Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 509 Mecha and Transformation (Second Update)

How can they not admire Tang Muling after being pointed out in a few words?

And as authors, they are naturally thinking about how they would write doomsday articles, but unfortunately they have racked their brains and have not figured out a specific direction, so when Luoyang guides Tang Muling's thinking step by step, the four people of Qincai are simply defeated.

Next, Bai Da should also give them some guidance like he did to Tang Muling, right?

The four people are a little nervous at this moment, but no one takes the initiative to say it, after all, they are still a little embarrassed.

Tang Muling is Luoyang's last disciple, so the natural master-disciple relationship is there, and Luoyang's guidance is understandable, but the four of them can only be regarded as authors under Huaxia.com, and the relationship is not as close as Tang Muling and Bai Yi Qingcheng.

"Baima, I read your book, you seem to like science fiction very much."

As if seeing the inner entanglement of the four people, Luoyang took the initiative to speak. Luoyang has taken time to read the books of these five people. After reading them, he has a certain understanding of the works of these five people, so he asked this question.

Bai Ma Fei Ma's work is called "Star Wars", which is a pseudo-science fiction work.

Science fiction novels in the online literature world are actually very different from orthodox science fiction novels. If Luo Yang's previous work "The Heartbroken" is considered soft science fiction, then Bai Ma Fei Ma's "Star Wars" is probably pseudo-science fiction.

Sure enough, Bai Ma Fei Ma showed an embarrassed look: "I like science fiction, but I can't write science fiction novels, so I can only write pseudo-science fiction in the skin of science fiction."

Luo Yang smiled and said: "For online literature, if you really write science fiction, you can't achieve the current results. Different works naturally have their audiences. Your "Star Wars" is actually still a fantasy article in the skin of science fiction."

Bai Ma Fei Ma nodded. In fact, online writers like to do this.

There are many novels that write fantasy in the skin of science fiction. In the eyes of many readers who are tired of orthodox fantasy, this kind of book is still attractive.

Luoyang said: "Have you ever considered writing a novel with the mecha war as the background? The mecha I'm talking about is a weapon that can fully arm itself. Different mechas have different functions. The angle is placed on the entire universe. Different races can use mechas to fight in the starry sky. The identity of the protagonist can be set at will, the poor of the garbage planet, or a genius who is born with a thorough understanding of mechas..."

If it was still confusing at the beginning, then when Luoyang spoke more and more carefully, Bai Ma Fei Ma's eyes had completely brightened!

Until Luoyang talked about the general function of the mecha, Bai Ma Fei Ma suddenly interrupted Luoyang excitedly: "Sure, Bai Da, this theme can be written. Mechas are simply the perfect science fiction product in online literature. As long as I set different characteristics for different models of mechas, I will definitely be able to give birth to countless exciting plots! God, I can't wait to start writing now..."

Halfway through, Bai Ma Fei Ma realized that he had interrupted Luoyang unintentionally.

He quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bai, I'm too excited. Can I ask what this theme is called?"

"It's okay." Luoyang's eyes flashed with a trace of nostalgia, and he said softly: "You can call this theme, mecha flow."

Luoyang was talking about the mecha flow, which is a continuation of traditional science fiction on the surface, but in fact it is a serious pseudo-science fiction. Xuan Yu's "Legend of the Little Soldier" in his previous life seems to be the ancestor, but in fact it is deeply influenced by "Legend of the Galactic Heroes", and later Fang Xiang's "Legend of the Master" and "Card Master" carry the shadow of Gundam and Yu-Gi-Oh respectively.

Among them, "Legend of the Master" is the most popular mecha novel. After this book, countless mecha novels have emerged.

Celery, Bichon, and Blood Hand all congratulated: "Bai Ma, congratulations, the mecha style sounds like an idea that is not inferior to the doomsday style!"

While congratulating, several people were actually not calm in their hearts - no wonder some people in the online literary world said that they really wanted to pry open Bai Yi Qingcheng's head to see what was inside. Any idea thrown out at random was amazing enough to establish a school!

Thinking of this, their eyes looked at Luoyang more and more scorching.

Solving the problem of Bai Ma not being a horse, Luoyang looked at Bichon again: "Bichon, your works seem to be taking the funny route, relying on imagination and imaginative plots. So your books have always performed very steadily, and your readers are small but loyal."

"Yes, I like to write some weird and even weird things."

Bichon is a otaku. This pen name seems domineering, but people who like dogs know that Bichon is actually a cute dog pet.

He comes from a well-off family and is considered a second-generation rich man. He has been addicted to the second dimension since he was a child. When Fantasy Book Alliance recruited him, he refused because Huaxia.com cultivated him and because he personally worshipped Bai Yi Qingcheng crazily!

His favorite works of Bai Yi Qingcheng are not online novels, but comics "Five Centimeters per Second" and "Dragon Ball".

He once dreamed of becoming a cartoonist, but unfortunately he had no talent for drawing comics, so he could only write novels as a second choice. Bai Yi Qingcheng, who can draw comics and write novels, naturally became his most admired existence.

"Actually, there is a category that I think is quite suitable for you."

Luoyang hesitated for a moment, then said: "This category may cause some dislike to straight men, but for some readers, it will be very interesting. You decide whether to write or not. I will tell you about this idea."

"Bai Da, tell me..." Bichon asked curiously.

"I'm talking about transformation. You can think about it, what will it be like when a man turns into a girl?"

Pfft - as soon as Luo Yang finished speaking, Tang Muling and the others laughed. They never expected that Luo Yang's so-called creativity was to turn a man into a woman. This is too funny. If the author of the online article wrote this, he would really be seeking death. .

However, what they didn't expect was that Bichon Frize didn't smile.

On the contrary, Bichon's face gradually turned red: "Bai Da, this is definitely a subversive idea!"

Luoyang smiled. From Bichon's reaction, he had already guessed the other party's choice. There is also a market for transformation stories about past lives, but there is currently no transformation story in this world's online literature, so Luoyang is looking forward to someone writing it.

In fact, in Luoyang's opinion, the Transformation Art is still a very meaningful work of art.

Transformation novels are not just about the inner conflicts of a man who transforms into a woman. For example, there are also psychological problems caused by his own desire to transform into a girl. These completely depend on the character portrayed by the author.

Transformation is not an overly one-sided psychological change, but a struggle between female psychology or behavior and male psychology or behavior, and perhaps another way of thinking and understanding about family and society after transformation.

On the surface, the transformation literature looks like the transformation of "male body" into "female body", but it is not the transformation of "man's heart" and "woman's heart" in many books in the previous life. Look at life from another perspective - this is the real transformation essay!

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