Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 566 One person’s battlefield (Part 2)

Many people see this.

But Li Tianyin was the only one who saw this and took advantage of it.

When Luoyang saw this report, he couldn't help but laugh. Li Tianyin's news sensitivity was indeed very high.

It was obvious that Li Tianyin had gained popularity, but because Li Tianyin used it so cleverly, even Luoyang, who was involved, could not get angry at all - he said in an interview that he had no problem with liking a writer. I have been following this author's works for a long time, and I have no problem with it.

So Li Tianyin succeeded, and "Little Li Flying Knife" also received good publicity. Take advantage of the situation, sometimes it's that simple.

As for whether Li Tianyin really liked his novels, Luoyang didn't know. He only remembered that he had given Li Tianyin a test and asked her a few questions about his novels. As a result, Li Tianyin answered fluently and did his homework perfectly.

"He is a man born to be in the entertainment industry."

This is Luoyang's evaluation of Li Tianyin, who is scheming, hard-working, capable, good-looking, and has emotional intelligence.

When all of these things are taken care of, and the noon sun is behind him, it is difficult for Li Tianyin to get ahead. And after Li Tianyin took advantage of the opportunity to succeed, the heroines of several other martial arts dramas finally became aware of it. He hugged Luoyang's thigh and expressed his views on various occasions.

Actor Ling Fei, who plays the heroine Shen Bijun in "Xiao Shiyi Lang", said: "There is a signed book of "The Three-Body Problem" of Luohan University in the bookcase."

Actor Fan Qingqing, who plays Shaman, one of the heroines in "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" said: "The computer desktop at home has always been a photo of Luo University..."

Actor Song Jiajia, who plays Song Tian'er, one of the heroines of "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang", was not to be outdone: "I once stayed up all night reading the comic "Five Centimeters per Second" by Luohan University, and I cried while reading it."

Actor Ye Xiaoyu, who plays the heroine Tie Xinlan in "The Two Prides", changed her routine slightly: "I have never seen Luo Da's works before, but after I took on the role of Tie Xinlan, I tried to watch Luo Da. A big novel, and then it got out of hand..."

As if overnight, all the heroines and supporting actresses of Luo's martial arts became fans of Luoyang's books.

In order to cope with the imitation of others, Li Tianyin made a new move. She participated in a program introduced from South Korea, "Ideal World Cup".

This is a program about choosing your ideal type. In this program, Li Tianyin publicly stated that Luoyang is his ideal type. If Luoyang agrees, she is willing to become Luoyang's girlfriend, and she doesn't even mind chasing after him——

As soon as the show came out, Li Tianyin took the lead again.

Big star Li Tianyin confessed to national writer Luoyang through the air!

The media became lively that day, various promotions came into being, and the ratings of "Little Li Fei Dao" went up to a higher level.

However, Li Tianyin's plan to stir up the scandal failed in the end. Luoyang's lack of cooperation was partly due to one aspect, and another aspect was that after Li Tianyin's confession through the air, many female stars joined in the fun. I have been in love with Luoyang for two years, and the one who said he likes Luoyang has been in love with her for three years.

Some even say they have liked Luoyang for five years. Five years ago, Luoyang seemed to have not started writing books.

In short, things have turned into a prank. In order to gain popularity, some male celebrities even joked that they were willing to come out for Luoyang.

Tang Feng, who had not made any comments at this time, was angry. Many fans rushed to his meager account and told Tang Feng: "Feng Shuai Feng Shuai, your husband is going to be snatched away!"

Tang Feng also rarely used his prank spirit and responded with an emoticon. The emoticon showed a very ghostly face with the words: "As long as I die, you will eventually become concubines."

Luoyang's little follower Tang Feng was the first to suffer. Liu Qin, who had the most scandals with Luoyang, was naturally not immune to the disaster. Many fans also made noises under the meager comments. Liu Qin naturally responded cooperatively, with seven words: "Lan Shou, the mushrooms are here."

Netizens didn’t know what the joke was, so Luoyang thoughtfully commented for netizens: I feel uncomfortable and want to cry here.

At this point, this incident of Li Tianyin's confession through the air has finally evolved from a scandal into a national entertainment event due to the participation of celebrities who either made a joke or made a self-deprecating statement.

This grand occasion is similar to the time when Jay Chou first joined "The Voice of China" in his previous life - at that time, because the students on the show liked to play tricks of first suppressing and then rising, they first confessed their feelings to the other three instructors, and then finally chose Jay Chou. As a mentor, a popular saying on the Internet is "I choose Jay Chou."

Anyway, the news is like this. Everyone was playing around, but accidentally it went wrong. Because of this, Li Tianyin was depressed for several days.

My original purpose was to hype up the scandal. Only by taking advantage of the scandal in Luoyang could I promote the "Little Li Flying Knife" TV series to the greatest extent. However, due to the participation of more and more people, it turned into an entertainment event that was pranked by the whole people. .

Li Tianyin couldn't help but feel angry, so angry that her breasts hurt... Both sides of her body hurt!

In addition, in order to promote the TV series, the production companies of the five martial arts dramas also specifically contacted Luoyang himself and asked Luoyang to advertise for them on Weibo.

After all, he was the original author of the TV series, so Luoyang agreed. The palms and backs of his hands were all flesh. Luoyang had a clever trick on how to maintain balance. He posted five meager messages in a row, making the entertainment companies who came to Luoyang for publicity dumbfounded:

""Peerless Two Prouds" is very interesting!"

""Xiao Shiyilang" is very interesting!"

""Xiao Li Fei Dao" is very interesting!"

""The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" is very interesting!"

""The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" is very interesting!"

This is Luoyang's propaganda method. The so-called balance is that if a bowl of water is balanced, everyone will look good.

Of course, there has to be a winner. In this vigorous ratings battle, "The Two Prouds" was not guaranteed to be the ratings champion for several days in a row, and was defeated by "Xiao Shiyilang" and "Little Li Fei Dao" Ma, "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" and "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" are also rapid progress.

According to the latest ratings rankings released by a third party that monitors traffic, Rock's Martial Arts dominates the top five with a domineering attitude!

In addition to the ratings, the online on-demand rankings are also fiercely fought. Five TV series are fighting each other. Today you are the boss, and tomorrow I will be the king.

And just when the five TV series were inextricably divided in the ratings war, Luoyang, the most important party, had quietly ended his Spring Festival holiday, got on the plane back to Tiandu, and was ready to continue his work.

It was also at this time that someone in the industry exclaimed——

This ratings war surrounding martial arts has become Luoyang's battlefield alone. The most exciting drama performed every day is when Luoyang loses to him and Luoyang wins against him.

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