Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 565 One person’s battlefield (Part 2)

In the past, when I wanted to find a wonderful drama to watch, I always couldn't find it.

But this year is good, five TV series are released together, and each one is so attractive that people are completely dazzled and don't know which one to watch!

In fact, Luoyang was quite speechless about this, but if you think about it carefully, you can understand that the film and television copyrights of these five novels were sold at the same time, and after several companies obtained the copyrights, they also chose to start filming at the same time.

Then, everyone completed the shooting at about the same time and played it at the same time.

You must know that the relationship between these companies has never been harmonious, and it is common for them to compete with their own dramas.

So in the end, an unprecedented competition for the ratings of five martial arts dramas was created, and the original works of these five TV dramas were all produced by Luoyang.

This can probably be regarded as a trouble of happiness. In short, the next day "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" and "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" both achieved ratings that exceeded three. The results were quite fruitful, and not surprisingly they became the headline news the next day. .

""The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" and "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" were launched at the same time, and the ratings exceeded three on the first day of broadcast."

It is worth mentioning that when media reporters reported that the ratings of "The Two Prouds", "Xiao Shiyilang" and "Little Li Fei Dao" broke through three or four, they used exclamation points, while when reporting on "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" When "Lu Xiaofeng" Legend's ratings exceeded three, he used a period.

This is a very scary thing to think about, because the change from exclamation point to full stop shows that reporters have become numb to the fact that the martial arts film has exceeded three ratings.

Other dramas have tried their best and used all kinds of hype and advertisements to achieve the top three, but these martial arts dramas are like eating beans, easily achieving super high ratings, leaving the entire industry dumbfounded. Not a word came out.

On the Internet, five new martial arts films, including "The Two Proud Heroes", have been labeled by netizens with an easily identifiable logo: Luo's Martial Arts!

Because the original writers of these five martial arts TV series are all written by Luoyang, netizens call these five martial arts TV series that are completely different from the past Luo's martial arts. This statement has been recognized by the vast majority of people.

Even the production company of the TV series has no objections to this.

In previous lives, Hong Kong and Taiwan's Shaw Brothers martial arts were at the forefront, leading a generation's trend and becoming the vane of martial arts movies; now, these Luoyang-labeled martial arts films in the Dragon Kingdom have also achieved unprecedented success, complementing the Shaw Brothers' plots in previous lives.

What followed was an unprecedented ratings war!

The frontrunner is still "The Two Prouds". This drama has the upper hand and has the most advantage.

Then there are "Little Li Fei Dao" and "Xiao Shiyilang". These two dramas are of high quality and their ratings are closely followed.

As for "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" and "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" because they are latecomers, although their performance is strong, they are ultimately suppressed by the first three dramas. After all, their broadcast time is a few days later than those dramas, so It is inevitable to suffer some small losses.

"There have been fewer people in online water forums recently. Everyone must be crazy about catching up on dramas!"

"Damn it, I used to think that watching three dramas at the same time was the limit, but now I'm watching five dramas at once, and I'm so moved."

"I have never read Luo Yang's novels before, but after watching the recent martial arts movies, I suddenly felt that Luo Yang's writing was really great. The excitement of these plots completely subverted my understanding of martial arts."

"Let's do some calculations for people who are following five dramas at the same time. These five dramas are all broadcast at a rate of two episodes a day. So students who are following five dramas at the same time need to watch ten episodes of TV dramas every day. Haha, brothers, ten episodes. What is the concept of a TV series?”

"Watching ten episodes every day is unrealistic, so the content I watch now can no longer keep up with the broadcast schedule of the TV station."

"I used to dislike TV stations for broadcasting dramas too slowly. I wish I could have four or five episodes a day. This is the first time I wish it would be broadcast slower so that I can keep up with the progress."

This is the worry about the happiness of the people of the Dragon Kingdom. In the past, there was no drama every day, but now there are many TV dramas to watch every day, and they even have to stay up late to catch up on the dramas.

Under the impact of these five TV dramas, the Korean dramas that were once unstoppable in the Dragon Kingdom were dwarfed by comparison. Several high-quality Korean dramas that could have made a lot of money in the past all encountered Waterloo in front of Luo's Martial Arts!

Yes, even Korean dramas, which are famous for their brutality, have failed.

You know, in the past, when TV stations imported Korean dramas from abroad, they always beat other domestic TV dramas in terms of ratings. But when Korean dramas encountered Rock's Martial Arts, not only did they not have an advantage, but they were beaten by Rock's Martial Arts!

This made many netizens who didn't like Bangzi happy and even called Luoyang a hero for protecting the country.

There is even news that a TV station in South Korea has negotiated with domestic TV stations to introduce these Luo family martial arts films to South Korea...

On the other hand, in order to improve their own ratings, several martial arts drama production companies have chosen to cooperate with their respective TV stations to carry out a large amount of publicity, and the leading actors of these TV dramas have been crazy about promoting their own TV dramas on different occasions. advertise.

For example, Li Tianyin - Li Tianyin is now the leading artist of Noon Sunshine.

Unlike Liu Qin, who is dedicated to conquering the music world, Li Tianyin has followed the path of becoming a star in film, television, singing and singing. She has not only appeared in the movie "First Close Contact", but also released two albums, and now she is starring in "Little One" produced by Noon Sunshine. "Li Feidao" plays the heroine Lin Shiyin.

When a reporter asked her how she felt about playing the role of Lin Shiyin in "Little Li's Flying Knife", Li Tianyin cleverly hugged Luoyang's lap.

She smiled and said: "The first feeling was that we were destined, because Lin Shiyin and I both have the same phonetic character in our names, so the first feeling I felt when I got this role was intimacy. In addition, because Lin Shiyin is a character written by Luo Da, I I like Luo Da’s works, so I feel very satisfied to be able to play a classic character in Luo Da’s works.”

The reporter asked again: "Tianyin, since you personally like Teacher Luo's works, have you read the original work of "Little Li's Flying Knife"?"

Li Tianyin immediately said: "Of course I have seen it. In fact, many people may not know that when Luo University originally wrote "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years", I was already a fan of Luo University. Later, I participated in the show "First Intimate Contact" has formed an indissoluble bond with Luo Da. I have read almost all Luo Da's novels. "

"You can tell from Tianyin's words that she really likes Teacher Luoyang."

"Of course, Luo Da is a writer I liked when he first debuted, so I have always paid close attention to Luo Da."

This interview was inseparable from Luoyang. Because Li Tianyin cleverly hugged Luoyang's lap, many newspapers set aside a large page to report on it the next day, and "Little Li Flying Knife" also became a small article. Small increase in ratings——

Luo's martial arts dominates all prime time slots and is popular all over the world.

The most famous thing is not the leading actors in these dramas, but the national writer Luoyang!

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