Inside the mushroom house.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He were making breakfast in the kitchen. When they saw the two children trotting in, they smiled lovingly.

There was nothing they could do. These two children were just too cute.

Ye Fang and Redina walked into the mushroom house one after another. Tang Qianqian was sitting next to Mr. Lu, looking at the collection on the old man's phone.

"Qianqian, which painting do you like? Grandpa will give it to you."

Ye Fang just walked in and heard what Mr. Lu said. His phone was full of famous calligraphy and paintings, and any one of them was worth tens of millions. The audience in the live broadcast room were jealous:

"Mr. Lu is really good to Qianqian"

"Hahahaha, I am a little envious of a five-year-old."

"Mr. Lu, I also particularly like calligraphy and paintings. Could you give me one?"

"The guy upstairs is annoying!"

"Mr. Lu likes Qianqian very much!"

"Qianqian and Mr. Lu are destined to be together!"

"Qianqian is so good~ Having a daughter like her, I want to give her the best!".......

"Really? This painting is beautiful~" Tang Qianqian pointed to one of them, her tone was innocent and did not fluctuate at all.

But Ye Fang knew that Qianqian was very surprised.

Before Mr. Lu could answer, Ye Fang smiled and said,"Qianqian, you can't just take Grandpa Lu's calligraphy and paintings. Tell Dad if you like anything.""

"Dad~" Tang Qianqian saw her father coming and happily jumped into his arms.

Ye Fang politely declined Mr. Lu's intention. These calligraphy and paintings are of good quality. Mr. Lu had helped Qianqian before. The child did not understand the value of these calligraphy and paintings, so how could she take other people's things casually?

Besides, if Qianqian really liked something, Ye Fang had enough ability to pay for it for her.

He did not want the child to accept what others gave her at the age of five with peace of mind.

If she was allowed to develop such a character, what if she was deceived by someone with ulterior motives in the future?

Tang Qianqian was the youngest and cutest among the children.

Naturally, she did not have as strong identification ability as the other children.

Ye Fang only hoped that Qianqian could trust her closest people, and the rest of the people should still be on guard.

Neither take advantage of others, nor trust others easily.

Of course, Mr. Lu was just kind-hearted, and Ye Fang knew it.

Seeing Ye Fang's refusal, Mr. Lu smiled kindly:"You are here"

"This is a little gift from me to Qianqian, don't be in a hurry to refuse."

Mr. Lu explained with a smile.

He was not unhappy. With Ye Fang's temperament, he naturally knew what he was thinking, and said:"Qianqian and I are destined to be together. I just want to give her a gift."

"I know what you mean, Mr. Lu, but Qianqian is still young, and I don't want her to develop the habit of taking other people's gifts...."

Ye Fang declined again.

Tang Qianqian understood what her father said and nodded.

"Qianqian can't have it, thank you Grandpa Lu~"

""Oh, okay." Mr. Lu sighed, his expression seemed to be full of regret.

Why regret?

Before Ye Fang had time to think, Teacher Huang waved and said,"Ye Fang, come quickly, I need your help."

Ye Fang smiled and nodded, walked into the kitchen and discussed with Teacher Huang how to cook more delicious porridge.

But Mr. Lu whispered to Tang Qianqian,"Qianqian, Grandpa Lu is not a bad person, right?"

"No!" Tang Qianqian shook her head firmly.

"That’s right! Grandpa Lu is not a bad person, but Dad is right to worry, so don’t take other people’s gifts casually in the future, but Grandpa Lu’s is okay, understand?"

Mr. Lu said again

""Okay~" Tang Qianqian smiled and nodded obediently.

Grandpa Lu saved her, so she naturally wouldn't regard him as a bad guy.

But other people might be bad guys!

Tang Qianqian secretly warned herself in her heart. The audience in the live broadcast room felt even more sour!

It was difficult for them to see the originals of those celebrity paintings and calligraphy, but Mr. Lu specifically wanted to give them to Qianqian, and he had to do it quietly and carefully.

Don't you think this is enviable?

Mr. Lu smiled as he stroked his beard with satisfaction, and chose the painting as a gift for Qianqian.

This morning, before dawn, he received an email.

A genetic identification document was attached to the email.

He opened it excitedly, and when he saw the identification results, he was disappointed and absent-minded.

Ye Fang and he had no blood relationship at all. In other words, Ye Fang is not his long-lost son.

This made Mr. Lu feel quite regretful.

Where is his son? Is he dead or alive?

Despite his regrets, he still wanted to make friends with Ye Fang, and he really liked Qianqian, a well-behaved child.

He felt that he and Qianqian had a destiny, and the child also called him"Grandpa Lu", so he gave her a painting.

He usually refused to take a look at the precious calligraphy and paintings that his good friend Lao Wang wanted to take a look at.

Now, he lets Qianqian choose any gift she wants.

He has lived alone for more than 20 years, and suddenly felt the affection of family. Even if it was a misunderstanding, he regarded Qianqian as his own granddaughter.

After choosing and choosing, Mr. Lu felt that it was not enough to express his sincerity.

After thinking about it, he said:"Qianqian, grandpa will give you a good"

"What's good?" Tang Qianqian blinked her eyes with anticipation.

"A piece of jade. When Grandpa Lu is gone, you can still take this jade and go to xx Group to receive the ultimate gift package from Grandpa!"

"Really?" Tang Qianqian's eyes lit up. It sounded like playing a game, and there was an ultimate gift package!

Then she frowned again:"Grandpa Lu is gone? Where did he go?"

"Go reunite with your family." Mr. Lu looked at the sky with a smile on his face.......

Soon, the delicious porridge was served on the table.

Everyone happily ate breakfast and drank porridge. Teacher He said,"We will leave the Mushroom House in a while. We are really reluctant to leave."

The first episode of the Mushroom House is coming to an end.

After breakfast, everyone will leave, but Mr. Lu plans to stay here for a while.

But the others have their own work to do and will leave Manyuan Village.

"I can't bear to leave Brother Ye!" Peng Peng looked at the porridge in the bowl. What a delicious food it was!

If he left the Mushroom House, he would not be able to eat it.

"Hey, you little brat, you can't bear to part with this bite of food, right?" Teacher Huang said with a smile.

"Where is Mr. Ye?"Zhang Zifeng looked at Ye Fang with curious eyes.

"Me? Take some time to go back to Kyoto," Ye Fang said with a smile, his eyes seemed to be looking into the distance.

It's time to go back.

He disappeared for five years. He left very suddenly. He also needs to see his old friends and teachers.

"Then maybe we can meet."Redina, who had been quiet all the time, suddenly spoke in surprise.

But after she finished speaking, she became quiet again and lowered her eyes.

Why was she so excited?!

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