Teacher He had not thought about the sister relationship between Guan Tong'er and Guan Tiantian, and smiled as she described the four little ones' warmth and cuteness.

Guan Tong'er was very direct and polite, saying,"Actually, I came here this time to bring my cousin, Tiantian, home."

"Sweet...Is she your cousin?"Teacher He was slightly stunned, and glanced at Guan Tong'er through the rearview mirror.

Suddenly, he remembered Guan Tiantian's life experience, the successor of folk art chosen by Grandpa Guan.

Although she is a distant granddaughter of the Guan family, she is loved and taught as a real granddaughter.

In terms of relationship, she is also the cousin of Guan Tong'er, the popular young actress.

Teacher He smiled embarrassedly:"Look at my slow brain, I just remembered that you are Tiantian's cousin."

The car returned to silence.

Teacher He thought of Guan Tiantian's closeness to Ye Fang, and estimated that if she was asked to go home now, she would definitely be reluctant.

If she knew that her cousin was coming to take her home....

He could imagine Guan Tiantian crying with pear blossoms in the rain, which made people feel pity.

Although he is not a father, anyone who sees a cute child like Tiantian will feel distressed when seeing her tears!

Soon, the car arrived at the end of the flower road. After parking the car, Teacher He helped Guan Tonger carry the suitcase, and the four of them walked towards the mushroom house.

From a distance, Guan Tonger saw the small sunflower yard.

In reality, it is really beautiful and messy! It is exquisite everywhere.

Is this Mr. Ye's home?

Guan Tonger stretched her neck thinking that maybe she could see Mr. Ye, but unfortunately there was no one in the yard.

She came to the mushroom house this time mainly to take Tiantian home and complete the task assigned by her grandfather.

Of course, it would be better if she could see Mr. Ye, who made her very curious.

But she couldn't deliberately bother Ye Fang to satisfy her curiosity.

That changed the taste in the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room.

She is now in the rising period of her career, and there must be no scandals, and she must keep a distance from the opposite sex!

Thinking of this, Guan Tong'er withdrew his gaze in disappointment, crossed the flower path and stepped into the mushroom house.

""Hello, Teacher Huang!" As soon as Guan Tong'er walked into the yard, he saw Teacher Huang busy in the kitchen and greeted her generously.

When Teacher Huang saw Guan Tong'er, a kind smile appeared on her chubby face.

"Welcome, welcome. Put your luggage in and you can come out to eat!"

Because the mushroom house only has two long bedrooms, men and women are separated.

So Guan Tong'er will live in the same bedroom with Redina and other girls.

Going upstairs and entering the bedroom, Guan Tong'er was wondering why he didn't see his cousin Guan Tiantian.

Then he saw three little girls sitting on the bed in the bedroom.

"Hello, Sister Xiaotong~" Liu Youyou waved with a sweet smile, looking innocent and lively.

"Hello, Youyou, have you seen Tiantian?"

Guan Tong'er didn't want any accidents to happen in her main mission of coming to Manyuan Village, so she asked

"Tiantian? I don't know! I didn't see her when I woke up this morning."

When mentioning Guan Tiantian, Liu Youyou frowned, her tone full of worry, helplessness, and innocence.

Yang Anan also nodded seriously:"Did Tiantian go back? She said she missed her mother very much!"

"Went back? Impossible."Guan Tong'er was confused by the three children. She put down her luggage blankly, took out her mobile phone suspiciously and called her family.

After answering the call, she confirmed that Guan Tiantian did not go home. Guan Tong'er was a little anxious.

Where did Tiantian go?

Behind her, Liu Youyou and the other two covered their mouths and laughed smugly, but they would not laugh out loud.

The feeling of teasing adults is very exciting and fun.

When Guan Tong'er came to his senses, the three children immediately returned to their innocent and worried looks.

The audience in the live broadcast room through the camera saw everything.

"My god, the acting skills of these three little ones are so good!"

"Is this the naughty kid?"

"Wow! These are real sisters!"

"Look! Even five-year-olds are loyal!!! Thinking of my fake sisters makes me vomit blood"

"??? Isn’t Tiantian Morning still here?"

"Are you stupid upstairs? They hid Tiantian!"

"Where did Tiantian go? I hope Tong'er didn't find out!"

"Hahahaha, Tong'er could never have imagined that the three little angels actually had devil tails!".......

"Is Tiantian really not in the Mushroom House?" Guan Tong'er asked again.

She was really anxious. Guan Tiantian was her favorite sister and the inheritor of the family's folk art.

This child had disappeared once. If she disappeared again this time, she would be at a loss.、

"do not know..."Yaoyao shook her head, and her ponytails also shook.

They didn't seem to be lying, mainly because Guan Tong'er didn't think her ability to distinguish would be fooled by three little kids.

She was completely anxious now.

At this moment, Teacher Huang called them downstairs for breakfast, and the three little ones filed out in an instant, leaving Guan Tong'er alone in the bedroom anxiously.

No! It's no use worrying by herself, she has to ask Teacher Huang and Teacher He to help find it.

So she hurried downstairs again.

"Teacher Huang, something bad has happened!"Guan Tong'er's clear voice just called out in a hurry, and a tall figure came over.

At this moment, the morning sun was shining down and projected on him. He came against the light, as if he was the subtle light emanating from his body.

He had starry eyebrows and sword eyes, a handsome face, a strong outline, and an upright figure.

Guan Tong'er suddenly saw a man coming over, standing there in a daze, and the words were stuck in his throat halfway.

Ye Fang, Mr. Ye, himself.

Guan Tong'er secretly added in her heart, only to feel that Mr. Ye himself was more handsome and more temperamental than what he saw in the live broadcast room.

Just like people praise a beautiful woman for her temperament, a handsome man must also have temperament.

Only now did she understand what it meant to be gentle and jade-like, a young man without parallel in the world, and if he wore a costume, he would be the main actor in a costume drama

"Little girl, what did you say?"When Teacher Huang saw that Guan Tong'er hadn't finished speaking, he interrupted her and asked

"Huh?"Guan Tong'er came back to her senses in a daze, and then she realized that she had lost her mind in front of a man!

Who is she, Guan Tong'er!

With her family background, talent, and status in the entertainment industry, if she wants to fall in love, she can choose any opposite sex she wants?

She actually...Being distracted by a father with a daughter,

Guan Tong'er slapped his head hard, secretly cursing himself for being so useless!

"Mr. Ye? Why are you here?"Teacher Huang noticed Ye Fang who walked into the yard and asked with a smile.

Ye Fang smiled and said.

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