Zhang Zifeng didn't quite understand the matter of feelings, but listening to Mr. Ye's words, she felt the bitter taste in her mouth.

She just felt that her little thoughts were so embarrassing.

She thought that Mr. Ye was already with Sister Xiaodi, and she had no chance to hide her little crush in her heart.

But at this moment, she realized that compared with the fact that Mr. Ye was with Sister Xiaodi, Mr. Ye's deep affection when he mentioned his deceased girlfriend, and after reading that article, she realized the preciousness and purity of their love.

She just felt that her little love was just a small dust in the universe.

It was so small and terrible.

The sunflower yard was full of witnesses of Mr. Ye's love for Miss Lan, and how dare she tell her little feelings?

Zhang Zifeng sipped the wine in small sips, savoring the love between Mr. Ye and Miss Lan.

Even if Mr. Ye didn't say much, she had a very clear understanding of Ye Fang's state of mind in the past five years.

Everything was in a glass of wine.

Her heart was like a needle piercing her constantly, piercing.

So during the dinner, Zhang Zifeng, who was quiet to begin with, didn't say a word and just kept drinking.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked:

"What's going on? Why did Zi Feng suddenly drink so much?"

"Isn't this alcohol very strong? Zi Feng, drink less!"

"Zi Feng, you are still young, don’t drink alcohol!"

"Zi Feng doesn't look very happy? He keeps drinking alone"

"Alas, teenagers also have their own troubles!"

"Zi Feng, stop drinking! It makes my sister sad just by watching you!"

"Zi Feng has been quiet the whole time, and no one knows what she is thinking about."

"Zi Feng, be good, children can't drink too much alcohol"

"Is this wine so delicious?".........

Redina felt a little uncomfortable, and she couldn't describe it.

But she was older than Zhang Zifeng after all, and she understood that people were gone, but Mr. Ye was still alive and needed to continue living.

One day, other people might appear around him, and use new memories to cover his memories with Lan Yuge.

What's more, with Yang Anan and the other four children around, Mr. Ye's life would be more fulfilling.

Maybe soon, he would forget the pain and start again?

Redina had such expectations in her heart, hoping that Mr. Ye's life would gradually become complete.

Of course, there would also be a little bit of her own selfishness.

The princess took in the expressions of the two young girls.

She was in her forties and was used to all kinds of love affairs. Ye Fang was so outstanding that it was normal for him to have a few opposite sexes around him who had a good impression of him.

However, these two girls might not dare to express themselves, so they could only keep it in their hearts.

I just hope that Mr. Ye can meet one of these two girls soon. It would be good.

They are all good girls.

Although the alcohol content of this wine is high, there is no discomfort after drinking it. Even if you drink too much, you will get drunk at most, which is not harmful to the body.

After the bitterness in the mouth fades, people will savor the taste of this wine. After living for decades, who will not encounter some setbacks or regrets in their life?

They all tasted the past in this wine, and some even tasted the taste of love.

It is not only the love of the winemaker Ye Fang, but also their own.

Wine is also a communication of mood. When they are toasting and chatting happily, the sense of distance disappears naturally, and the mood seems to be connected.

As Teacher He changed the topic, the atmosphere became much better.

During the chat, Yaoyao received a message from her mother who had lost contact with her for two days.

Wen Yaoyao looked nervous, her delicate little face was tense, and she was no longer as calm as usual.

She was very afraid that this message would ask her to return to the family immediately.

She always obeyed her mother's words and never refuted them.

She knew it was easy for her mother to manage such a large group, and she also clearly understood what her fate was when she was born.

So she never resisted, and because she was smart and sensible, she felt sorry for her mother's tiredness and was willing to share her burden and not cause her any trouble. She was completely different from Guan Tiantian, who was crybaby and made trouble.

So, if her mother asked her to go home, she would not be as willful as An An and Tiantian, but would force herself to go home obediently.

This was also the disadvantage of her being too smart.

So, she was disappointed that her mother hadn't contacted her for two days, and she was afraid to see this message from her mother.

She took a deep breath and clicked on the message.

"Yaoyao, mom has been busy with the group's affairs these two days and has not been able to take care of you."

"Have a good rest in Manyuan Village, but don't slack off on company matters."

Seeing this message, Wen Yaoyao's round eyes burst into surprise.

