Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 812 My sword is still there (Part 2)

Clicking on "The Legend of Wukong", the text came into Qin Lian's eyes.

However, just after reading the first paragraph, Qin Lian was a little stunned. He always felt that the text in Qingda's new book was full of pranks.

The polite and gentle Tang Monk dragged him even more. Wukong carried a stick and was arrogant. Zhu Bajie dared to choke with Wukong. Even Monk Sha, who had the best temper in my impression, acted fiercely. There were four masters and disciples, no one else. The shadow in "Journey to the West"!

"Could it be that Qingda's new work is a kitsch spoof?"

Qin Lian couldn't help but frown. He was very interested in "The Legend of Wukong", but the first paragraph of the text gave him a heads-up.

But after all, I have been waiting for two years, so it is impossible for me to have such a little patience, and this plot is only the beginning. It is quite stupid to deny the value of the entire book based on the beginning of the book, so Qin Lian just exhaled and continued reading along the text.

The next development still has a lingering sense of prank.

Qin Lian's brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and just when he was about to lose his patience, he suddenly let out a light sigh.

The text read: ["Sun Wukong... you are Sun Wukong!" The woman hugged his legs: "Is it you, is it really you? Am I not dreaming?" She raised her ugly face Looking at Sun Wukong with infinite affection, tears actually fell from his eyes. Sun Wukong felt a tremor all over his body, as if his internal organs were beating. He wondered what kind of magic this was. He felt that it was extremely powerful, but it was useless at this moment. 】

Is Sun Wukong soft-hearted towards monsters?

This female monster seems to have some kind of last resort in her words, and Sun Wukong’s reaction is too unusual. Although Sun Wukong’s character in this book itself is very unusual, this plot makes people feel the most suspenseful after reading it. Can be dug.

Qin Lian vaguely felt that things were not that simple.

Who is this banshee, and why does the banshee seem to know Sun Wukong?

At this time, Qin Lian himself did not realize that the traces of disappointment that spread originally were gone, replaced by curiosity about the plot. The various descriptions of Tang Monk and Wukong seemed not to be a spoof, but a very special way of writing. , he couldn't help but continue reading.

As Qin Lian continued to read, the plot also progressed slowly.

["Amitabha, who hates me to death, has gone through thousands of serious crimes, but he will never give up." Tang Monk straightened his rotten clothes and walked out of the forest. "You guys talk slowly, I won't disturb you anymore." . I'm going to take a walk in the beautiful forest, hoping to meet a fairy like a scattered flower...\

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