Princess Wang and Chen Yixun went to Manyuan Village to ask for songs for his songs.

The three songs created miracles in the music world, and each song is a masterpiece!

The protagonist of the hot search"Ye Fang's Story" on Weibo is the real person!

The most important thing is that a draft of his ink painting was thrown away as garbage, and after it was leaked, it was auctioned by those rich people as if it were a treasure.

All these things are put out one by one, and they are all eye-catching.

People are so angry when they compare themselves to others!

Everyone thought that Mr. Tang just pulled a model to the stage to replace her.

Now they know that Mr. Tang invited a great god. It is their honor to see the process of this great god's personal creation!

The chief director immediately searched for information about Ye Fang according to the prompts in the live broadcast room. Only then did he understand that Mr. Tang was not doing it randomly, but he was far-sighted!

Just based on the weight of Ye Fang's Chinese paintings, it is a great honor to be able to invite him to come out today.

It must be popular, and the new series must be popular!!!!!

At this time, the host finally found his voice after a long while.

His voice was shaking:"Too...So powerful, is this the makeup that Mr. Ye brings us today?"

"Everyone, is this amazing?"

The host was at a loss for words at this moment. He really didn't know what to say to express his shock. He could only come up with a very cliché topic to interact with the audience.

"It’s awesome!!!"

"Great drawing!!"

"So powerful!!!!"

"Feast your eyes!".....

There weren't many people in the audience, but the response was as if there were tens of thousands of people.

Everyone was so excited that their faces turned red.

The host finally regained his composure and looked at Ye Fang with respect in his eyes.

"Mr. Ye, may I ask, what is your inspiration for this makeup?"

Everyone looked at Ye Fang, and everyone wanted to know where the inspiration for this"work" came from?

The audience in the live broadcast room also asked curiously:

"It must have some unique inspiration to look so good!"

"Mr. Ye is really good at painting."

"It's great to see Mr. Ye"

"I want inspiration too!!".....

Ye Fang looked at the makeup and explained with a smile:

"This inspiration comes from a story...It is rumored that in a certain Western dynasty, there existed a special group of people in the sea, mermaids...."

Ye Fang roughly recounted the story of her previous life,"A mermaid fell in love with a prince and eventually turned into foam."

"The mermaid traded her singing voice for a pair of legs and finally got the chance to be with the prince...."

"In the end, the prince mistakenly thought that it was another woman who saved him, and the two fell in love and got married. That morning, the mermaid turned into foam in the sea."

After hearing this story, the four little ones and Qianqian who was watching the live broadcast showed distressed expressions.

"The mermaid is so pitiful...."

"Didn’t the prince recognize the person who actually saved him?"

"Finally turned into foam..."

The audience in the live broadcast room and the women at the scene also sighed.

Although the love story of unrequited love is a fairy tale, modern young people have experienced a few relationships.

Especially women, they can't stand hearing such sad stories.

Tang Yanran stared at Ye Fang on the screen. She had never heard of this story, but...

But it fits so well with her new series

"The inspiration for this makeup comes from this story、"

"The mermaid turned into foam in the sea and merged with the sea, just like this makeup."

The story is fascinating, and this different explanation makes the listeners instantly understand and marvel at how well the story and makeup fit together.

Because she merged with the sea, she is the sea and the sea is her.

Isn't this just like this makeup?

Ye Fang smiled again and said,"The inspiration for this makeup and story also comes from the new series of products - Mystery of the Blue Sea. I hope everyone likes it." After going around in circles, it finally fits in with the new product.

Tang Yanran's eyes suddenly lit up, and her pretty face was full of surprise.

She wanted to try her best, but she didn't expect that Mr. Ye not only painted a godly makeup. He also gave her new series a unique story and meaning.

Such a fairy-tale background story will definitely add a lot of color to the new series.

"It exploded, it exploded!" The voice of the backstage statistician rang in the chief director's ears. The chief director came back to his senses and asked,"What exploded?"

"The orders have exploded! They have far exceeded expectations by 200%!" the statistician said excitedly.

"So strong?"The chief director opened his eyes wide, and was very shocked.

You know, the expected orders are already very high, and according to the company's audience, it is a bit difficult to achieve.

But unexpectedly, not only did it exceed the expected number, but it also exceeded it by a full 200%.

Today's live broadcast was a great success!

Of course, the chief director knew clearly that this was all thanks to Mr. Ye.

A makeup that could be called a work of art, and a unique and sad background story, instantly raised the grade of the new series of products to an unknown level.

It would be strange if it didn't become popular! Mr. Tang's vision is too sharp, this is to find a god!

For a time, the on-site staff were excited and happy.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded:

"This story is so sad."

"I like this story so much, the mermaid merged into the sea"

"I thought it was very sad, but this makeup is so beautiful and contains a unique story"

"I like it, this new series is really great!"

"Mr. Tang is very thoughtful, this live broadcast is great!"

"I won't say anymore. I've already placed the order. Mr. Ye still loves me."

"The order has been placed, Mr. Ye, please marry me!"

"Love it!"......

The orders are still rising. From the moment Ye Fang told the background story of the mermaid, it was like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins and could not be controlled.

The media reporters at the scene were taking photos crazily.

Although they didn't know who was on the stage, they were definitely going to be very popular because of this makeup.

"Thank you Mr. Ye for your explanation, which has given our new series a unique story."

The host immediately took over the topic and continued the live broadcast.

Ten minutes later, Tang Yanran's car stopped outside, and the chief director immediately went to meet her.

"Mr. Tang, the orders have exceeded expectations by 300%. We have succeeded."The chief director said excitedly.

"I know."Tang Yanran nodded slightly. She had been paying attention to the order data. All this was thanks to Mr. Ye.

Looking at Ye Fang sitting on the stage, smiling calmly and chatting casually, Tang Yanran was full of gratitude.

Tang Yanran came back, and the host immediately changed the topic, allowing Ye Fang to go off the stage to rest and replaced Tang Yanran.


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