Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 811 My sword is still there (Part 1)

Qin Lian is a junior student.

The school was still on winter vacation at the moment, and Qin Lian had nothing to do at home, so he started looking for novels to read on Weibo. However, Qin Lian had read most of Weibo's popular works, so he couldn't find any that satisfied him after searching for a long time.

"There are really fewer and fewer good books nowadays."

Qin Lian said to himself, his heart full of helplessness: "When will another classic work like "Life Is Born to Hate Water Everlasting" be published?"

Yes, over the years that Qin Lian has been reading novels on Weibo, his favorite work is "Life is Long and Hate Water is Long East". This work has an excellent adaptation of the story of the Lotus Lantern and an excellent portrayal of the character Yang Jian. , have deeply shocked Qin Lian, so much so that even though it has been two years since the completion of "Life Hate Water Changdong", Qin Lian still has not forgotten the feeling when reading this book, and will click on it from time to time. Re-read the book.

While shaking his head, Qin Lian opened the thin cover of the blue-shirted sword.

People are forgetful. In two years, many people have forgotten Qing Shizhangjian, the author who used to be so popular in Weibo. After all, Weibo writing has developed rapidly in the past two years, and there are several new masters of Weibo. , these new meager master writers are also very strong. Although they have not reached the point of leading the trend, they are still famous in their meager works.

But Qin Lian has not forgotten the sword in green shirt!

He has been paying attention to the meagerness of Qing Shi Zhan Jian, and he would click on it from time to time, hoping for a miracle to happen, because he felt that if someone could write a work of the level of "Life is Long and Hate Water is Long East", the new work must be worth looking forward to.

Unfortunately, what disappoints Qin Lian is...

After writing "Life Is Born to Hate the Waters of the East", Qing Shi Zhang Jian seemed to have completely disappeared!

This god-level meager writer who rose like a comet in those days, at the peak of "Life and Hate", some people even thought that he could replace Baiyi Qingcheng's position as the number one meager writer. After all, Qing Shizhang sword When she was born, Baiyi Qingcheng no longer wrote novels on a meager salary.

As a result, no one expected...

Qing Shi Zhang Jian did not continue to create new books.

After writing "Life is Long and Hate Water is Long East", he ran away decisively.

Qin Lian is sometimes full of resentment about this. This person's meager account is almost growing weeds. The latest update is still the finale of "Life Grows and Hates Water Changdong", as if he has written a book about himself, which is so touching. He has completely forgotten the affairs of countless people. He is simply treating loyal readers like himself...

Qin Lian's eyes suddenly widened!

Because he discovered that Qingyi Zhanjian had an extra work under his name!

Qin Lian wondered if he had been looking forward to two years and had a lot of grievances, which led to hallucinations in his eyes. He rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked at Qingshan holding the sword again, and found that this scene turned out to be real. Qingshan Zhanjian really has an extra novel under his name——

This novel is called "The Legend of Wukong"!

Qin Lian couldn't help but laugh loudly: "A new book, it's actually a new book. The author of this dark soul has come back to the world. And judging from the creation date of this book, it seems that it was just released today. My wait has finally paid off!"

The longer you wait, the deeper your obsession becomes.

So when Qin Lian saw Qing Shi Zhang Jian releasing a new book, his inner excitement was unparalleled!

He resisted the urge to start reading immediately, quickly logged into the app, clicked on a pp group that had been silent for a long time, and typed quickly: " @Everyone, I'm sorry, Qingda University has opened a new book, everyone, hurry up and go Take a look!”

This pp group is called [Qing Shi Zhang Sword Book Fans Group].

It was created by a die-hard fan of Qing Shi Zhang Jian back in the day.

At that time, there were countless similar book fans in green shirts and swords, and the number of people was very large. Because they all liked "Life is Born to Hate Water and the East", they often gathered together to chat and fight, and in "Life is Born to Hate Water and the East", "At the time when the book was finished, the major Qing Shi Zhang Jian book fan groups were still lively, and people often discussed happily what Qing Shi Zhang Jian's new book would look like.

However, in the next two years, Qing Shi Zhang Jian's new book seemed to become a historical suspense.

This resulted in the major book fan groups of Qing Shi Zhang Jian dying out one after another, and even disbanding. Only the Qing Shi Zhang Jian book fan group with a thousand people in front of us still maintained a low level of activity, because most of the people in the group Like Qin Lian, they are all die-hard fans of Qing Shi Zhang Jian.

The degree of die-hard loyalty is only higher than Qin Lian.

So after Qin Lian saw Qing Shan Zhanjian releasing "The Legend of Wukong", although he wanted to click on "The Legend of Wukong" as soon as possible and have a sneak peek, he finally resisted this idea and logged on to the app to inform the group about these and himself. The same people who have been waiting for two years.

"real or fake?"

"Qingda released a new book!?"

"It's been two years, are you sure you're not committing suicide, but releasing a new book?"

"Damn it, what he said is true. I just refreshed my blog and saw Qingda's new book. The title is "The Legend of Wukong". It seems that the whole book was released in one go!"

"Niu Niu Niu, Qingda is finally back. Our wait has been worth it. But here's the ugly word. If Ya's new book is not good, I will definitely give him a slap in the face and make us wait in vain. Two years!”

Qin Lian's words seemed to drop an atomic bomb into the group.

In an instant, the previously dead group of book fans came alive. With your words and messages, messages appeared on the screen.

A smile appeared at the corner of Qin Lian's mouth. He could understand everyone's excitement, but it was also sad to say that when "Life Hate Water Changdong" was at its peak, the sword in blue was even compared with Qingcheng in white. If At that time, when Qing Shi Zhang Jian released a new book, he would definitely be able to take advantage of the popularity of "Life is Born to Hate Water and the East" to become a hit. How could it be like today when a new book is released and only less than a thousand readers are paying attention?

"I'm afraid Qingda University may not even be able to get on the [Wenhua Ranking] now..." Qin Lian sighed.

The Wenhua List is an official list launched after the development of Weibo Novels. This list is similar to the popularity list in the contemporary comics world. Only the most popular works and the most famous authors can appear on it, and there are very few less famous ones. Authors can be on the list, and the top five positions are all occupied by a few great writers from meager——

Today's Qingda University has been forgotten by too many people.

But these are not things that he should worry about. What Qin Lian is most interested in is the content of this new book called "The Legend of Wukong". If this book does not meet his expectations, then his two years of waiting may not be enough. It's of great significance, let alone the Wenhua list where only the top works can appear.

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