A magical voice sounded in her ears, calming her panicked and restless heart.

"Don't worry, think of a way."

Ye Fang whispered to stop Guan Youlan's headless search.

She calmed down, but her tears fell even more fiercely, and her thin shoulders kept shaking.

The sobbing sound of grievance and sobbing sounded slightly.

"I can't lose her, she's everything to me..."Guan Youlan said in a low voice with tears in her eyes.

Hearing this, Ye Fang's expression became serious:

"Miss Guan, Tiantian is also my daughter, I will definitely find her."

Hearing this, Guan Youlan paused, slowly raised her head, and her confused eyes met Ye Fang's firm gaze.

"Mr. Ye, please help me."Guan Youlan said with a trembling voice.

She was weak by nature and had been kept in seclusion. This amusement park was so big, and the flow of people was at least tens of thousands. She had no way to deal with it.

At this moment, she felt helpless.

Only Ye Fang's words made her dependent.

Ye Fang nodded slightly, and then said to Wen Yaoyao and the other children,��"Don't leave me alone, follow me wherever I go."

This is to avoid other children getting separated while looking for Guan Tiantian.

But these children are smart and sensible. They understand what Ye Fang means and know that this is not the time to have fun, so they all nodded seriously.

Ye Fang turned his head again and said to the staff next to him:"One of our children is lost here. Where is your broadcasting room?"

"Over there!" The staff immediately pointed in the direction, not knowing what Ye Fang was going to do.

Ye Fang held Tang Qianqian's hand and led Guan Youlan, who was covered, to the broadcasting room.

In the broadcasting room, the staff was broadcasting. The door was opened. She was startled and immediately stood up and turned on the music.

""Who are you? Why are you barging in?" The female announcer was shocked by the appearance of the newcomer.

This man is so handsome. He looks like a star, but also a little familiar.

Wen Yaoyao followed closely behind, and for the first time she saw different emotions in her father's expression.

Dad is very worried about Tiantian!

This is nervousness!

Guan Youlan was also a little stunned. At this moment, the man who rushed into the studio regardless of anything, was it really the elegant, gentle, humble and polite Mr. Ye? This was the first time she saw different emotions from Ye Fang, emotions that ordinary people would have. She was even more moved. Mr. Ye was really worried about Tiantian's safety.

He was not afraid to act out of character!

"Hello, we are tourists. My daughter just got lost near the jumping machine. I would like to borrow your broadcasting room."

The announcer's expression eased when he heard that the child was lost.

"Sorry sir, I can help you interrupt, but I don't allow tourists to use the microphone at will."

The amusement park has its own rules. If anyone can broadcast at will, it will damage the image of the amusement park.

"No, I need to come." Ye Fang shook his head and insisted.

The female announcer asked in confusion:"Sir, there is not much difference between me telling you and you telling me the news....You don't have to insist on that...."

"Yes." Ye Fang interrupted her. Time was precious now and he didn't want to waste it.

"My daughter needs to hear my voice!"


Before the female announcer could speak, Ye Fang took off his mask and revealed his face.

"I’m Ye Fang, can you please make an exception for me?"

It’s nothing that he’s Ye Fang, but he’s Mr. Ye from Mushroom House!

The Mr. Ye who has won the hearts of countless girls, can cook, write songs, and paint Chinese paintings!

The female announcer had seen Mushroom House, so she naturally recognized who Ye Fang was at first sight.

Instantly, her eyes lit up.

If it were an ordinary person, the female announcer couldn’t let the other party use the microphone at will.

But if it was Mr. Ye, the situation would be completely different.

Mr. Ye is a famous person. Although he is not a star, he also has his own traffic.

There are so many topics about him on the Internet now!

If he were to appear on the radio in the amusement park, no matter what the content was, it would be another strong advertisement for the amusement park.

The female announcer could do it without asking for permission. I know, the leader will certainly agree readily!

But Mr. Ye just said that his daughter is missing? Which one is it?

Is it the cute Tiantian, or the boyish An'an?

No matter which one it is, the female announcer is also worried. These two are the national daughters, and she has liked them very much since she watched the show.

So, without saying much, she could see that Mr. Ye was anxious, so he immediately made way.

After sitting down, Ye Fang adjusted the microphone with the help of the announcer.

A shrill sound attracted everyone's attention, and the next second, a low, pleasant, and somewhat anxious voice was heard over the amusement park.

Guan Tiantian hid in a tree hole, her delicate and cute little face full of fear.

"dad...Mother...I forgot the way back...."

She just followed the puppet and unknowingly walked to a sparsely populated area.

Because part of the amusement park was under renovation, this side was an old area with all aging amusement facilities, so naturally no one came.

Guan Tiantian couldn't remember the way she came, and she could only hide in a tree hole in fear.

At this moment, she felt helpless and regretted why she didn't bring her cell phone. She only hoped that her parents could appear in front of her.

Her little body was trembling, and she didn't know what to do.

At this moment, the old paint-chipped horn above her head rang.

"Hello, my name is Ye Fang, and I am looking for my lost daughter Tiantian. Please forgive me for disturbing you."

Ye Fang apologized first, then changed his tone and became very gentle:

"Tiantian, I'm your dad. I know you're in the amusement park right now, right?"

Upon hearing her dad's voice, Guan Tiantian immediately came out of the tree hole and kept nodding her head at the speaker.

"Dad, I'm here, I'm here!"

"Dad, I'm fine.���"I'm scared!"

Hearing her father's voice, Guan Tiantian felt comforted, but she cried and talked to her father.

She knew her father couldn't hear her....

But knowing that her father was looking for her, she was also excited.

At this moment, in front of the amusement facilities of all sizes in the amusement park, everyone looked at the speakers above their heads.

When they heard the other party say his identity, many people were confused.

"Who is Ye Fang? Is he a celebrity?"

"Ye Fang? Sounds familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere before."

"Is it the Ye Fang who always appears on Weibo’s hot searches?"

"Oh my god, it's Mr. Ye!!! Mr. Ye from Manyuan Village! He actually came to the amusement park、"

"Is Tiantian lost? Too bad!"

"We must help find Tiantian!".......

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