The passionate piano music made all the players stop.

This piano music is so unique and extraordinary. The player is of high level and definitely not an ordinary person!

Not only the staff, but all the tourists began to crowd in the direction of the piano.

"You play it so well!"

"My God, it was so fast that I couldn’t see her movements clearly!"

"What kind of piano music is this? I have never heard it before, it is so touching!"

"Isn't this Guan Tiantian? The musical prodigy!"

"My god it's Guan Tiantian!!!"

"That’s right, it’s the cute little sweetie!".....

Most of the people present were young parents and children.

Since the broadcast of Mushroom House, the musical prodigy Guan Tiantian has become an idol among children of this generation.

Speaking of the musical prodigy Guan Tiantian, many children in elementary school and kindergarten know and admire her.

And these young parents are loyal viewers of Mushroom House.

As parents with children, they are full of love for this cute and talented prodigy.

Many parents present may be the audience who were very distressed when they saw Tiantian crying in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, they were all excited to recognize Guan Tiantian.

Those who have reacted have already started to take pictures with their mobile phones.

The musical prodigy plays the piano at such a high level and with such shocking music. It would be strange if this video is not popular!

But Guan Tiantian doesn't care about the excited people around her. She closes her eyes tightly and her long eyelashes tremble slightly.

A pair of chubby little hands have never stopped!

At this moment, Guan Youlan, who suddenly opened her eyes, was awakened by the trembling music.

The feeling of fear that suffocated her gradually disappeared!

She finally had the strength to stand up and followed the crowd towards the direction where the piano sounded.

But there were too many people and the seat was too far away. She walked for a long time but couldn't squeeze in.

She could only hear some discussions from her ears.

"He is a musical prodigy!"

"He plays the piano so well. How can a child who is only four or five years old be so good?"

"The staff member who just played the piano seemed to have his eyes popping out of his head!"......

Hearing keywords like"musical prodigy" and"child of four or five years old", Guan Youlan's eyes suddenly lit up.

She could determine without even thinking....

It was Tiantian playing the piano!

It must be her!!

She was using this method to tell herself where she was!

Guan Youlan was excited, and in an instant she burst out with strength from nowhere.

With strength she had never used before in her life, she tried hard to get into the dense crowd.

At this moment, the sound of the piano was getting closer and closer, like a guiding light in the vast ocean, illuminating Guan Youlan's heart.

She was no longer afraid of the crowd, she just wanted to break through the obstacles and see her daughter!

In another direction, Ye Fang heard the sound of the piano, his expression moved slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Sure enough, it was Flight of the Bumblebee."

Some time ago, Ye Fang was learning to play the piano, so he wrote down the very famous"Flight of the Bumblebee" in his previous life. It was used as an exercise when practicing the piano.

This song is very demanding of skills and is also very suitable for improving piano level.

But he didn't expect that it would be seen by the naughty Tiantian. He didn't expect that Tiantian had never practiced once during this period of time, but could play it to such a level.

The speed is comparable to the playing speed of the original author in the previous life!

But Ye Fang was also relieved.

Tiantian has grown up and knows how to use this method to remind him and show her position.

Now, she is the brightest star in the entire musical theater. Everyone is looking at her and moving in her direction involuntarily.

Without stopping for long, Ye Fang moved his long legs and easily crossed the crowd with his height advantage.

Jia Xiaobing, the tourist who was responsible for bringing Guan Tiantian here, squeezed in when he heard the piano.

Then he saw Guan Tiantian playing hard.

""That's amazing, she is indeed a musical prodigy." Jia Xiaobing was shocked and exclaimed, and at the same time felt lucky.

He was lucky to have met Guan Tiantian in the amusement park, and also lucky to be responsible for bringing her back to Mr. Dao Ye.

This child is an extremely bright star, emitting dazzling light.

""Dad, I want to learn piano too." The son shook his father's arm and said with admiration.

If nothing unexpected happens, Guan Tiantian will be the person he admires most in his little heart.

"Okay, let's go back and study." Jia Xiaobing smiled and nodded. He didn't ask his son to learn well, but at least he found his own interests and direction.

This is a rare thing!

At the front of the crowd, a delicate woman finally broke through the crowd. She was usually clean and tidy, and her long hair tied behind her head was a little messy at the moment.

But she couldn't care less. She looked at the center of the stage, the person who was playing the piano with all her heart.

"It's really sweet、"

Instantly, tears welled up in her eyes, and her heart was filled with great joy.

Since she was born, Guan Tiantian was everything to her, the direction of her life.

Although her musical sense was average, she had listened to many of them and knew very well how good Guan Tiantian's piano skills were. Her level was very high among her peers, but compared to celebrities, it was nothing. It was just better than most.

But today, this piano piece written by someone unknown made Guan Youlan feel...

Guan Tiantian's piano skills have greatly improved! She has even become as good as those famous musicians who have been playing in the music world for decades! She has a unique style and strong playing ability. In just ten days, Tiantian has made such a big improvement.

This is because....Mr. Ye?

She knew very well that she had never been able to help her daughter with music.

Only Mr. Ye, who was also gifted in music, could influence her daughter.���If she stayed longer, one year, two years, what level would her daughter reach?

National level? World level?

Guan Youlan couldn't imagine it. She never had high expectations for Guan Tiantian.

But the child likes music. If she can reach an unprecedented height, the child must be happy and happy, right?

Making children happy is the happiest thing for parents!

The moment Guan Youlan saw Guan Tiantian playing Flight of the Bumblebee, several thoughts flashed through her mind.

She originally only planned to let Guan Tiantian stay with Ye Fang for a while longer....

Now, she felt that she had to reconsider.

This was not only an expectation for Tiantian, but also for herself. It was also an important matter.

At the same time, Ye Fang also walked to the front of the crowd....

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