The director opened his eyes wide, and his eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

I am convinced. Where did Mr. Tang find this genius?

This is not makeup, this is creation.

This is not makeup? This is a work of art!

Even if this painting is not painted on the face but on paper, it is still a valuable painting.

But this painting is painted on the face, the man and the painting are one, it is more like coming alive.

It is amazing, amazing!!!

After a short silence, the scene began to get agitated.,

"Hurry up, take a few more pictures, it will definitely become popular"

"The painting is so good, this is not makeup at all!!! This is a magic brush!!"

"Can this be drawn with makeup?"

"Oh my god, it’s on the front page of tomorrow’s news!"

"What kind of deity is this?"......

Tang Yanran had just finished seeing the doctor. At this moment, the assistant was queuing up to get medicine. She and Tang Qianqian were sitting on a bench in the hospital, looking at this scene, their beautiful eyes shining.

""Wow~ Dad is so amazing!" Tang Qianqian was pleasantly surprised when she saw the painting on the model's face.

In her heart, her father was the best painter in the world and even in history.

But Tang Yanran knew that painting was a simple thing for Ye Fang, but that was on white paper with proper painting tools.

But she was using cosmetics and makeup brushes, which were definitely more inconvenient than painting tools.

Even so, Mr. Ye could still use cosmetics to create such a work.

Every color of the new series of eye shadows was used flexibly by him to create this work of art that combined man and painting, which could be called a masterpiece of divine craftsmanship.

This makeup, she could never do it herself.

Tang Yanran's heart trembled slightly. Ye

Fang helped her a lot, not only did he not mess it up, but he created a miracle.

This kind of makeup...Even a special makeup artist may not be able to do it perfectly, right?

But just by using existing things, you can draw such a work that a makeup artist can never draw.

Sure enough, Qianqian was right, it was right to find Mr. Ye.

This man, is there anything in the world that he can't handle?

I owe him a big favor!

Tang Yanran sighed. She felt sour because Qianqian ran so far to find Ye Fang, her father.

Now she has been completely conquered.

If Qianqian wants to follow Mr. Ye in the future, she doesn't want to object anymore.

In terms of painting, she can't give Qianqian any help at all, but after being influenced by Mr. Ye for a long time, Qianqian's painting level will definitely be improved.

Thinking of the painting hanging in the house, which was bought at an auction for 30 million.

That was Qianqian's fifth birthday present. Now think about it, Qianqian knew that Mr. Ye was her father at that time....

Her hardened heart softened completely at this moment.

She couldn't help but think of the look she had with Ye Fang, and the warm touch of his thick big hand holding her.

Tang Yanran's heart quietly changed.

And Tang's mother, who was far away in the old house in Anxi, had a smile on her face.

"Oh my, my son-in-law is awesome!"

"My daughter, you owe me a big favor, but it would be nice if you could repay me with your body."

Tang's mother covered her face and laughed happily. It was not enough to be happy alone. She picked up her phone and started calling her girlfriends who always boasted about her son-in-law buying this and that.

"Hey, let me tell you, I will have a son-in-law soon"

"What does my son-in-law do? He is a mysterious painter with excellent painting skills. My granddaughter inherited his painting skills."

"Hey, what do you know? Come back now, that's what lovers finally get married!"

""Bah, your son-in-law is shit!"

After a round of calls, Tang's mother became nervous in addition to being excited.

My son-in-law is so outstanding, what if someone else gets there first?

No, let my daughter bring him home as soon as possible.

She immediately called Tang Yanran.

Seeing her mother's call, Tang Yanran smiled. Her mother must be worried about her safety and came to care about her.

Thinking about how she was always running around and couldn't take care of her daughter, and made her old mother worry about her, she felt guilty.

After answering the phone, she said obediently:"Mom, don't worry about me, my hands are......"

Before he could finish his words, the other side hurriedly said:"Who is worried about you? I am worried about my son-in-law!"

"What do you mean, your son-in-law?" Tang Yanran's smile froze. If she remembered correctly, her mother only had her as a daughter, right? Where did the son-in-law come from?

"Ye Fang!" Tang's mother said unhappily,"I helped you so much, and you forgot about it in the blink of an eye?"

"Mr. Ye?" Tang Yanran couldn't help rolling her eyes. Her mother must have had a paranoid disorder!

When did Mr. Ye become her son-in-law?

Her ears turned red quietly, and she felt very embarrassed.

"You, bring my son-in-law back to me as soon as possible. It will count only after he meets his parents. Don't let other women seduce him away."

"Did you hear that?"

Mother Tang's warning annoyed Tang Yanran, and she said angrily,"What son-in-law? Don't talk nonsense."

"We have nothing to do with each other!!!"

After saying that, he immediately hung up the phone.

"Hey! This girl is really a worry for me!"Mother Tang shook her head angrily and sighed.

In the hospital, Tang Yanran was very upset. How could she have such a mother who talked nonsense?

She and Ye Fang had no good relationship at all.

He was just Qianqian's father, and she was just Qianqian's mother.

Well, it was just such a simple relationship!

Her mother wanted her to get married so badly!........

At the other end of the live broadcast room, the flash kept shooting at the female model's face.

The female audience in the live broadcast room finally came to their senses.

"Oh my god, is this makeup?...."

"Will I ever be able to pull off this look in my lifetime?"

"This is a work of art, okay? I'm dying."

"Damn, I finally recognized it!���The male model, isn’t he Mr. Ye from Mushroom House!!!"

"What Mr. Ye from the Mushroom House?"

"Take screenshots, take screenshots like crazy!"

"This is Mr. Ye Fangye ahh..."

"Oh my god!! I just recognized it as Mr. Ye!"

"I said the male model was so handsome and familiar, damn, Mr. Ye is you"


"It's Mr. Ye!!".....

From the shocking makeup, to many people recognizing that this was Mr. Ye from the Mushroom House.

The live broadcast room was in an uproar, with the screen full of the three words"Mr. Ye" and various question marks.

Those who didn't know who Mr. Ye was went to Baidu and instantly searched for all the information that Ye Fang had revealed in the Mushroom House.

The mysterious master of traditional Chinese painting, the scrapped manuscript was auctioned for 30 million!

No wonder! Mr. Tang said he was amazing!!!

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