"Come sit over here."

Redina smiled gently, with understanding on her beautiful face.

She patted the edge of the bed and greeted Zhang Zifeng with a smile.

""Ah?" Zhang Zifeng looked confused, but still walked over obediently and sat next to Redina.

When he got closer, Zhang Zifeng found that sister Xiaodi's skin was really delicate and her deep facial features were full of exotic charm. Her eyelashes were also very long and curled. It was a perfect face that any girl would envy and hate!

There is a kind of clean and comfortable beauty without makeup. When she puts on light makeup during the day, it is a stunning beauty.

Zhang Zifeng stared at Redina's bare face, his mind full of how beautiful she was.

Then he thought of Redina's invitation to Ye Fang to become An An's stepfather last night.

Sister Xiaodi is so beautiful, Mr. Ye might really be moved, right?

After all, Mr. Ye's girlfriend has passed away for five years, and it is normal for Mr. Ye to fall in love again now.....

Zhang Zifeng's thoughts drifted far away, and she had long forgotten the purpose of sitting here.

Suddenly, a cool feeling came from her skin, making Zhang Zifeng tremble all over.

Looking up, she saw Redina's face close at hand, looking very serious.

She then realized that Sister Xiaodi was applying liquid foundation to her.

Redina smiled as she applied it,"After you finish the college entrance examination, you can also start learning how to put on makeup."

"Your skin and facial features are very good, but the camera absorbs makeup, so you should put on some light makeup to beautify and improve your complexion, so that you will look better in front of the camera."

Redina said softly in her clear voice.

She was very gentle when applying makeup to her, for fear of hurting her.

Zhang Zifeng was very grateful and a little trembling in her heart.

She had met Redina before, but they didn't cooperate much and had no contact in private.

Now she found that Sister Xiaodi was really a gentle big sister, meticulous and considerate.

Thinking of how she eavesdropped last night and peeped into her private life and secrets, Zhang Zifeng felt guilty and uneasy.

She closed her eyes and let Redina apply the makeup to her. A minute later, Redina moved her hand away, looked at her carefully, and nodded with satisfaction....

"Okay, go look in the mirror again."

Zhang Zifeng turned around quickly as if escaping, away from Redina, and went into the bathroom.

Looking at the mirror in the bathroom, her dark circles disappeared magically, and she looked very healthy.

Sister Xiaodi must have applied blush on her, otherwise she wouldn't look so healthy.

Sister Xiaodi is really considerate.

Zhang Zifeng secretly warned himself in his heart that what he heard and saw last night should be treated as nothing.

He must not hurt this kind and caring sister.

As for Mr. Ye ,....

Zhang Zifeng decided to hide her feelings deep in her heart, as if she had never fallen in love. No matter how she looked at it, she had no chance. Her heart was not moved because she thought she had to get the person she liked.

It was good to just watch him from afar and see him get happy.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zifeng felt much better. She adjusted her expression in front of the mirror and then walked out of the bathroom in surprise.

‘Great, I really can't tell.、'

"Well, as long as you are satisfied."Redina nodded with a smile, feeling a little puzzled in her heart. She always felt that Zifeng was a little weird today.

What was weird about it? She couldn't tell.

After all, it was not the worm in her stomach.

After they packed up, they went downstairs together. At this time, the phone in the mushroom house rang again.

Redina picked up the phone and heard a childish voice:"Sister, I'm at the entrance of the village, come and pick me up!"

"A child?" Redina hung up the phone with a puzzled look on her face.

She told this to Teacher He who had just come out, and Teacher He smiled and said,"Let's go, let's go to the village entrance and pick up some guests."

The air in the early morning was very fresh. Redina had nothing to do anyway, so she set off with Zhang Zifeng, followed Teacher He in the car, and walked to the village entrance. They soon arrived at the village entrance and aimed the camera at it.

A tall figure with his back to the camera appeared, and Redina's beautiful face was full of suspicion.

"Is this the girl? She doesn't look like a child."

The other person suddenly turned around and made a cute face to Redina.

""Hello, Sister Xiaodi!"

The childish voice came out through a microphone at the corner of her mouth. It turned out to be a voice changer!

Clear and bright pupils, curved eyebrows, fair and flawless skin with a faint blush, thin lips, and a smiling mole at the corner of her mouth.

The audience was familiar with her face and recognized it at a glance as the popular young actress Guan Tong'er!

Her clear eyes were cunning and a bit playful.

Seeing Guan Tong'er, the audience in the live broadcast room were excited.

"Awoooooooooooooooooo!!! Here comes another big beautiful lady!!!"

"Guan Tong'er!!!!"

"I never guessed it was Guan Tong'er!"

"So happy~~~~~"

"The popular young actresses are here!"

"So naughty hahahaha!"

"Suddenly I understood why Tiantian was scared! This is her cousin!"

"Why don’t you come to pick up your sweet cousin when she comes?"

"Suddenly I understood why Tiantian cried in the morning. Was she afraid that her cousin would take her back?"

"Tong'er is still so beautiful!".......

Redina was stunned when she saw Guan Tong'er, then she smiled helplessly and shook her head:"I couldn't hear your voice changer."

"Hehe, I have a surprise for you guys!" Guan Tonger gave Redina a hug, and shook hands with Teacher He and Zhang Zifeng.

"Hello, Mr. He, I am Guan Tonger"

""Little sister Zifeng is so pretty!"

Guan Tong'er is very lively. She is in her early twenties and has been in contact with directors and actors of this kind since she was a child.

She is not afraid in front of the camera and is very calm.

"Welcome, welcome. I heard you ordered a long list of dishes."Teacher He smiled politely and started chatting.

"Hahaha, I am more of a foodie, I want to eat everything!" Guan Tong'er said with a generous smile

"Okay, let's go back to the Mushroom House first. Teacher Huang has prepared breakfast for us to eat."

Teacher He kindly helped Guan Tong'er with the luggage, and the four of them got in the car.

Guan Tong'er admired the farmland scenery of Manyuan Village, but did not forget the main purpose of his visit, and smiled.

"Teacher He, were there four kids coming to the Mushroom House yesterday?"

Redina's mind moved slightly. She had long guessed that Guan Tong'er's purpose for coming to the Mushroom House was similar to hers.

She came for her cousin Guan Tiantian, right?

"Yes, the four little ones are very cute."When talking about the four little ones, the smile on Teacher He's face became much gentler.

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