""Great!" She exclaimed in surprise, completely losing her ladylike reserve, and frightened Yang Anan who was sitting next to her so much that she almost jumped up on the spot.

"Yaoyao, you scared me to death!" Yang Anan put his hands on his hips and shouted angrily

""Yaoyao, what are you so happy about?" Guan Tiantian blinked her innocent eyes curiously and looked at her.

"Hehe~" Wen Yaoyao immediately recovered her composure, showing a little embarrassment, but she couldn't stop the excitement in her eyes. She secretly shared the mobile phone message with her three sisters.

When Yang Anan saw the message, her eyes lit up and she said in surprise:"That's great, now you don't have to worry about being..."

""Shh!!" Liu Youyou made a quiet gesture, and Yang Anan's loud voice almost made the whole world know

""Oh oh oh oh! Sorry!" Yang Anan was startled, her big eyes rolled around. Seeing that no one noticed her, she lowered her voice and covered her mouth with her chubby little hands.

"Yaoyao, didn't you say you would definitely be taken back?"

Now, only Liu Youyou has not obtained her parents' consent. Yang Anan, Guan Tiantian and Wen Yaoyao have all obtained their mothers' approval.

Liu Youyou felt depressed.

Mom must have known that she had sneaked away from filming and ran to Manyuan Village to find her father.

But Mom has not contacted her yet, and Liu Youyou herself did not dare to contact her actively.

I don't know what Mom's attitude is. I'm really afraid that if she is taken away, I will completely lose my ability to compete!

"Yeah, I'm weird too....."Wen Yaoyao's face was full of confusion. She suddenly saw the tweet on Weibo.

"Ye Fang's story? Isn't Ye Fang the father?"Wen Yaoyao saw the familiar words and curiously clicked on it.

In an instant, she saw this article about Ye Fang's past, his love and regrets.

The four little ones read it, their eyes turned red, their noses felt sour, and Guan Tiantian's tears fell down.

""Dad! Tiantian will always be with you in the future."

Suddenly, Guan Tiantian threw herself into her father's arms sadly.

Holding her father's face full of doubts and tenderness, she cried bitterly.

Guan Tiantian's sudden reaction confused everyone, and they all looked up at Ye Fang and his daughter.

"Okay, stay with me all the time." Although Ye Fang didn't know the situation, his heart softened when he heard Guan Tiantian's words of comfort.

It is said that a daughter is a father's sweet little cotton-padded jacket, and Tiantian must be a double-layered little cotton-padded jacket, super thick and super sweet.

Her crying also made Ye Fang very distressed.

He put down the wine glass in his hand, hugged his daughter and comforted her for a while, and Guan Tiantian stopped sobbing.

Seeing that Guan Tiantian was better, Ye Fang asked gently:"Tiantian, why did you suddenly cry just now?"

Guan Tiantian's eyes were red like a little rabbit, and the tip of her nose was also red. She sniffed her nose and pointed at the article on Yaoyao's mobile phone,

"Because Tiantian saw the story of Dad and Aunt Lan"

""My story with Yu Ge?" Ye Fang had a doubtful look on his face, and he looked at Wen Yaoyao's phone.

Wen Yaoyao's little hand shrank back. She didn't want her father to see the article.

How could Tiantian, her silly sister, tell her father about the article?

Wen Yaoyao's emotional intelligence was higher than that of other children. She naturally knew that Aunt Lan's death was the source of her father's five years of pain.

Now Wen Yaoyao didn't want her father to see anything about Lan Yu Ge.

Seeing Wen Yaoyao's hand subconsciously retracted, Ye Fang smiled and said,"Yaoyao, can you let me see it?"

There was no forcing tone. He knew that Wen Yaoyao was an extremely intelligent child. She had her own ideas, but Ye Fang wanted to take a look.

"good..."Wen Yaoyao looked very embarrassed, but she still handed the phone to Ye Fang.

The less she forced him, the more she couldn't refuse her father's request.

On the phone interface, the title was very obvious,"Ye Fang's Story". The content was very long, but Ye Fang read it very carefully.

Wen Yaoyao was very worried. Would it affect her father's mood?

She carefully observed Ye Fang's expression, but found that he had been���Teacher Huang felt that the atmosphere was a little strange and looked at Teacher He in confusion:

"What's going on? This?"

