Gradually, more and more people recognized who Ye Fang was.

Ye Fang was originally an anonymous singer who was a household name. His voice was very recognizable. It can be said that more than 60% of people in China have heard his songs. Many people in the entire amusement park recognized who he was. Even those who didn’t know him recognized him after the explanations from tourists who knew them.

At this moment, everyone knew that Mr. Ye came to the amusement park and his lovely daughter, Guan Tiantian, was lost.

This is a musical prodigy and a famous daughter, and many people like her.

In addition, most of the people who come to the amusement park are parents with children, and they can understand the anxiety of their children being lost.

Hearing Ye Fang’s gentle voice looking for their children through the radio, every parent’s expression was filled with warmth and moved.

""Tiantian, don't run around. Daddy will find you soon. Do you believe me?"

Hearing what her father said, Guan Tiantian burst into tears and nodded her head repeatedly.

"Tiantian believes in daddy! Daddy will definitely find me!"

Ye Fang seemed to be able to hear Guan Tiantian's words, and his voice was more gentle.

Faced with the child running around and getting lost, he did not blame her at all, but used as much gentleness as possible to let the child not feel anxious.

Guan Youlan watched Ye Fang handle the matter calmly, while taking care of the child's emotions, and her mood gradually calmed down.

At the same time, she was full of gratitude.

She was panicked just now and didn't think of looking for Tiantian through the radio.

Even if she could think of using the radio, she would definitely be incoherent, not as meticulous as Ye Fang, taking into account the emotions of many people.

She believed that Tiantian was greatly comforted by being able to hear the radio at this moment.

Although Ye Fang was not aware of Tiantian's birth, as a blood father, Ye Fang did very, very well.

The female announcer was full of admiration. Mr. Ye was so gentle!

Most parents blame their children instead of taking care of their children's emotions at the first time!

Next, Ye Fang continued

"Now, I would like to ask all the visitors of the amusement park to do me a small favor."

"Anyone who can see my child doesn't need to do much, just call me so I can know the child's location."

""Thank you all!"

As soon as the voice fell, most of the people in the amusement park started to move!

They began to look for Guan Tiantian's traces based on the clues of Guan Tiantian's appearance provided by Ye Fang.

At this moment, under the initiative of Ye Fang, the entire amusement park began to look for Guan Tiantian.

And Guan Tiantian also understood that at this moment, the uncles and aunts all knew that she was lost.

Dad didn't ask her where to look, but asked everyone to look for him. He must have guessed that she didn't know the direction.

With a superman-like father, Guan Tiantian's little heart calmed down even though she didn't know where she was now.

She stood up, she knew that no one would come nearby.

There was only one thing she had to do now, find any tourist, and she could find her father!

Thinking of this, Guan Tiantian mustered all her strength. With the courage, she stepped out of the tree hole in her pink leather shoes.

She couldn't let her father worry alone, so she had to work hard too!

She was also confused just now, and didn't know what to do.

Now that she had an idea, she seemed to have grown up in an instant.

She began to follow the route of the amusement park, trying to meet an uncle or aunt.

Outside the broadcasting room, Ye Fang returned the microphone to the female announcer, and Guan Youlan and the children stood outside waiting.

Now none of them could leave casually, all they had to do was wait for the call.

Guan Youlan looked at the indifferent Ye Fang, and her heart calmed down.

At this moment, Guan Youlan was still nervous, but she was no longer as panicked as before.

Ye Fang's actions were like a reassurance, allowing her to sit here quietly and wait.

"Mr. Ye, I was panicking just now and didn't know what to do. It's better for you to be calm and have a solution."

Using your own traffic to mobilize the entire amusement park to search, it can not only advertise the amusement park so that the other party is willing to cooperate, but also mobilize everyone to search.

It's better than her running around like a headless fly.

"It shouldn't be long before I get a call."

As soon as Ye Fang finished speaking, his cell phone rang. Guan Youlan stood up excitedly, and the four little ones looked over at once. It was a strange call. Ye Fang answered the call, and an excited voice rang out.

"Mr. Ye, is that you?"

"Yes, hello."Ye Fang responded politely, but Guan Youlan was very anxious.

"It's really you. I'm so excited...."The other party spoke excitedly, a little incoherently.

Guan Youlan only wanted to ask about the topic of sweetness, but Ye Fang did not ask immediately. Instead, a soft and sticky voice came from the microphone.

"Uncle, let me talk to Dad!"

"Oh oh oh oh! Right, right, right! Go talk to Mr. Ye."

Hearing Guan Tiantian's voice, Guan Youlan finally let go of the heavy stone in her heart.

Wen Yaoyao and the other two also smiled in relief. They finally found her!

Taking a deep breath, her eyes turned red again. She was happy. She finally found Tiantian.

Hearing her still energetic voice, Guan Youlan was sure that she was safe and well, and smiled.

"This girl, didn't she want to talk to me first?..."Guan Youlan was a little angry again.

Why did she feel like a stepmother? Ye Fang was her biological father?

Over there, Guan Tiantian's voice came closer and rang out.

"Dad, I'm Tiantian. I'm fine now. I'm fine!"

You can tell that the voice is nasal. She just cried, but the child tried hard to pretend that she was fine. She didn't want her father to worry too much.

She just walked a few hundred meters and met an uncle with a child. Before she could talk to him, the child pointed at her.

"It's Guan Tiantian, Dad, it's Guan Tiantian!"

The parent with the child was also very happy and immediately came forward to talk.

He also called Ye Fang.

"I'm glad you're okay. Don't worry. You'll see your dad soon."

Ye Fang smiled and consoled Guan Tiantian without blaming her.

At this time, Ye Fang asked Guan Tiantian to return the phone to the man.

"Hello, could you please tell me your current location?" Ye Fang asked politely and gratefully.

"My current location...Oh! There is a big musical theater near me. You can come to this place to look for Tiantian."

"OK, thank you."After Ye Fang hung up the phone, he asked the female announcer about the location of the musical theater and took the child

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