Ye Fang always thought that Guan Tiantian had a high talent, much higher than the average person.

But he had no idea of this level, because he had no rough judgment of any of his abilities.

Only by comparison can we know clearly the level.

Ye Fang had lived in Manyuan Village for five years. Who could he compare with?

Similarly, he had no idea of Guan Tiantian's musical talent.

But on the first day he met Guan Tiantian, the two played together.

Therefore, Ye Fang clearly remembered how good Guan Tiantian's piano skills were ten days ago.

Looking at Guan Tiantian playing on the stage at this moment, she was immersed in herself and her level had improved dramatically.

According to the usual description, it means to soar on a rocket!

Tiantian really deserves the title of"musical prodigy".

Similarly, Ye Fang also had the idea of cultivating Guan Tiantian's musical level.

Before, he just wanted to teach her by the way, and occasionally said a few words to her, but what he said was all dry goods.

He just wanted his daughter to go deeper into the world of music.

But now, Ye Fang felt that he could not waste his daughter's extraordinary musical talent.

She can reach the top position in the world!

"Miss Guan."

Ye Fang came back to his senses and saw Guan Youlan standing in front of him, looking at Guan Tiantian with a complicated expression.

Guan Youlan turned around and saw Ye Fang.

"Tiantian is on top. Guan Youlan pointed at Guan Tiantian.

"I know."Ye Fang nodded slightly, indicating that he saw

"She played a piano piece whose name she didn't know..."Guan Youlan said again, with doubt in her eyes.

Mr. Ye can also play the piano, and his level is very high. You should have heard it before, right?

Guan Youlan waited for Ye Fang to answer her doubts, but she heard Ye Fang say:

"This is the music score on my computer desk. Tiantian may have seen it and secretly learned it."

""Huh?" Guan Youlan's beautiful eyes were full of surprise, and she covered her mouth in disbelief.

She still had a certain appreciation for music.

This piano piece was very unique, otherwise it would not have attracted the entire musical theater.

She originally thought it was the work of a foreign pianist, but unexpectedly, it was Mr. Ye's....

This is too...Amazing!

But at the same time, she realized something and apologized hurriedly.

""I'm sorry, Mr. Ye. Tiantian is a rude girl who played your piano piece casually. I'll teach her a lesson later!"

Although Guan Tiantian is Ye Fang's daughter, they are not very close father and daughter after all, but just got to know each other.

Even if they are very close, they should not play their father's music in public casually.

This is an era that emphasizes copyright. If someone takes advantage of it and takes it away, how much loss will it be for Mr. Ye? This is a top piano piece that will be passed down through the ages!

After all, Guan Youlan comes from a scholarly family. She knows these principles and apologized immediately.

Instead, Ye Fang was confused by her reaction and laughed softly:

"Miss Guan, no need to apologize. This sheet music was originally used by me to practice piano music."

"Tiantian can play so well, I am very pleased, I want to give this score to her and register it in her name."

Guan Youlan was shocked again, and was so surprised that she couldn't speak.

Such a precious piano piece, Mr. Ye said he would give it to her.....

This shows how much Mr. Ye loves Tiantian!

It was at this moment that Guan Youlan completely let go of all her prejudices against Ye Fang. She also completely accepted in her heart that Ye Fang was Guan Tiantian's father.

Even though he hadn't raised or taken care of her in the past five years, what he had done in these ten days was enough to make up for the missing five years!

Ye Fang looked at Guan Tiantian who was playing the piano absorbedly, took a step, walked to Guan Tiantian's side and sat down, tapping the black and white piano keys with his fingers, playing with Guan Tiantian.

A more superb, steady, strong and unique piano sound that was different from the children's style joined in.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the tall man who suddenly appeared.

"Who is this?"

"He plays the piano very well too, is he a staff member?"

"Could this be...Mr. Ye?"......

Gradually, some people recognized Ye Fang wearing a mask, and the audience became excited again.

When Guan Tiantian heard the piano sound, she suddenly opened her bright eyes and looked at her father who was smiling at her tenderly.

"I will play it with you again, and you must listen carefully to the difference."

Ye Fang reminded her with a faint smile.

Guan Tiantian came back to her senses from the surprise and nodded vigorously, her big eyes full of expectation.

Listening carefully to her father's playing, the smart girl found many different problems from her own.

Dad was using this method to tell her where she went wrong.

And Guan Tiantian was also very good. She could identify all the mistakes and omissions after listening only once, and remember them in her heart.

For the last time, Guan Tiantian raised her chubby little hands, sat on the left side of Ye Fang, and played perfectly with Ye Fang.

The shock doubled!

The audience took pictures of this scene!

In the video, the tall back was sitting on the right side of the petite loli, and the father and daughter were very close.

The two puppets They smiled at each other, the picture was warm and beautiful.

But they played such exciting music, but their relaxed look made people who can play the piano grit their teeth.

Damn, this is too strong!

They even had a hard time playing so fast.

The father and daughter in this video are still able to smile at each other, looking relaxed and comfortable.

Don’t you think it’s infuriating? ? ?

Guan Tiantian was in a good mood.

Dad really found her through the sound of the piano, and she could take this opportunity to play with her father.

Now, in the eyes of everyone, she openly showed her presence with her father.

So happy, what a wonderful day!

At this moment, Guan Tiantian had long forgotten the fear that had just made her shrink into a ball.


Guan Youlan's beautiful eyes were shining as she stared at the scene on the stage.

For the first time, she began to envy Ye Fang for being able to play so freely and give the child the right guidance.

There was nothing she could do.....

Perhaps, Tiantian should stay with Mr. Ye for a while longer....

Or even longer days.

This is absolutely beneficial to Tiantian.

She wants to see Tiantian shine in the piano world in the future!

Her eyes shifted from Guan Tiantian to Ye Fang.

As she watched, her cheeks revealed a faint pink color.

Men are most handsome when they are serious, and the way Mr. Ye plays makes the air full of hormones.

So handsome....

No wonder, no wonder Tang Yanran, this stinky girl, spoke in a completely different way after meeting him.

She even took the initiative to rent a car for him....

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