So the two guests and Ye Fang and his group set off to the primeval forest near the village of Maian.

Only Teacher Huang and Teacher He were left in the mushroom house to enjoy the coolness.

After everyone left, Teacher Huang took a sip of Nanyun white tea from his teacup, enjoying the coolness of the air conditioner, and said happily:

"You can have a good rest today."

"Yes! I haven't been so relaxed for a long time."

Teacher He drank a mouthful of yogurt and said with a smile.

He added:"This season, we are much more relaxed with Mr. Ye!"

"Compared to last season, it's simply heaven."

Thinking back to last season, the two were busy running around. Peng Peng and Zi Feng couldn't cook, and they were not good at livening up the atmosphere.

Without Dahua, the two old people were really busy.

But after Ye Fang came this season, the show had a lot more hot spots, and they didn't have to deliberately create them.

With help in cooking, efficiency has been greatly improved.

Although they seem to be small things, when combined, it is the two of them who are relaxed.

Teacher Huang nodded in agreement:"Yes!"

"But then again, don't you think there's something strange about the two female guests here today?"

Teacher Huang is indeed an old fox. He saw at a glance that something was wrong with the atmosphere, but he couldn't tell exactly what was wrong. After all, he didn't have a God's perspective. He just noticed something a little different.

"Is there? It's quite normal! Miss Guan is not from the entertainment industry, but she is a beauty."

Teacher He praised Guan Youlan's appearance. The first thing the entertainment industry looks at is appearance, and the second is acting skills.

Guan Youlan, an ordinary person, can have a beauty that can kill top actresses in seconds, which impressed Teacher He.

"Indeed." Teacher Huang nodded in approval.

The two of them were just chatting and forgot about it in a flash.

"I don't know how they play."

"It should be fun, but we are all old and too lazy to move!"

The two of them said leisurely while enjoying the cool air. In the forest, several people who were enjoying the scenery along the way were very excited.

"This is just like in the movies, so beautiful."Bold Peng Peng couldn't help but praise.

There are few bushes in the forest, all of which are towering thousand-year-old trees. The branches of the trees are intertwined.

The lush branches and leaves that stretch out are like green clouds, covering the blue sky tightly. A huge camphor tree suddenly appeared in front of us, and the thick and strange branches coiled around the tree like a dragon. The branches and leaves made a rustling sound when the breeze passed by.

The soil under my feet was accompanied by rotten leaves, wet and slippery.

The scenery is nice, but it's easy to slip when walking!


Liu Tianxian slipped and almost fell.

Ye Fang quickly raised his hand to pull her up, but unlike the waist-holding movements in TV dramas, he pulled her sleeves. He didn't even touch her skin.

Liu Tianxian felt her sleeves tighten, and she was pulled to stand firm by the force.

"Are you okay?"Guan Youlan was startled and quickly supported Liu Tianxian's body so that she could stand steadily.

Ye Fang let go of his fingers and smiled,"Are you okay?"

"It's okay. It's okay."Liu Tianxian smiled awkwardly. She was so busy admiring that she didn't look at her feet.

Fortunately, Mr. Ye held her back....Sleeves, otherwise I would fall.

But why did he pull the sleeves and not even touch them with his hands?...

Liu Tianxian was somewhat self-doubting. How much did Mr. Ye dislike her?

Ye Fang was a person who was afraid of trouble.

When Tang Yanran fell, he pulled her, resulting in a fractured wrist.

This time, many cameras were focused on her, and thinking about what happened last time, Ye Fang chose to just pull the other person's sleeve.

This could avoid unnecessary news and prevent Liu Tianxian from getting hurt.

The audience in the live broadcast room:

"Hahahaha, what the hell is Mr. Ye doing pulling his sleeves?"

"Puff puff puff, does Mr. Ye dislike Liu Tianxian?"

"What a gentleman! Wonderful!"

"Great! Hahahahahaha!"

"Liu Tianxian's painful expression made me laugh to death"

"Mr. Ye is worthy of being Mr. Ye. He can choose to hold the other person's sleeve at this time."

"I am afraid of rumors! Mr. Ye is such a good man. I love him."

"Sorry, my stomach is shaking from laughing".......

This scene made the audience in the live broadcast room laugh for a while.

Liu Tianxian is a top beauty in the entertainment industry, and her suitors have circled around Kyoto three times!

But such a beauty, most people can't even touch her, but Mr. Ye doesn't care, and even doesn't want to have any contact.

Mr. Ye is indeed a gentleman!

The audience in the live broadcast room was very happy.

Guan Youlan saw everything, made sure her bestie was not injured, and then looked at her frustrated expression

"Puff puff..."

Guan Youlan tried to hold back her laughter but made a sound

"What are you laughing at?"

Liu Tianxian was not embarrassed at first, but her best friend actually laughed at her secretly!

This made her blush and she felt that her image was completely ruined.

"It's nothing, Mr. Ye is just like that, you just get used to it."

Guan Youlan saw that her best friend was about to get angry, so she swallowed her smile and said in a serious voice.

Mr. Ye, who seemed to have no interest in all women, naturally had no intention of getting close to her best friend Liu Tianxian! The only one among them who had touched Mr. Ye was the girl Tang Yanran, right?

Strange, what was the envy that suddenly arose in her heart?

Guan Youlan's cheeks were flushed, and she was embarrassed about her thoughts in her heart.

Suddenly, a shout came from the jungle,


This cry was quick and sharp. It sounded like the person who made the sound was in trouble.

Everyone was startled. Peng Peng and Ye Fang, the only two men, looked at each other and decided to move closer to the source of the sound.

"Just walk behind us two." Ye Fang instructed Zhang Feng, Guan Youlan, and Liu Tianxian behind him.

The five little ones were protected by the three women behind them.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but hold their breath, not knowing what was going on ahead.

The photographer immediately followed, and the atmosphere suddenly became very tense.

Is someone in danger in the wild?

This was the first guess in the hearts of several people, but everything needed to be confirmed by getting closer.

Fortunately, they were many in number and didn't have too much to worry about, so they gradually approached the source of the sound.

Trivial sounds came from the tall leaves.

Before they really got close, they heard bursts of sound.

"Don't kill me!!"

A shrill, weak voice shouted

"You are such a good runner, I must kill you today, otherwise, I won't be able to report back!"

Another voice panted and sneered.

After hearing the conversation, several people froze in place.

This is...Encountered a murder scene?

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