When everything was packed up, Ye Fang walked out of the sunflower yard.

In the mushroom house, the five little ones were being intimate with the dog they hadn't seen for a long time, and saying hello to the little animals.

""Caiyun, Zhinan, we are back~" Guan Tiantian put her little face in front of the railing and waved to the peacock couple Caiyun and Zhinan.

Caiyun suddenly called out and spread her gorgeous tail wings.

""Wow!" Yang Anan clapped her hands happily, and the faces of the five little ones were filled with surprise and excitement.

After Wen Yaoyao stayed in the mushroom house for a long time, she gradually showed her childish side.

Ye Fang walked into the yard with a smile. Seeing that Teacher Huang had just put down her luggage, she put on an apron and started to busy herself in the kitchen.

He walked into the kitchen and put on an apron to help.

Before Ye Fang came, cooking was Teacher Huang's job, and Teacher He could only help at most.

But after Ye Fang came, there was an extra chef in the kitchen, and it gradually became his job.

Teacher He, Zhang Zifeng, and Peng Peng were cleaning the dusty mushroom house.

Little H and Little O ran around the five little ones happily.

The sun fell on the lively mushroom house, adding a bit of warm halo.

The camera pulled away from the mushroom house and captured the entire Manyuan Village.

The audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed:

"Such a life is really wonderful!"

"I like the life in the mushroom house so much1"

"When this picture came out, I realized that it was indeed the life I longed for!"

"When will the guests arrive?"

"Excited, want to see when the guests will arrive,"

"Awooooooooooooooooo! It’s so beautiful!".......

Half an hour later, the food was ready and everyone sat down.

Due to time constraints, lunch was very simple, with some special side dishes from Manyuan Village.

"I'm so touched!" Peng Peng held the bowl exaggeratedly and looked at the dishes on the table:"I haven't eaten Brother Ye's cooking for three days. It feels like a whole century has passed."

""Thanks, Brother Ye, for letting me taste this delicacy!"

Peng Peng just wanted to express his praise, but his gradually fatter round face and expression made him look very greasy.

Teacher Huang couldn't help but stare at him:"Peng Peng, you really look more and more like Brother Bo."

""Poof!" The rice in Peng Peng's mouth sprayed out directly

""Mr. Huang, I'm a young and handsome guy, okay!" Peng Peng boasted to himself narcissistically.

Mr. He couldn't help but cover his eyes:"Peng Peng, seriously, you should lose weight, you are too greasy!"

"I am greasy???" Peng Peng felt very aggrieved. How come he became the target of ridicule as soon as he arrived at the Mushroom House?

Zhang Zifeng also nodded seriously and said,"Brother should really lose weight."

"So I suggest that my brother should only eat one bowl for this meal, so that we can eat more.~"

"My sister is right, Pengpeng, eat less and don’t compete with us!"

"You are an idol actor, you should pay attention to your image!"

Teacher Huang's eyes lit up and he agreed with Zhang Zifeng's suggestion.

This made Peng Peng's eyes widen:"I finally get to eat the food cooked by Brother Ye, so I'm fine with being fat!"

"I'm willing to die of obesity!"

After saying that, he immediately picked up a piece of food with chopsticks and ate half of the plate.

"....."Teacher He looked helplessly at Peng Peng's pile of food, and silently sighed in his heart that Peng Peng's fans were going to be wiped out again.

A brief quarrel made Ye Fang smile faintly.

The feeling of the mushroom house came back instantly.

After dinner, Zhang Zifeng and the five little ones cleaned the table and washed the dishes.

Teacher Huang and others admired the scenery of Manyuan Village.

Looking at the villagers returning from the fields with hoes, and the children who came back from the Hope Primary School for lunch break, talking and laughing.

Teacher Huang picked his teeth with a toothpick and smiled,"After staying in a busy place for a long time, I really should stay in Manyuan Village for a while."

"Cleanse your mind"

"Yes, young people nowadays live too fast, life should slow down."

Teacher He nodded with a smile.

Looking at the children leaving school, he thought of his childhood.

Ye Fang smiled and said,"It would be more pleasant to buy a popsicle at this time."

"Now that you mention it, I remember it!"Teacher Huang sat up, ran into the kitchen, and started making popsicles with yogurt.

By the way, he completed the advertising task assigned by the program team.

"OK, freeze it for half an hour, and you can enjoy the delicious yogurt popsicles."

After doing this, Teacher Huang clapped his hands again and sat back in his seat with a smile.

The mushroom house was quiet again. The children whispered to each other. After washing the dishes, they accompanied Zhang Zifeng to feed the cows and sheep.

Suddenly, the ringtone of the mushroom house rang, breaking the silence.

Teacher He got up and went to answer the phone.

"Hello, this is the Mushroom House、"

"Hello, Mr. He. I am a customer who will be arriving soon. Can I order food?"

""Of course!"

A very gentle female voice came from the other end of the phone. Teacher He guessed who the other party was. It didn't seem to be a voice from the entertainment industry. However, the guests of the Mushroom House are not limited to people in the entertainment industry.

As long as they are celebrities, they may come back.

"I want to order one..Garlic butter shrimp, light salad, coconut milk stewed chicken, salt and pepper spare ribs...That's all."

This girl ordered a lot of dishes!

Teacher He sighed in his heart, this will be tiring for Teacher Huang and Ye Fang.

""Okay, no problem." Teacher He agreed with a smile.

Thinking of the chicken stewed in coconut milk, he guessed that someone would have to climb up the troublesome coconut tree!

After hanging up the phone, Teacher He returned to the yard. Teacher Huang looked back at him:

"Are you a guest?"

"Yes, we ordered quite a few dishes!"

"What dish?"This is related to the difficulty of his work tonight, Teacher Huang immediately asked

"Garlic butter shrimp, light salad, coconut milk stewed chicken, salt and pepper spare ribs.’

"Hey, they did order a lot, but can a light salad be considered a dish?"

Teacher Huang could understand the other three dishes, but since they were all at the Mushroom House, most of the guests came here to eat. They actually ordered a light salad?

But after eating the other three high-calorie dishes, is it necessary to eat a light salad?

This dish is a bit strange!

When Ye Fang heard the names of the other three dishes, his expression paused and he felt strange.

These three dishes seemed to be the dishes he made for the five little ones when he was in Kyoto. Is it such a coincidence?

He didn't think much about it, because Teacher Huang and Teacher He began to study the tallest coconut tree in the yard.

"Peng Peng, can you handle it?" Teacher Huang stroked his chin and looked at Peng Peng who was happily teasing the children.

""Ah? I'm afraid of heights, I can't do it!" Peng Peng waved his hands quickly. This tree is more than ten meters high!

""Peng Peng, you are the only one who can do this!" Teacher Huang shook his head.

They were too embarrassed to let Ye Fang go up, and Peng Peng was the only one who was young and strong, so he was more suitable. After all, they couldn't stand the pressure of asking their idol with millions of fans in the live broadcast room to climb a tree!

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