"Maybe." Teacher Huang saw what the young girl was thinking and added with a smile.

Redina's cheeks turned red, and the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy.

"Oh my god, is Goddess Xiaodi moved?"

"I also want to meet Mr. Ye in Kyoto!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Huang is so interesting"

"I hope Mr. Ye can find new happiness.~"

"Is Mr. Ye going to leave Manyuan Village? It's rare!"

"Why did Mr. Ye go to Kyoto? Was he going to visit someone?"

"What about the five little ones?".......

After breakfast, everyone went to pack their luggage, and the five little ones also packed their luggage with great interest.

"That’s right!" Teacher He, who packed his backpack first, went downstairs. Seeing the five little ones waiting happily in the hall, he remembered something important.

Teacher Huang also followed him down:"What’s wrong?"

"What should we do with the five little ones?"Teacher He looked at Teacher Huang with an embarrassment.

Now they have all left and will not come back to continue recording in three days, but these five little ones can't follow them, right?

Teacher Huang slapped his head and realized:"Yeah, what should we do with them?"

Looking at the five little ones with an embarrassment, Guan Tiantian said happily:"We can just follow Daddy!"

Liu Youyou nodded, so that she can sleep with her dad legitimately~

She can't wait for everyone to leave quickly and stay for a while.

Besides, Daddy is going to Kyoto, and she can go on a trip with him too 、

She has never traveled with her family before.

"That won’t work!" Teacher He shook his head:"Tiantian and An’an can follow Mr. Ye, but you three can’t!"

Meaning, Yang An’an and Guan Tiantian are recognized as Ye Fang’s biological daughters.

But the other three are neither Ye Fang’s daughters nor have any relationship with him.

What’s the matter with following Mr. Ye?

But what’s the matter with the parents of these three children?

The program has been broadcast for so long, and the program team has not been contacted yet.

Is the program not popular enough or do these parents no longer want their lovely daughters?

Teacher He felt depressed and wanted to call the police to urge the parents of these three children.

"I want to follow my dad." Tang Qianqian shouted blankly, with an unhappy tone.

"....."Teacher Huang was speechless.

At this time, Ye Fang came in and said with a smile:"Leave the five children to me without worry. They all know each other. They can go to Kyoto with me as a trip."

"this..."Teacher Huang and Teacher He looked at each other with some hesitation.

Seeing this, Ye Fang smiled and said,"Don't you two teachers trust me?"

No one in this world can be trusted, but Ye Fang and the others are absolutely trusted!

Teacher Huang waved her hands and said,"I don't mean that. It's just that you have to take care of five children by yourself, and I'm afraid you can't handle it."

"Don't worry, I know my limits."Ye Fang smiled and nodded, his tone was affirmative.

The five children were all smart and well-behaved. Except for Tiantian and Qianqian, who were still a little immature, Ye Fang was not worried about the other three children.

What's more, with him by their side, he would definitely not let the five children be in any danger.

Ye Fang had said this, and the five children knew each other privately, so they didn't know what to say and nodded one after another.

Seeing that the two elders agreed, the five little ones cheered excitedly.

Going to Kyoto with Dad, just thinking about it makes me happy~

Then, Peng Peng, Zhang Zifeng, Guan Tong'er, and Redina packed their luggage.

A group of people walked out of the mushroom house, looked back at the house behind them, and their faces were full of reluctance.

"Five days passed so quickly!"

"Yes! It's really fast!"Teacher He nodded, thinking back to the past five days, they really brought too many surprises.

The most surprising thing was to meet the talented Ye Fang.

The program also became more exciting.

Director Lao Wang told them privately that the data of the program are constantly rising.

This is the effect of the various explosive points brought by Ye Fang.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also floated:

"I'm so sad. Five days passed by so quickly."

"Goodbye Mushroom House, see you in three days!"

"Woohoo, I can't bear not to see Mr. Ye"

"My nose is sore, I am so reluctant to leave"

"Stop talking, I have already booked a flight to Kyoto, I hope to meet Mr. Ye by chance!"

"Five little ones, just be good. Sister will come to see you in three days!"

"Will Xiaodi come next week?".......

After saying goodbye, everyone walked to the end of the flower path. Mr. Lu and Ye Fang followed to see them off.

After getting in the car, Zhang Zifeng's nose felt a little sour. She suddenly found herself reluctant to leave. She felt unhappy when she thought that she wouldn't be able to see the five little ones and Mr. Ye for several days.

Without saying goodbye to Ye Fang, Zhang Zifeng lowered her face and said nothing.

Redina waved and said,"Mr. Ye, goodbye, An'an, be good!"

The last half of the sentence scared Yang An'an so much that she hid behind Ye Fang and made a face at Redina.

Hee hee, Sister Xiaodi finally left, she is free~

Redina shook her head with a smile, and began to look forward to meeting Mr. Ye in Kyoto.

Anyway, she has An'an's WeChat and can know their location remotely at any time.

After waving goodbye to everyone, the two cars drove away.

"Mr. Ye, when are you going to Kyoto?"Mr. Lu retracted his gaze and looked at Ye Fang with a kind look.

"It takes two hours to get to the airport, so it will be afternoon."Ye Fang calculated the time and said slowly.

"Then I have a chance to eat the food you cook?" Mr. Lu stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"Sure." Ye Fang smiled, but he still had to make lunch.

The airplane meals were not enough for five children.

Five years old is the age for growth, and balanced nutrition is needed.

The mother of the five little ones handed them over to him, and as their blood father, he had to take the responsibility of taking good care of them.

They returned to the Mushroom House, and Ye Fang made a nutritionally balanced lunch with a combination of meat and vegetables.

There was no camera filming at the moment, so they ate casually and chatted casually.

Mr. Lu sniffed the aroma, took a bite of the dish, his eyes lit up:"It tastes really good, not worse than those top chefs"

"Mr. Ye's cooking skills are very good!"Mr. Lu said with a smile

"You're flattering me. They're just some home-cooked dishes."Ye Fang smiled modestly, busy picking up dishes for the five children and feeding Guan Tiantian.

Among the five children, Guan Tiantian is the most pampered and the most like an ordinary child. She needs to listen to stories before going to bed and wants her father to feed her when she eats.

It's not that she has to do this, but she wants to enjoy the feeling of being spoiled by her father.

Ye Fang understands the child's thoughts and allows her small request.

Aren't daughters meant to be spoiled?

Mr. Lu looked at it for a while, and suddenly smiled and said,"The report is out, and it's different from what I guessed."

Ye Fang immediately understood the meaning of these simple words.

Ye Fang's expression changed slightly.

When Mr. Lu said it yesterday, he also had a little doubt.

Is it really such a coincidence?

The facts proved that it was not.

Ye Fang didn't know whether he was disappointed or indifferent, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Who doesn't look forward to finding their relatives?

Ye Fang has only been single for more than 20 years, and it's just a habit.

But there is still expectation.

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