting points. In fact, I also read There are a lot of works that follow the trend, but there is no inspiration.”

Following Tang Muling's narration, Luoyang nodded. "The End of the World" has quite a number of follow-up works.

However, none of these works can surpass "The End of the World". Tang Muling has a unique view on the end of the world, and many of the things she writes are amazing. Even Luoyang enjoyed reading this "The End of the World".

"Actually, there are still many directions for the development of the Doomsday stream. You tell me first, what is the most precious thing in the Doomsday."

"I think the most precious thing in the apocalypse should be resources. The four forces often fight over a batch of food, drinking water, tobacco and other things..." Tang Muling answered Luoyang's question while thinking.

Luoyang snapped his fingers: "This is what you said, it's more fun than fighting and killing."

Having read a lot of doomsday literature in his previous life, Luoyang naturally knew the countless development directions of doomsday literature, but he could not tell Tang Muling directly. As his disciple, Tang Muling must have her own thoughts, otherwise the things she writes will not have a strong impact. Personal style, but just a creative realization tool for Baiyiqingcheng.

Tang Muling fell into deep thought, and the Celery people who had been listening to the conversation between the two were also thinking about Luoyang's meaning.

When the dishes were all served, Tang Muling suddenly said excitedly: "I understand, let the protagonist control a supermarket, or a wholesale market or something like that. The current apocalyptic novels are all about fighting and killing, but in fact it can be done in this way. The perspective of the protagonist as a businessman unfolds!”

"But, how do we let the protagonist own a supermarket?" Luoyang asked patiently.

"You can... you can let the protagonist have a space ring. There are countless resources in the ring. It can even allow the protagonist to travel through the planes and bring food from the modern city to sell and develop in the end of the world..." Tang Muling's thinking became smoother.

"Bingo, you can eat now." Luoyang said with a smile.

At this moment, the eyes of Celery, Bichon, Xueshou and Baima Feima looking at Luoyang were filled with countless colors of admiration.

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