He met with several former professors of Peking Opera and had a meal.

During the meal, several teachers were very surprised that Ye Fang had disappeared for five years and suddenly appeared alive with five lovely daughters.

But Ye Fang only mentioned the children's life experience to Professor Wu, who was closest to him.

One night passed.

In the early morning, after Ye Fang and the five children had packed up, he locked the door and entrusted the keys to a custodial company run by a familiar classmate.

The custodial company will arrange people to clean and maintain the house on a regular basis.

Ye Fang didn't know when he would come back after leaving, but this house was his home in Kyoto, and he still hoped that it would remain clean and tidy during his absence.

After returning the car to the car rental company, Ye Fang took a seven-seater car to the airport.

This time, Ye Fang put masks on all five children to ensure that no one would recognize them. They passed the security check safely and got on the plane.

Two hours later, the plane landed and taxied. Yang Anan excitedly lay in front of the window and looked at the scenery outside.

"It's still beautiful here~"

Although she had only stayed in Manyuan Village for a week, Yang Anan had completely fallen in love with this land.

Probably because her father had lived here for five years, or even longer.

She liked her father, so she also liked this land.

Gently rubbing Yang Anan's little head, the cabin door opened, and the passengers walked out of the plane in an orderly manner.

At the airport, several people from the Mushroom House had gathered together.

"Finally, I can meet the audience again!" Peng Peng excitedly waved at the camera.

"Teacher Huang, I haven't seen you for a few days. You seem to have lost some weight."Teacher He observed his old friend and said with a smile.

"You won't have to cook, and you'll lose weight naturally!"Mr. Huang nodded and replied with a smile.

"Why hasn't Mr. Ye arrived yet?"Sister Zifeng looked around with her big eyes, looking for Ye Fang.

Teacher Huang couldn't help but secretly shook her head. Her daughter has grown up, and her heart has also flown away!

The audience in the live broadcast room was very excited:

"Wow! I've been waiting for so long and finally got to the second episode!"

"Sister Zifeng is still so cute!"

"Where is Mr. Ye? I miss him so much!!!"

"I am different. What I miss is my lovely Tiantian!"

" Yaoyao pinch!!!"

"Let me see my five daughters!"

"Have you watched it? Mr. Ye and Tiantian's ensemble is popular again!"

"Ever since I learned that Mr. Ye can compose piano music, I love him even more!"

"That song"Flight of the Bumblebee" is so hard to learn! I practiced for several days but still couldn't learn it."


From a distance, five little yellow hats attracted the audience's attention. When everyone looked over, they saw five little girls of average size, holding hands and following the tall figure.

"It's Mr. Ye and the five little ones!"Peng Peng's eyes lit up and he said in surprise.

"The little yellow hats are so cute!"Zhang Zifeng was instantly attracted by these five cute little glutinous rice balls.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He smiled like aunts when they saw the five little ones.

There was no other way, these five little ones were all cute, and wearing little yellow hats, they were even cuter!

They tricked us into having a daughter!

The audience in the live broadcast room were even more overwhelmed by the cuteness of the five little guys.

They all praised the method that Ye Fang came up with.

In this way, the five children are the most eye-catching, and they are not afraid of getting lost.

"Teacher Huang, Teacher He."Seeing the camera, Ye Fang took off his mask, revealing his handsome face, and greeted with a smile.

Guan Tiantian immediately ran into Zhang Zifeng's arms.

"Sister Zifeng~~~I missed you so much!"

Hearing this sweet voice, Zhang Zifeng's heart softened and he picked up the little guy.

He kissed the little fair face.

Ye Fang smiled as he watched this scene. Teacher Huang smiled and said,"Everyone is here, let's go!"

""Let's go!!!" Peng Peng shouted, and everyone left the airport.

Outside the airport, there were huge crowds of people.

They were all fans who came to see the Mushroom House family.

Peng Peng said proudly:"Look, these are my brother's fans!"

Zhang Zifeng was about to hit his brother for showing off, but suddenly he heard a scream in his ear.

"Ahhhhh! Mr. Ye!!"

"I love you Mr. Ye!!!"

"Mr. Ye, you are so handsome!!!!"

"I want to give birth to a monkey for you, Mr. Ye!!!"......

The young girls were holding Ye Fang's name tags and photos, and Peng Peng's voice seemed very weak among the screams. It was completely suppressed.

Peng Peng's face froze and turned red in an instant. He was hit in the face.

""Hahahaha!" Teacher Huang followed behind and watched Peng Peng boasting. He didn't expect reality to come so quickly.

Teacher Huang laughed mercilessly, and Teacher He and others also laughed.

Ye Fang couldn't help but smile. With Peng Peng around, he was the happy pill of the Mushroom House.

The group followed the passage blocked by the staff and got on the car safely.

Tang Qianqian looked back. , The little face was pressed against the car window, waving goodbye to the fans behind him.

The soft voice shouted"bye, bye."

The fans screamed again, and were so cute by the cute little guy's actions.

Several cars drove along the way, and the beautiful scenery of Xishuangbanna was visible. The five children were particularly quiet in the car, enjoying the beautiful mountains and rivers.

"This place is really beautiful." Wen Yaoyao couldn't help but sigh.

It's worthy of being the place chosen by her father, the scenery is beautiful!

"We will live here in the future too!" Liu Youyou was very happy just imagining it.

""With Dad~" Yang Anan said with a happy smile.

The children are looking forward to their future life....

Two hours later, the car drove into Manyuan Village. Villagers who were working in the fields, women washing clothes, and children playing on the street all looked over.

The car window was lowered, and Ye Fang smiled and nodded to everyone one by one.

"Mr. Ye is back!"

"Mr. Ye, I have freshly picked water spinach at home.���I'll send it to you later."

"Hello Mr. Ye!"......

Teacher Huang and Teacher He were very surprised that Ye Fang recognized all the villagers who passed by along the way. He greeted them one by one in dialect.

If they didn't know that Ye Fang was not a local, they would have thought that Ye Fang had returned to his hometown.

It can be seen that Ye Fang has lived here for five years and has completely integrated into the life here!

Soon, the car stopped in front of the garden, the door opened, and everyone got out and took their luggage.

Ye Fang asked the children to go to the mushroom house with Teacher Huang and others first, and he put his luggage back.

Pushing open the gate, everything in the yard was the same as before.

In the house, a thin layer of dust accumulated on the table. Ye Fang rolled up his sleeves, picked up the tools, and cleaned it carefully.

After everything was cleaned up, Ye Fang smiled with satisfaction.

His eyes fell on the photo of a young man and woman placed on the table.

"I'm back."

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