What made Mr. Huang angry was that if he knew the diva would come, he would prepare more of his specialties in advance.

At least he couldn't be rude to the guests!

Originally, he thought it was just a few family members, so he just used the ingredients on hand to make some cross-bridge rice noodles.

Mr. Huang looked at the table awkwardly and smiled,"I didn't know you were coming, so I didn't prepare any dishes...."

Teacher He also smiled awkwardly. It was really not good to use cross-bridge rice noodles to entertain the queen.

But the princess' eyes fell on the rich side dishes and cross-bridge rice noodles on the table. Her calm eyes lit up and she smiled and said:

"I had to catch a flight early in the morning. I hadn't had breakfast yet. I didn't expect to be able to eat as soon as I arrived!"

After saying that, he walked to the dining table, moved an empty chair by himself, and sat in the empty corner.

The princess's free and easy and natural movements stunned everyone.

There was no way. This was the queen of heaven. Everyone looked up to her and made her look distant and ethereal.

Now the queen of heaven moved a small stool and sat down on her own. The sense of distance disappeared instantly, which was really inconsistent with her identity!

Shouldn't she be that kind of indifferent and very elegant?

Peng Peng froze in his action of moving a chair for the princess, and he withdrew his hand awkwardly.

The princess herself didn't think there was anything special.

In addition to being a queen of heaven, she was also an ordinary person who needed to eat, breathe, and live.

She was such a casual person in her life, and she didn't wait for others to do everything for her anytime and anywhere.

What's more, her main purpose was not to come as a guest, but Ye Fang.

But this looked weird in the eyes of others.

It was shocking.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all stunned:

"Is this still the queen of my imagination?"

"Is the queen so casual in private?"

"Seriously, divas are also human beings, this is very normal and down-to-earth!"

"Wow! The sense of distance when the queen first appeared was gone instantly!"

"Hahahaha, Teacher Huang and the others’ expressions are so funny!"

"I laughed, and Peng Peng silently withdrew his hand."

"I like it so much! So this is what the queen looks like!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Please give me a thumbs up, this will make me like my idol more!"......

Except for the princess, everyone else was still standing there, dazed, not quite adapting.

The princess was already very hungry, and at this moment

, only food was in her eyes. Only when she is full can she do her work well!

She raised her hand and wanted to pick up the bowl to pick up some rice noodles for herself, but she didn't know which bowl was useless. She looked up and wanted to ask Teacher Huang, but found that everyone was staring at her without blinking.

The princess smiled and said,"Why don't you sit down? Is there something strange about me?"

"Huh?" Teacher He was the first to react. He smiled and waved his hands, saying,"No, no, everyone please sit down."

Although they were surprised, they couldn't let the princess feel that she was being treated differently!

Ye Fang didn't fit in with the others. He had already sat down and picked up food for the four children with a light face.

He knew the princess, but the princess was a distant and untouchable existence to him.

Ye Fang would not have too many emotions for people who had nothing to do with him.

Everyone sat down one after another, and Teacher Huang hurriedly brought a clean bowl for the princess.

Finally, she had the cross-bridge rice noodles to fill her hunger, and the princess thanked Teacher Huang with a smile.

Everyone still didn't dare to believe it, and their eyes fell on the princess from time to time. The queen of heaven was really sitting here, eating noodles in a casual manner with a unique way.

Because of her arrival, Zhang Zifeng, Guan Tong'er and others seemed much more restrained, and only the four little ones whispered with their father.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He exchanged glances and decided to ask why the queen of heaven came.

It is impossible for the queen of heaven to suddenly appear in Xiangwang. It is estimated that there is a reason.

Thinking about it, when the queen of heaven put down her bowl and chopsticks and showed a comfortable smile on her face, Teacher Huang interrupted and said with a smile:

"Is the princess on tour recently?"

"Yes." The princess nodded slightly:"I have been so busy lately that I have no time to eat properly. This is the most complete meal I have ever eaten."

Celebrities all understand.

They do make more money than others, but when they are busy, eating and sleeping normally become luxuries. It is even common to not rest for several days and nights in a row.

Therefore, most celebrities will give themselves a long vacation after being busy for a while.

But this is not the point of Mr. Huang.

He smiled and said,"You are so busy and still have time to participate in Yearning. Mr. He and I welcome it very much."

Peng Peng also nodded wildly:"I welcome it too! I grew up listening to your songs"

"So, I seem to be very old?" The princess said jokingly with a funny look on her face.

""No, no, no!" Peng Peng quickly waved his hands and patted his own pig brain. Why did he say something that would cause misunderstanding?

Teacher Huang secretly pinched the flesh on Peng Peng's thigh.

We are just trying to ask questions, and you interrupted me! I was about to ask the question!

Peng Peng let out a"woop" and looked at Teacher Huang aggrievedly:"Teacher Huang, why did you pinch me?"

".....‘Teacher Huang turned away with an embarrassed look, resisting the urge to hang Peng Peng up and whip him.

Everyone looked at Teacher Huang in confusion, which made his old face turn red and he wanted to find a hole to crawl into.

Teacher He knew the reason, and he held back his laughter, his body shaking.

The audience in the live broadcast room witnessed everything and laughed:

"Oh my goodness, Peng Peng’s EQ is really a flaw!"

"I heard that Peng Peng is in love recently. Let's observe a two-minute silence for Peng Peng's girlfriend."

"Hahaha, Teacher Huang’s old face is so red!"

"I laughed so hard, Peng Peng, you really have low EQ!"

"Teacher He, stop holding it in and just laugh!"


"Seeing Peng Peng's aggrieved look, I laughed like a pig."

I am dying of laughter!"

"Suddenly I felt Peng Peng���He is Mr. Huang's nemesis and undermines his demeanor as a fortune teller!".........

Everyone looked at Teacher Huang in confusion, and Teacher He simply asked

"Princess, is there anything you need when you come to Xiangwang this time?"

The princess took a sip of tea, and when she heard this question, she looked at Ye Fang who was wiping Yang Anan's mouth.

"In fact, I came here for Mr. Ye this time."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's attention on Teacher Huang instantly shifted to Ye Fang. The

Queen came for Mr. Ye?

What does that mean???

Ye Fang put down the tissue in his hand and looked at the princess, after all, the other party mentioned him.

The princess didn't care about causing misunderstandings, nor did she mind telling the purpose of her coming to Manyuan Village.

Anyway, she would say it sooner or later.

It's better to take this opportunity to express her sincerity directly to Mr. Ye!

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