Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 531 A masterpiece of 20,000 words (Part 2)

With the question swirling in his mind, Ning Yuan almost couldn't wait to turn to the next page.

At this moment, he lost his identity as an ordinary commentator on Ifeng.com and acted like an ordinary reader, eager to know the plot below.

For people like Ning Yuan who love stories, work can start at any time, but the happiness brought by reading is rare, so at this time he just wants to feel the charm of "Country Teacher" as a reader.

In the next plot, the carbon-based aliens conducted a sample survey of the planets within the range, and soon it was the earth's turn.

Unexpectedly, but within reason, the aliens chose the students of Li Baoku, a rural teacher in this small village. In fact, by this time, Ning Yuan had already vaguely grasped the context and intention of the story——

But instead of losing interest, he became even more excited!

The aliens began to ask these children questions for testing, and asked several questions in a row.

These children were all silent. After all, they were just students from the countryside with limited knowledge. Before they could learn many things, their teacher Li Baoku had already passed away.

Some alien high-level officials have lost their patience.

Prepare to directly destroy the earth, and the weapons are ready.

But the question continues, "3C Civilization Test Question No. 14: Please describe the relationship between the forces between two interacting objects."

The children responded in unison: "When one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object also exerts a force on the first object. The two forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction!"

Blessing to the soul!

Newton's three laws!

Ning Yuan couldn't help but stand up from his seat: "That's it!"

He waved his fist fiercely, as if he was proud and happy for the children.

Yes, the answers to the questions extracted by this group of aliens are exactly what rural teacher Li Baoku tried to memorize Newton's three laws at all costs at the end of his life.

And below, "Rural Teacher" continues:

["3C Civilization Test Question No. 14 passed, 3C Civilization Test Question No. 15: For an object, please explain the relationship between its mass, external force and acceleration."

The children said in unison: "The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force it experiences and inversely proportional to its mass!"

The alien intelligent voice sounded: "3C civilization test question No. 15 passed, the civilization test passed! It is determined that there is a 3C-level civilization on planet No. 3 of the target star 500921473.\

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