When the rising mist, accompanied by the aroma, burst out in the mushroom house, Yang Anan's saliva almost flowed out.

It looks so delicious!

Various ingredients and chicken feet tendons are mixed together, and the red, green and white colors make people look very appetizing.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed.

Sniffing this tempting aroma, everyone kept swallowing their saliva

"This smell is so fragrant."Teacher He couldn't help but smell it and his eyes widened.

"Is this Bao Shao? In one word, absolutely!"Teacher Huang smelled the aroma, and his eyes lit up instantly.

This made him see the unique flavor of the Dai people!

Peng Peng held the chopsticks in his hand, and he wanted to throw away the chopsticks and eat it directly with his hands. The fragrance made him even hungrier, and he almost lost his mind.

Zhang Zifeng blinked her bright eyes, very surprised.

She had always been curious about the Bao Shao chicken feet made by Mr. Ye, and now she could finally eat it.

Mr. Ye's cooking skills are very good!

For some reason, after watching Ye Fang's handsome appearance in the kitchen, she felt a strong sense of satisfaction in her heart when she thought that she would be able to eat the dishes he made later.

The staff of the"Yearning" program group was even more deadly.

I can't stand the smell of this smell, but they can only watch!

Redina is a well-known foodie in the circle. Now she has made money and is a small rich woman. She has also spent a lot on food.

And the Bao Shao chicken feet in front of her made her bite her lip.

It smells so good!....

Looking at the scene filled with smoke, I can't control myself anymore.

I have to admit that Mr. Ye has passed the test perfectly in terms of cooking skills!

Even Redina envied Xiao An'an a little, and she could eat such delicious food every day in the future!

Thinking of this, I felt a little sour in my heart!

The audience in the live broadcast room drooled at the camera!

"Ahhh! It looks so delicious!"

"I'm working overtime and I'm about to cry!"

"It's time for lunch now. What should I do when I'm hungry?"

"I just want to ask, Mr. Ye, do you need a wife? I don't want a dowry, a house or a car, I just want to have a meal!"

"Show me you're hungry, so hurry up and order some takeout!"

"Is this what is the roasted chicken feet? I want to eat it too!"

"Sisters, stop talking, locate Manyuan Village and charge!"

"Damn it, I just made up my mind to lose weight, but I ate a bowl of instant noodles. Forget it, I’ll lose weight tomorrow!"

"If I were given a husband like Mr. Ye, I would be willing to die of obesity!"

"You're dreaming upstairs! Are you worthy of Mr. Ye if you get fat?"......

Guan Tiantian smacked her lips, staring at the roasted chicken feet.

"Daddy’s cooking skills are so great!!"

She praised Ye Fang sweetly, which made Ye Fang smile and pat Guan Tiantian’s head:"Eat more later."、"

""Okay!" Guan Tiantian nodded with a sweet smile, but the adults hadn't started eating yet, so she was embarrassed to eat first and could only look at others eagerly.

Yaoyao's family was wealthy, so what kind of delicacies had she not eaten?

But facing the steamed buns in front of her, her throat moved slightly.

She paid great attention to her ladylike image, but the aroma made her unable to control herself!

Teacher Huang said with satisfaction:"Thank you, Mr. Ye, for letting me see the charm of steamed buns and improving my cooking skills.、"

"Is this why you let the guests cook?"Teacher He said with a smile.

The smile on Teacher Huang's face turned into embarrassment, and he glared at Teacher He:"I am learning! I am definitely not being lazy!"

"Right, right, this is learning!"Teacher He nodded with a smile, his eyes teasing.

The two old friends who had known each other for more than 20 years were teasing each other. Teacher Huang noticed that the eyes of several children were about to fall into the dishes, and said with a smile:

"Look how greedy these kids are, everyone pick up their chopsticks!"

The oldest senior spoke, and only then did the younger generations dare to pick up their chopsticks.

Yang Anan couldn't wait to pick up a piece of chicken tendon, put it in his mouth and chew it.

It was crispy, tender and chewy, fragrant but not greasy!

It tasted too delicious!!!

Yang Anan's eyes lit up:"Dad's cooking is so delicious!"

"Eat more if it tastes good!"Ye Fang looked at her satisfied look, and for some reason, he felt fulfilled in his heart.

He stroked Yang Anan's head and smiled.

The warm gaze between the father and daughter was seen in the eyes of the little cutie who was walking to the door of the mushroom house.

Thinking about how he had been wandering all day, cold, thirsty and hungry, Yang Anan, this stinky girl, actually enjoyed her father's love in advance. The little cutie stomped her feet in anger, took a deep breath, and shouted

""Yang An'an!!!!"

The terrifying roar of the little Hedong lion startled Yang An'an and her body began to tremble.

It's over, how could they forget her?

Everyone looked sideways with curiosity.

In the night wind of Manyuan Village, there stood a lonely little figure.

Compared with the bright lights of the mushroom house, she looked helpless, weak, and pitiful standing in the dark, which made people feel distressed.

Her appearance made everyone confused.

The three little ones in the daytime haven't found their parents yet, and here comes another little Loli?

When Teacher He was about to get up and ask the children what was going on, the other party was already angry and walked over quickly.

Guan Tiantian, Yang An'an, and Yaoyao all showed a look of hindsight and bad looks on their faces.

How could they forget her!

This is bad. A day has passed, and they are enjoying the food and the company of their father here.

Looking at her like this, she has suffered a lot this day!

"What should I do?"

Guan Tiantian didn't know what to do with her flustered hands, and Yang Anan's hands holding the chopsticks were shaking.

Yaoyao was relatively calm, swallowed her saliva and said,"Wait, just say we forgot, and we'll come together if there's anything."���, OK?"

Guan Tiantian and Yang Anan were also panicking at this moment, and nodded, deciding to carry it together.

When the other party rushed into the yard of the mushroom house, Yang Anan closed her eyes nervously, and secretly counted with her sisters, three, two, one!

"We forgot!"

"It was An An who forgot!"

"It was An An who forgot!"

Yang An An nodded vigorously, then realized something was wrong, opened her eyes, and looked at Guan Tian Tian and Yao Yao blankly.

You! You betrayed me!!!

Guan Tian Tian closed her eyes guiltily, not daring to look.

Yao Yao coughed twice and looked away.

"Yang Anan!" She put her hands on her waist angrily, her anger was surging, which made Yang Anan feel scared.

"Youyou, please listen to my explanation....."Yang Anan said with a trembling voice.

Teacher Huang and others stared at this scene in a daze, and asked in confusion:"Anan, do you know this kid?"

The little cutie was about to get angry, but suddenly heard a low voice, her little body trembled, her sight slowly shifted, and she saw Ye Fang who was looking at her in confusion.

Yes, it's Dad!


Big tears fell from her clear eyes.

She took off her mask and sunglasses, wanting Ye Fang to see her clearly. She shouted and threw herself into his arms.


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