"Is that so?" Teacher Huang nodded in understanding, and said to Liu Youyou with a kind smile:

"Youyou, just tell us what you like to eat, don't be shy."

They are all grown men, how can they pay attention to such details?

Liu Youyou nodded guiltily and said in a baby voice:"Okay, thank you, Mr. Huang、"

"Good girl!" Teacher Huang patted her on the head and once again had the idea of having a daughter.

Teacher He praised:"Girls are really observant. We old men really didn't notice it."

Zhang Zifeng was embarrassed to hear this. She didn't notice it either as a girl.

Sister Liu is really meticulous. She is worthy of being a goddess!

The barrage in the live broadcast room also praised:

"My goddess is considerate and meticulous"

"Wow! She is indeed my goddess."

"You know what, I feel that Youyou and Liu Tianxian look somewhat similar!"

"Whoever can marry the goddess will be happy!"

"The guy above is dreaming. The goddess said she would never marry!"

"Hiss, so, such a good goddess is going to live alone for her whole life?"

"As a fan, I also hope that the goddess can find a good home."....

Seeing that such a good goddess has to live a lonely life, the true fans sighed.

Because when Liu Youyou and Liu Tianxian, who had just reunited, breathed a sigh of relief, Ye Fang's eyes changed.

Both of them have the surname Liu, and Youyou's eyes when looking at Liu Tianxian are also very different.

Could it be that...

Liu Tianxian is Youyou's mother?

It's funny to say that Ye Fang has never done a paternity test, but he can inexplicably determine that the five little ones are his biological daughters. And because he just wants to accompany the five little ones, he has never asked about their mother....

Besides Guan Tiantian and Yang Anan, he also knew who Tang Qianqian's mother was....

As for the rest, he didn't know.

Even when Liu Tianxian came to his door, he didn't know that this was his daughter's biological mother.

How embarrassing!

But at this moment, Ye Fang realized this, and understood that the relationship between the two could not be made public for the time being.

Everyone continued to chat and eat. Half an hour later, after dinner, Zhang Zifeng and the five little ones washed the dishes, and Guan Youlan took the initiative to help.

After the amusement park incident, Guan Youlan began to realize that her life was a failure.

She always lived for others, but never lived for herself.

She didn't have any particularly powerful skills, but at least she started with life.

This is also to become a qualified mother.

Seeing her daughter Tiantian smiling all the time and her clear and pleasant laughter ringing all the time, Guan Youlan was also happy in her heart.

She looked at Ye Fang's handsome profile, and her memory went back to a few days ago.

After the dinner with the leaders of the amusement park, Mr. Ye had a few words with her in private.

"Miss Guan, I have something to say to you."

"Mr. Ye, you say."

Ye Fang smiled and said sincerely:"Miss Guan is very young, but you have gambled your life on your child."

"I understand your reason for having a child through sperm transplantation. You don't want to be bound by marriage."

"But have you ever thought about...You have also bound Tiantian to your life."

These few words froze the smile on Guan Youlan's face.

She knew that she knew everything Ye Fang said.

When Tiantian was by her side, she had not realized these things, but since Ye Fang appeared.

She gradually discovered her past mistakes.

She has never married in her life and regarded Tiantian as everything. Now the child is still young and still needs her.

But when the child's values mature and has his own circle of life, what should she do?

Maybe at that time, when Tiantian wants to break away from her life, she will turn around and blame the child for being cold-blooded and unfilial.

After all, at that time, she will no longer be old, and there will be no sympathetic people around her.

Without a child, she will really be a lonely old man.

Loneliness can distort a person's heart, and the half of her life she has devoted to Tiantian will eventually change her original intention.

In the end, for the child, there is only the bondage that cannot be escaped.

Guan Youlan herself does not want it to be like this

"Miss Guan, you should find the meaning and fun of your existence."

The last sentence, Ye Fang said to Guan Youlan, but also to himself.

After Yu Ge's death, his life seemed to stagnate.

But the appearance of his five daughters made the tree in his heart start to grow again.

This tree is the meaning and fun of life.

Although they both regard children as the meaning of the future, Ye Fang is different from Guan Youlan.

His investment is unrequited. Even if he is alone in the future, he has a person who will never grow old or die in his heart.

Guan Youlan and he are different after all.

The memory ends, Guan Youlan looks back God came.

She wanted to find the meaning and fun of her life, and regarded the cultivation of Tiantian as a branch line of life, rather than the main line.

The sudden realization of her thoughts made her life more colorful and she also had many ideas.

Let's start with living a good life!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Fang put on sports shoes for the five children, sprayed them with insect repellent, and brought some alcohol, Band-Aids and other items.

In order to prevent the five little ones from getting injured accidentally, they also brought medicine to treat the wounds.

They also carried five cartoon kettles filled with water, and they were ready to set off.

Seeing that Ye Fang was fully prepared, Teacher Huang couldn't help but shake his head and sighed

"This is the dad! A qualified dad!"

The comments in the live broadcast room were:

"Wow! Do I need to bring so many things?"

"Mr. Ye is so thoughtful, he is worthy of being a dad!"

"If I could have a husband like this, what more could I ask for!"

"I dream of having a husband like this!"

"You upstairs are really dreaming!"

"Woo woo woo, look at my kid’s father, he was kicked away!"

"Love it!"......

Liu Tianxian's beautiful phoenix eyes are full of���She smiled, and she felt ashamed to see Mr. Ye being so meticulous.

Guan Youlan looked at their actions and asked without knowing the situation:

"Where is this going?"

"Let’s go play in the forest!"Guan Tiantian replied with a sweet smile.

"Forest? That's too dangerous!" Guan Youlan got up in a hurry, feeling a little uneasy.

But when others looked at her suspiciously, she realized that she was being too concerned. She could only pretend to be interested:"Can I go with you? I haven't been there before.""

"Sure." Teacher Huang smiled and nodded:"Ye Fang, you are familiar with the forest, let the two guests have a look." After the guests left, they were happy to relax, and they could enjoy the air conditioning and chat!

Liu Tianxian was not worried, because Mr. Ye was calm and steady, so she was not worried.

However, she was also very interested in the primitive forest of Manyuan Village, so she stood up and said:

"Okay, I'll go and take a look too."

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