A lost little cutie is standing at the entrance of the village with a headache.

Because of work, she was unable to reach the south of the colorful clouds with her friends.

She sneaked out from under the nose of her agent sister when she was changing clothes after work.

Mom probably knows it now.

But she still resolutely embarked on the journey to find her father.

Seeing the sky gradually darken, she stamped her feet anxiously.

The initial courage, now frightened by the unfamiliar surroundings and the gradually darkening night, made her regret a little.

But she still followed the route given by An An and tried hard to find it.

Soon, she will see her father!

This is the only motivation that keeps her moving forward......

The little Lolita was lost over there, and here, everyone was immersed in Ye Fang's cooking.

After the ingredients were marinated, Ye Fang washed the banana leaves and blanched them, then drained the water for later use.

The three little ones kept staring at Ye Fang's hands, expecting their father to choose the banana leaves they picked.

But the materials were limited, and only one banana leaf could be used. Ye Fang chose the most suitable banana leaf picked by Zhang Zifeng.

Zhang Zifeng couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth, feeling inexplicably happy in his heart, and his cheeks flushed with excitement.

But Yang Anan and Guan Tiantian, the two childish ghosts, felt aggrieved when they saw that the banana leaves they picked were not selected.

Guan Tiantian was so aggrieved that tears were about to fall:"Dad doesn't like the banana leaves picked by Tiantian, why not use Tiantian's!"

"Dad is biased! He just said that An An picked the most suitable banana leaves!"

In response to the accusations of the two little girls, Teacher Huang and Teacher He comforted them helplessly.

"There are too many banana leaves. Is it okay to save the other two leaves for later use?"

"No! Tiantian wants dad to use my banana leaves!"Guan Tiantian said with red eyes.

"Can Daddy use An'an?" Yang An'an also started to act like a spoiled child.

After all, this was a war about who would truly get Daddy in the future, and no one wanted to admit defeat.

Yaoyao was quick-witted, and she watched the two little girls arguing, without any intention of joining in.

Does Daddy have to use whose banana leaf he likes? Two little fools!

Redina widened her beautiful eyes in shock. When had she ever seen little An'an so spoiled?

Usually, she was a female man. At the age of five, she could take care of herself, and even make simple pasta, breakfast, etc. for herself.

Now, she was actually arguing with Guan Tiantian, a delicate little girl, about such a small matter....

As expected, little An'an really cares about Mr. Ye as a father!

But Sister Mi must be upset to see this scene. After all, she is the daughter she raised with her own hands, but she cares so much about a strange father who is related by blood.

However, little An'an has never felt the love of a father since she was a child, so it is understandable that she cares so much.

I just don't know if Mr. Ye can balance the dispute between the two little girls?

Ye Fang was also at a loss for words. He glanced at the remaining ingredients on one side and had an idea. He smiled at the two crying little girls:

"I'd like to make a few more dumplings or other dishes and use these two banana leaves, okay?"

"Really?" Guan Tiantian looked at Ye Fang blankly, and after getting a definite answer, she jumped up and down in joy.

"Daddy also used my banana leaves!"Yang Anan saw Guan Tiantian was so happy that she also laughed, but she hummed proudly to Guan Tiantian. No matter how childish a child is, he is still cute.

But Ye Fang's small move satisfied the needs of the two children and coaxed them, which was really amazing.

As a father of three children, Mr. Huang silently gave Ye Fang a thumbs up.

"Mr. Ye is amazing."

Redina also showed a gratified smile.

It's rare to see Xiao An'an smile so happily.

The comments in the live broadcast room praised:

"Mr. Ye is amazing, he solved the conflict between the two little ones in an instant"

"I now doubt whether Mr. Ye is really their father!"

"Hahahaha, that’s how kids are!"

"Although the two little girls look very smart, they are only five years old after all!"

"Mr. Ye is very good at taking care of children!"

"This trick learned 1"

"I won’t say any more. I’ll buy the plane ticket right now and fly over to have a baby with Mr. Ye!"......

Wrap the marinated chicken tendons, sauce and side dishes in banana leaves, tie them up with ropes and grill them over charcoal. Bake for about 15 minutes.....

The cutie was following the route on the map and had found the location. She was tired and hungry. She thought she could see her daddy, but she saw an empty yard and house.

What was going on? Where was her daddy? Where were An An and the others? ?

The cutie's confused eyes were wet.

At this moment, a scent drifted over from the next yard not far away.

The cutie's nose, which was covered by the mask, moved slightly, and she couldn't help swallowing.

"What a nice smell...."The childish voice murmured to herself.

She had sneaked out for the whole day, and there was no store in Manyuan Village. She hadn't eaten for a day. She was so hungry.....

At this moment, in her eyes, the courtyard next door with bright lights and fragrant aroma is simply heaven!...

My mom said that there are still many good people in the world. If you go and get some food, it should be okay if you give them some money....

The little cutie thought silently in his heart, took a step, and his body involuntarily walked towards the fragrance.

At this time, everyone in the mushroom house was drooling.

"What a delicious smell!"Teacher Huang stood in the kitchen, staring at the roasted chicken feet that Ye Fang was baking.

The aroma was already wafting out, very tempting!

"Very hungry..."Peng Peng, who was chopping wood, suddenly felt that he had no strength. He put down the axe in his hand, crawled to the kitchen door, and swallowed his saliva.

Zhang Zifeng's gluttony had been aroused long ago, and he was waiting for the braised chicken feet to be baked!

The three little ones stood on tiptoe, stood at the window and looked inside, swallowing their saliva.

Director Lao Wang, who was sitting far away, was holding back at this moment, and wanted to rush into the kitchen and feast on it.

But the photographer had to persist, stay rational, and shoot the braised chicken feet that were about to come out of the oven.

Soon, several side dishes fried by Teacher Huang were placed on the table. The braised chicken feet and other braised dishes were almost baked.

Zhang Zifeng and Redina couldn't wait to serve the dishes on the table.

Everything was ready, and everyone sat down.

But no one moved their chopsticks, and their eyes were fixed on the banana leaves that had not yet been opened.

Ye Fang cut the rope with scissors and slowly peeled the banana leaves.

Instant! Amid the smoke, the scene in the banana leaves slowly appeared in the camera.

""What a nice smell!" Yang Anan exclaimed excitedly and expectantly.

The little cutie who was smelling the aroma and walking to the door saw Yang Anan sitting in the paradise in her eyes, waiting for her meal.

She was hungry, tired and thirsty, and anger suddenly burst out of her delicate eyes. She put her hands on her hips and shouted:"Yang Anan!!!"

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