Teacher He had a headache. She didn't want to mention this matter when the atmosphere was harmonious.

But she didn't expect Tiantian to be so distressed after reading the article that she hugged Ye Fang and cried.

After all, children don't have the self-control of adults, and Guan Tiantian really loves her father, so it's normal for her to be unable to control her emotions.

Teacher He tilted his head and whispered to Teacher Huang,"Someone wrote the story of Ye Fang and his deceased girlfriend on the Internet. It can be seen on Weibo."

Teacher Huang suddenly realized, and his heart was full of curiosity again.

He had long been curious about what kind of girl could make the talented Ye Fang so unforgettable?

Trapped himself in this small courtyard in Manyuan Village for five whole years?

Since someone posted Ye Fang's story on Weibo, he immediately clicked it and started reading.

During this period, Chen Yixun, Peng Peng and others were also curious and whispered to Teacher He and Teacher Huang. After learning about this, they all turned out the article that was hotly searched on Weibo and started reading it.

Zhang Zifeng looked worried, secretly glancing at Ye Fang's profile, fearing that this article would make him uncomfortable.

But Ye Fang didn't have any changes in his expression, and he even seemed to be reading other people's stories.

Zhang Zifeng and Wen Yaoyao were worried, and now they couldn't figure out his mood. Is it really as calm as it seems?

After reading it, the others looked uncomfortable. The princess wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, She is already at an age where she is indifferent to the ups and downs of life, but she was moved to tears when she read this article. It turns out that this is the story in Mr. Ye’s songs!

People who are good at singing are more emotionally sensitive than ordinary people. Seeing Ye Fang’s story, it is a pity that Chen Yixun’s eyes are red and swollen.

"Mr. Ye is indeed a man with a story...."

How could a man who could write those good songs not have experience?

Teacher Huang's eyes flickered, as if there were tears in them. He had experienced a lot, understood a lot, and felt even more pity.

What a good couple!

If Lan Yuge was still alive, they would definitely be a pair of handsome men and beautiful women that everyone in the entertainment industry envied.

It's really a pity!

Peng Peng saw the emotional twists and turns of his idol, sniffed, and made a bitter face. He felt that he was one step closer to his idol.

Redina's beautiful eyes showed heartache. What kind of painful process did Mr. Ye go through to become what he is now, and he can face anything calmly!

If someone said that he would cry in front of others based on the Ye Fang she knew now, Redina would never believe it.

But after seeing the beginning and end of this story, she believed it and understood it.

Mr. Ye was not so indifferent when he was young. He was also a boy with flesh and blood, emotions, and would cry with heartache.

But for five years, he lived alone in the small sunflower yard, from collapse to nostalgia, from nostalgia to being able to perfectly cover up all his emotions.

It is not his original nature to conceal his emotions, but he has grown up.

Just like the saying goes, the joys and sorrows of the world are not the same.

No matter how much comfort others give him, it cannot heal the pain in his heart for five years.

It is better not to show it, and to stay in the middle of the night, facing the starry sky, and tell his sadness.

Mr. Ye now is no longer the Mr. Ye five years ago....

Guan Tong'er has never experienced love, but she has read all kinds of love stories, and she will feel distressed when she sees abusive love.

But compared to novels and TV dramas, the story of life and death separation really happened to the person in front of her.

Her mood was particularly complicated.

But she was more certain that Tiantian's blood father was a good man who valued love and friendship.

He would definitely treat Tiantian well in the future.

However, she also hoped that in the future, there would be another person who could heal Mr. Ye's pain.

For a while, everyone's expressions were full of heartache and touching.

But no one spoke, and they all worriedly watched Ye Fang's reaction, fearing that he would feel uncomfortable.

A few minutes later, Ye Fang returned the phone to Wen Yaoyao, looked up, and saw that a pair of eyes were looking at him vaguely, and when he looked up, they all looked away very obviously.

Ye Fang felt warm in his heart and said with a smile:"Is there something on my face?"

Yang Anan immediately replied naively:"Yes! It's a bit handsome!"

""Pfft, hahahaha!" Peng Peng was originally quite sad, but Yang Anan's sudden naive words made him burst into laughter, and even made snot bubbles!

The snot bubbles appeared so suddenly that everyone was stunned and burst into laughter.

"Oh my god, Peng Peng, you are laughing so hard that your nose is running."


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