Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 532 Monthly Movie Review (please subscribe)

"Didi didi."

Ning Yuan's cell phone rang.

He answered the call and said, "Boss, what's the matter?"

The call came from Ning Yuan's immediate boss, and he had always had a good relationship with his boss.

However, today's boss' tone was quite urgent: "Ning Yuan, why hasn't your "Moon Movie Review" been updated yet? Many netizens are waiting for you to comment on "Country Teacher" and "Flower God"."

Because "Science Fiction World" was just released today, the results on which of the two novels are stronger have not yet been released.

Ning Yuan immediately said: "Okay, boss, I understand. I will write a book review now and update it soon. Please be patient and don't be impatient."

If you want to grab attention, you have to be one step ahead. Ifeng.com has always implemented this creed. Ning Yuan quickly typed on his keyboard:

"If someone had asked me before, whether I was more optimistic about Bai Yi's "Flower God" or Luoyang's "Country Teacher", I would definitely tell everyone that the name "Flower God" is more reliable than "Country Teacher" -" The words "Rural Teacher" reveal a strong flavor of documentary literature that cannot be concealed, so I am more optimistic about Bai Yi. "

There is a saying that if you want to promote, you should suppress first.

In this description, Ning Yuan used this method.

Generally in this context, the following words are usually followed by but.

However, Yueying is not an ordinary person. He knows that the deeper he presses, the stronger the reversal will be, so he continues to write: "When I read the first plot of "Country Teacher", I became more determined in my thoughts. The hard-working rural teacher I was about to die, the students had already prayed for it, and the teacher who was in pain was still recalling the past - my thought at that time was, who can tell me what this novel has to do with science fiction?"

Ordinary people like to write down one paragraph, but Yueying wrote down two paragraphs this time. The following is what he wants to say.

"Professional ethics made me deeply understand that if you want to criticize a work like this, it is the most basic courtesy to read it, so I forced myself to read it, and then, I was completely convinced!"

Yueying is very scheming. He knows that after he writes this sentence, readers will be curious about what convinced him.

He continued typing on the keyboard: "With a twist of the pen, the story shifted to the perspective of a cosmic war. This novel and this place suddenly have a murderous air rushing towards them. The grand description techniques, shocking close-ups of the scenes, are extremely professional. The hard science fiction flavor almost comes out of the body, and the majestic momentum makes me, a science fiction lover, very fascinated..."

This is the so-called Yang. It seems exaggerated, but this is also what Yueying really felt when he saw the silicon-based war just now!

He clearly wrote down his feelings. As a special commentator on Phoenix.com, his writing must be good enough and his descriptions attractive enough. In the last few paragraphs, Yueying also included a very unethical and sensational version of the spoiler.

"When a dozen kids are chosen by aliens."

"When Newton's three laws of motion are spoken by children,"

"The scene of the country teacher reciting the children's recitation before his death."

"At that moment, Yueying really burst into tears. Thank you Luoyang for giving the children a chance to save the world, and thank him for using his wonderful words to make us once again shocked by those teachers who dedicated themselves silently!"

This is the entire content of this issue of "Moon Film Review". After writing it, Ning Yuan clicked publish.

A few seconds later, his comments appeared in the monthly film review column of Ifeng.com and were seen by countless netizens.

Of course, ifeng.com also arranged the push immediately, placing this issue of "Moon Film Review" in the most prominent position. As long as netizens log into ifeng.com, they can see "Moon Film Review".

"Oops, I seem to have only commented on "Country Teacher"!"

When he saw that this issue of his "Moon Film Review" was successfully published, Ning Yuan suddenly slapped his thigh hard - in this review, he only wrote "Country Teacher" and barely mentioned "Flower God".

"My attention was completely attracted by "Country Teacher", and I made such a stupid mistake..."

Ning Yuan muttered to himself in annoyance, and then clicked on the "Moon Film Review" review with a little anxiety. Although the time was short, ifeng.com is the largest news portal in the country after all, and it goes without saying that it has a lot of traffic.

From Ning Yuan's point of view, he was afraid that the comments would definitely complain about the fact that he only reviewed "Country Teacher".

"Yue Yingda finally published a storytelling. The views are surprisingly consistent with mine. This "Country Teacher" is really shocking. The title of this work alone gave me a lot of poison."

There is nothing wrong with the first comment. Because the column is called "Yue Ying Ping Shu", netizens like to call Ning Yuan Yue Ying.

"I have always liked "Yueying Pingshu" because Yueying's storytelling is objective enough. It is the same this time. "Country Teacher" started with an incomprehensible beginning and created a masterpiece of only 20,000 words."

"This work can be summed up in one sentence: Primary school students save the world. That's right, primary school students use Newton's three laws to save the world. It sounds too ridiculous, but after reading it, I suddenly felt that this novel is much more rigorous than I imagined. …”

Ning Yuan read more than a dozen comments in a row, and it was no surprise that everyone said that "Country Teacher" was exquisitely written.

But he clearly forgot to comment on "Flower God", so why didn't everyone seem to notice it? Ning Yuan was a little confused at the moment.

After reading the comments for a while, Ning Yuan seemed to understand something - a netizen with the most adorable ID named Lao Niang left a message: "Yueying is so bad, he only reviewed "Country Teacher" and deliberately ignored Bai Yi's "Flower God" ,Ha ha ha ha!"

And downstairs from the cutest and cutest netizen, a netizen also left a message.

"If you compare "Flower God" and "Country Teacher", you would be looking down too much on Bai Yi, so it is only normal to write a separate review for "Country Teacher" in this issue. This is the treatment that a masterpiece deserves!"

I...I...I really didn't mean to just write "Country Teacher"...

You guys are like this...what will Bai Yihui think...make "Flower God" so embarrassed...

Netizens didn't complain, but Ning Yuan couldn't help complaining. He didn't expect that he got it wrong.

I forgot to comment on "Flower God" in this issue, but netizens misunderstood that they didn't bother to comment on "Flower God", because "Flower God" is really weak in all aspects compared with "Country Teacher".

Of course, there are also comments from netizens who have not watched "Science Fiction World" yet.

"It's so impressive that I can't help but want to buy it and take a look..."

"Since Yueying said "Country Teacher" is very good, then I... still don't want to watch it."

"I'm laughing upstairs. You hurt Yueying's heart so much. I've asked my husband to buy a copy of "Science Fiction World" after get off work. I'm going to read the so-called "Country Teacher" tonight. Is it really what everyone says? good."

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