The musical theater is located in the west of the amusement park.

Ye Fang and Guan Youlan hurried over and walked for about ten minutes.

When they saw the musical theater in front of them, they found that the situation was not good.

The musical theater was a semicircular building, and it was impossible to clearly distinguish its east, south, west and north.

It was a bit difficult to ask the other party's location.

Wen Yaoyao and the other two children had been moving their short legs all the way to keep up with the pace. At this moment, they stopped and were exhausted and panting.

""Dad, is this the musical theater?" Wen Yaoyao glanced at the musical theater and found the same problem as Ye Fang.

The surroundings were decorated in the same style, and with the semi-circular building, how could one tell the direction?

"Tiantian is nearby. Let's look for her."

"This gentleman doesn't know the exact location, but he is sure it is here."

Ye Fang's expression was still calm, but there was already a hint of anxiety in his tone.

Guan Youlan knew her daughter was nearby, and she felt much more relaxed than before.

The next step was to find her daughter!

Just like that, several people began to search....

Even though Ye Fang did not hang up the phone and continued to negotiate with the other party, another problem emerged!

At this time, the sky darkened, and the street lights in the amusement park gradually lit up.

And the lights of the musical theater in front of him suddenly lit up.

Every afternoon at 7 o'clock, the musical theater starts on time, and there will be performances by small animals and musicians.

At this point, tourists flocked in from all directions, and gradually, the flow of people began to gather.

"Why are there so many people here all of a sudden?"Wen Yaoyao blinked her big eyes and immediately took the hand of Tang Qianqian, the youngest girl.

"You guys keep following me closely, don't get lost!" To avoid being squeezed away by the crowd, Wen Yaoyao immediately instructed Tang Youyou and Yang Anan.

She was thoughtful and mature. At this moment, her father and Aunt Guan were busy looking for Tiantian.

She absolutely couldn't let her sisters and her cause trouble for her father.

So the stability of being an older sister instantly emanated.

The four little ones held hands and held each other's hands tightly.

At this moment, the blood seemed to flow through their tightly held soft little hands.

They are blood sisters, destined from birth!

When Ye Fang came to his senses, he could see his daughters following behind him, but he couldn't see Guan Youlan.

The crowd was too large, and Guan Youlan was busy looking for the child. When he came to his senses, she was surrounded by... Stranger, there was no sign of Mr. Ye.


Guan Youlan wanted to go back, but the tourists were scrambling to crowd in.

They were afraid that they would not be able to get a seat if it was too late. Even if there was Guan Youlan who did not want to watch the show, she could not resist the power of the crowd.

Helplessly, Guan Youlan could only pick up her phone and call Ye Fang.

But the line was busy, and Ye Fang was still talking to the tourist who found Tiantian.

As a mother, Guan Youlan had only this thought in her mind: she could not interrupt their call.

Helplessly, she could only walk out in a hurry, hoping to find Ye Fang or Tiantian.

Here, Guan Tiantian and the tourist uncle were also unable to control the crowd and were moving around.

"Miss Guan is missing?"

On the other end of the phone, Guan Tiantian heard her father's puzzled voice.

Her little heart skipped a beat:"Dad, Mom is missing?"

"Yes, we were separated by the crowd. Don’t worry, we will meet again soon. Where are you now?"

"We were also squeezed into the musical theater! I don't know where we are now, there are too many people!"

The tourist uncle answered helplessly and anxiously.

There are too many people now, and everything is out of our control.

Ye Fang didn't say anything else. He looked at Wen Yaoyao and the other four little ones. He had no choice but to go in and look for them.

Miss Guan and Tiantian might be inside.

But he didn't want any of his daughters to get lost again. He looked outside the musical theater, where the Ferris wheel was.

"Yaoyao, take your sisters to ride the Ferris wheel until I come out."

Ye Fang squatted down, put his hand on Wen Yaoyao's shoulder, and handed this task to her.

""Don't worry, Dad. I will take good care of my sisters." Wen Yaoyao nodded repeatedly, and then, under Ye Fang's gaze, she took her sisters to sit in the Ferris wheel.

After making sure the children were safe, Ye Fang turned around and squeezed into the musical theater.

The interior of the musical theater was very large, with a huge hall that was crowded.

There was no stage here, or rather, it was scattered by various small stages.

Each stage had different musical instruments, played by different musicians with different animals.

It was more like a circus, but without whipping, and without forcing the animals to perform.

The animals were smart and cute, very free, surrounding the musicians who were playing, all of which were performances designed to attract children.

Tourists were mobile and could watch performances on any small stage at will.

Because of the mobility, it increased Guan Youlan's difficulty in finding places and Sweet difficulty.

Being in the crowd, Guan Youlan felt a little desperate.

She also felt very uncomfortable.

She has crowd phobia, also known as social phobia.

It was diagnosed when she was young, and since then, she has been studying at home and has never been to school.

She is afraid of the feeling of powerlessness in the crowd, which makes her feel suffocated and even painful.

Fortunately, her family is well-off, and she can live a good life even if she doesn't work, so she just stays at home and never goes out.

Now that she has a child, her crowd phobia seems to be cured and has never occurred again.

But today, suddenly being in such a dense crowd, social phobia has a tendency to relapse.

She was worried about her daughter in her heart, and she didn't realize it at first.

Now, the feeling of suffocation that hasn't appeared for many years hits her heart, and her heart beats faster and faster....

Guan Youlan looked at the crowd in front of her. Their figures began to blur, and the noisy sounds around her became clear and harsh....

Why at this time?

Guan Youlan's breathing became rapid, her thin white wrists covered her chest, and her expression became pale and uncomfortable.

She wanted to move her feet, but she couldn't take a single step.....No more.....

Guan Youlan slowly squatted down and hugged her body with her wrists.

She felt like she was about to suffocate and couldn't breathe.....

The feeling of pain spread throughout her body. She let the tourists around her walk by without any reaction. She just squatted on the ground and hugged herself into a ball.

As if she sensed something, Guan Tiantian in the crowd became impatient.

"Uncle, have you found dad?"

"It will be soon, don't worry."The tourist uncle comforted


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