Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 533 The general trend is crushing (please subscribe)

Ifeng.com ranks first among news websites in terms of traffic.

Therefore, there are not a few netizens who bought "Science Fiction World" because of "Moon Film Review".

And when more and more people watched "Science Fiction World", the vast majority of them were captured by "Country Teacher" - this work that not only depicts grand science fiction scenes, but also writes a lot about the countryside was a complete explosion.

"It's super good-looking, super good-looking. In this issue of the magazine, only "Country Teacher" is worth reading!"

"The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is understandable; the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is incomprehensible!"

"The sentence above comes from the end of "Country Teacher", but what impressed me most was when the children read out Newton's three laws, it was so explosive."

"Originally, I was attracted by the news about Luoyang and Baiyi. I was watching the excitement and didn't have much hope for the story, because it was inevitable that people would doubt the hype involved. But when I finished watching "Country Teacher" I found this story to be surprisingly good. ”

"Maybe I'm not really a fan of science fiction, but that doesn't affect my liking for Luoyang's writing. In fact, I think Luoyang uses the bottle of science fiction to bottle his understanding and views of the world, and different people can understand it. Get what you want in reading and always support Luo University!”

"In fact, in the real world, rural teachers are powerless and the impact they can have is extremely limited. But Luo University allowed a rural teacher to use his perseverance to inadvertently save the world. This is a kind of tribute and a kind of writer. I am unable to compensate, or am I over-interpreting it?”

Netizens are enthusiastically discussing this issue of "Science Fiction World", but of course the focus of the discussion is limited to "Rural Teacher".

As if they had made an appointment, no one mentioned Bai Yi's "Flower God" at all - the same situation as Ning Yuan, after countless people watched "Country Teacher", there was only room for this story in their eyes.

It's unfair to compare "Flower" and "Country Teacher".

It's unfair to "Flower God" because the other party completely possesses the quality of a masterpiece.

The most important thing is that in the minds of the general public, "Flower God" cannot be compared with "Country Teacher", so everyone simply doesn't compare the two works -

What's the most painful thing?

Not being sprayed, not being slapped in the face, but being ignored!

This is what Bai Yi encountered at the moment, everyone ignored "Flower God"!

Even the fans in Luoyang did not use this to mock Bai Yi's previous provocation, because now a crushing slap in the face is more powerful than any words, and Bai Yi's own fans...

Well, Bai Yi is losing fans, losing fans like crazy.

Originally, he only had about 16 million fans.

But in the dozen or so hours since "Science Fiction World" was released, Bai Yi has lost more than three million followers.

These are all active fans. With several works and the popularity of the movie "Future Storm", Bai Yi finally gathered fans, but because of this wave of disputes, he lost a lot of support.

"Bai Yi is so disappointing!"

"Humph, I was completely hung up and beaten by the opponent."

"I'm embarrassed to tell others that I like Bai Yi the most."

"Follow me, this is my last message. I originally liked you because your name resembled my male idol."

"Plus one upstairs, Bai Yi's name is exactly the same as the name of the famous star Yi Bai, but the order of the two is different. That's why I paid attention to this science fiction writer named Bai Yi, Aiwujiwu."

Bai Yi is known to many people for "Future Storm".

And because his name is Bai Yi, which is very similar to the celebrity Yi Bai, the number of fans has skyrocketed some time ago.

He thought that his influence would reach a higher level from then on, but in a blink of an eye, Luoyang gave him an impressive series of teachings on how to be a good person, which made him understand what a fan bubble is - the loyal fans are silent and the floating fans are scattered.


Of course, not everyone ignored Bai Yi's "Flower God".

In the Dragon Kingdom science fiction circle, many people still expressed their opinions on "Flower God".

For example, Lin Yifeng's writing is relatively objective: "Actually, "Flower God" is very good. It has a first-class story and first-class techniques. Putting aside other things, "Flower God" itself is still an excellent work. It is a pity that it has encountered the "Country Teacher" "——If "Flower God" is a rare and excellent work, then "Country Teacher" is a classic that is worthy of being ranked among the top ten science fiction movies in Dragon Country. "

Lin Yifeng's statement is not an exaggeration. In fact, "Country Teacher" was also among the top ten short science fiction works in the country in its previous life in Luoyang.

Including "The Heartbreaker" and "One Day Prisoner", the works Luoyang chose were all well-known in the science fiction world in the previous life. At present, it seems that Liu's "Country Teacher" is the most powerful.

In addition to Lin Yifeng, Wu Qin also expressed his views on the two works.

She described "Flower God" as a tiger: "A tiger in the mountain forest should be a very powerful existence, but it happened to meet a dragon. Although there is an idiom called dragons and tigers fighting, a dragon is a dragon after all, and a tiger is only a tiger. It’s a pity to leave.”

Bai Yi's "Flower God" is a tiger, and Luoyang's "Country Teacher" is a dragon. Wu Qin's description is very vivid.

In addition, there are many people who have expressed their opinions. If you take a closer look, you will find that the vast majority of those who expressed their opinions on "Flower God" and "Country Teacher" are writers of Lin Yifeng's group who have previously supported Luoyang.

Those science fiction writers, led by Wei Long, who had previously clamored that Luoyang was arrogant and inflated its martial arts achievements, fell silent, and some of them even secretly deleted their previous meager results.

Luoyang vs Bai Yi, Luoyang wins.

Wei Long vs Lin Yifeng, Lin Yifeng wins.

Although Luoyang has not yet made its name resounding in the Dragon Kingdom science fiction world...

But this "Country Teacher" has made Luoyang take a more solid step towards his goal.

Think about it when Luoyang wrote "The Heartbreaker", some people said that it was actually a soft science fiction with no technical content. When Luoyang wrote "One Day in Prison", some people still shouted that it had flaws, so when Luoyang released "Countryside" "Teacher"?

Shut up, those science fiction writers who were clamoring before have all shut up.

At the same time, "Science Fiction World" officially announced the registration of Luoyang's "Country Teacher" for the Dragon Kingdom Galaxy Award!

Whether it can become the winner of the Galaxy Award is still uncertain, because Lin Yifeng, Wu Qin and others have not made a move yet, but "Country Teacher" has a high chance of winning the award. This is what everyone agrees on -

A 20,000-word masterpiece is no joke!

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