This was said halfway, which could easily cause misunderstandings. Zhang Zifeng and Guan Tong'er both widened their eyes.

The princess continued,"I hope to cooperate with Mr. Ye in music."

The second sentence made everyone feel relieved, but also a little amused.

Can't this be said all at once? It's easy to cause misunderstandings!

The princess didn't realize that her short sentence would cause misunderstandings. She just smiled and looked at Ye Fang sincerely.

She took the initiative to express her desire to cooperate with Ye Fang.

Teacher Huang was relieved at first, and then her expression was shocked. She didn't expect that she guessed right. The queen really came for Ye Fang, although not as he misunderstood, but for music cooperation?

Ye Fang is indeed very talented, but compared with the queen of special status, Ye Fang is just an outsider, an amateur after all. It can be seen how great Ye Fang's musical talent is in the eyes of music professionals that the queen can take the initiative to come to him for cooperation.

But it's also true. If Ye Fang took the opportunity to debut when his first song became a big hit five years ago, his current status would probably not be inferior to those first-class singers.

What's more, Ye Fang is a singer-songwriter, and he deserves the title of a gold medal singer-songwriter.

Although Ye Fang's songs are only published on the Internet, his influence in the music scene is not small.

Many top singers have covered his songs, and even translated them into other countries' singing styles, becoming popular in other countries.

Such an achievement is only because he has maintained his mystery and suppressed his fame.

Only fans who have truly traced the sources of those songs know the existence of the anonymous great god.

It is understandable that the princess wants to cooperate.

It's just that the princess is very sincere to come to the remote Manyuan Village for cooperation!

They underestimated Ye Fang's weight in the queen's heart!

The barrage in the live broadcast room floated up:

"As expected! The princess came for a music collaboration!"

"The princess didn’t even bring a bodyguard, she is so sincere!"

"To be honest, I am looking forward to the cooperation between the princess and Ye Fang!"

"It turns out that I have the same taste as the queen. I like Mr. Ye’s songs, hehe!"

"Love it!"

"Looking forward to their collaboration!"

"Mr. Ye, please satisfy the princess’ cooperation!"

"Come on! Let's have a musical collision!"......

Zhang Zifeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had misunderstood the Queen's intention.

It turned out to be for cooperation!

But if it was for cooperation, why would the Queen run so far for this?...Mr. Ye is so amazing.

Zhang Zifeng's eyes were sparkling with admiration when she looked at Ye Fang.

Although she had only known Ye Fang for one day, Ye Fang successfully replaced those idols that Zhang Zifeng liked in her heart and became the person she admired the most.

Guan Tong'er blinked in shock, with a look of surprise on her little face.

Princess, it was for Mr. Ye's song.

How great is Mr. Ye in music?

Unfortunately, although she comes from a family with a long tradition of folk art, her talent for music is really not enough.

She lowered her head slightly and whispered in Guan Tiantian's ear:"Is your father so good at writing songs?"

"Of course!" Guan Tiantian puffed out her chest, her cute face full of pride.

That's her dad!

""Oh," Guan Tong'er nodded, thinking that Tiantian was blinded by the aura of loving her father and didn't believe the little brat's words.

Ye Fang looked directly at the princess and was about to say something, but the princess also raised her heart slightly and waited for Ye Fang's answer.

""Senior sister, you didn't tell me you were coming to Manyuan Village? That's not very nice!"

A voice full of unique flavor sounded from outside the mushroom house.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw a familiar face, dragging a small suitcase and slowly walking over.

Everyone was surprised to see this person's face.

He was wearing a casual sports suit, a baseball cap, and a face that was not particularly handsome.

But it was this face that everyone at the scene knew.

The princess's expression changed, and she frowned slightly, as if she was a little unhappy.

She clearly told Sister Jiaying not to tell others about her coming to Manyuan Village.

That's good, my own junior brother is here!

This man walked into the mushroom house with a smile on his face, neither hurriedly nor slowly. Teacher Huang and Teacher He stood up and went over to say hello.

Zhang Zifeng and Guan Tong'er were still a little confused. This......Another amazing person has arrived!

That's right, the person who came was none other than the princess' junior brother who had the same agent as her, Chen Yixun, a top singer in China, who was one step away from becoming a superstar!

Such a person was a top singer at the same level as the princess.

The arrival of a superstar was already amazing enough, and now another top singer has arrived.

This shocking feeling made Mr. Huang and the others still a little overwhelmed.

Ye Fang stood up with everyone else and went to greet the new guest.

The princess also stood up and looked at Chen Yixun who was greeting Mr. Huang and the others, with a calm smile on her face.

""Junior brother, why are you here?"

Chen Yixun looked directly at his senior sister and smiled,"Senior sister can come, why can't I?"

When their eyes met, there was a smell of gunpowder in the air.

Aren't they brothers? Why did they look at each other with a feeling of smiling but hiding a knife?

Teacher He, who had tasted this, suddenly felt a headache. He could only smile awkwardly and said,"You senior sisters and brothers all came suddenly, and the director didn't even notify us, so we were all a little at a loss."

Teacher Huang also nodded in response and said,"Yes, we were at a loss."

The awkward laughter filled the sky above Manyuan Village.

The reason for being at a loss was not because they came suddenly, but because they felt the gunpowder between the two!

I'm afraid this person is also here for Ye Fang!

Teacher Huang suddenly felt that they didn't find a new member for the Mushroom House, but a god!

The almost unattainable queen and top singer are here.....

"It's okay, the director doesn't know I'm coming." Chen Yixun waved his hand and said with a smile. He didn't care at all whether he was taken seriously or not. His purpose was....Just like the princess!

Seeing Ye Fang, who was two steps behind and walking beside Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng, Chen Yixun directly passed the senior sister standing opposite and enthusiastically shook Ye Fang's hand.

"Mr. Ye, I like all your songs very much, you are so talented!"

This attitude surprised everyone, and they understood where the tension between the senior sister and the junior brother came from.

Chen Yixun also came because of Mr. Ye!

Mr. Ye is really awesome!

This unconcealed praise has directly revealed Chen Yixun's intention.

The princess was ignored, and the junior brother not only interrupted the conversation between her and Mr. Ye, but also got so close to Mr. Ye.

It's really too much!!!!

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